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Why shouldn't class hatred be as taboo as racism? "As bad as her" is clearly an overexaggeration given she's clearly a grade A cunt, but the point is, how can you critique someone for being a racist and in the same post call them a chav?


Even if you prescribe to the notion of chav describing a specific type of dress/behaviour (i.e. burberry cap and bucks fizz) which arguably doesn't come under class hatred, this woman doesn't fulfil any of the prerequisite characteristics apart from loutish behaviour -- which is more than covered by describing her as a cunt racist.


So essentially, you're picking out her class, her "irritating voice" (accent/voice is linked to class in a complex way) and using that as an insult.


This is what people did to black people in the 50s. "Look at her massive lips! They're really irritating to look at!"


You say that, but I bet you wouldn't have a problem with someone using a word to insult someone that meant rich and violent.


Also, because the people she's insulting are still caucasian, she's being nationalistic, not racist as she, at least in this case, is justifying her claims by saying that the people aren't English.

Edited by Emasher
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If I call someone a 'chav' (which I never would, I'd use the Scottish term, 'ned') it is in no way related to their class. It is to do with them being wee shites who hang about street corners and do all they can to make everyone else's life a misery. These people might be from working class backgrounds but they could equally be from middle/upper class backgrounds. I know neds from both backgrounds and also know non-neds from both backgrounds.


Whatever background they're from, they're complete arseholes.

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You say that, but I bet you wouldn't have a problem with someone using a word to insult someone that meant rich and violent.


Possibly, I don't know (can't actually think of any particular words / motifs). I'd be more likely to attack them for their politics.


Either way, the point is that rich people have power in a capitalist society. In the same way white people had power over black people. Men had/have power over women. Straight people have power over LGBT people in numbers.


The political aspect of hate is intrinsically linked with power.

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Possibly, I don't know (can't actually think of any particular words / motifs). I'd be more likely to attack them for their politics.


Either way, the point is that rich people have power in a capitalist society. In the same way white people had power over black people. Men had/have power over women. Straight people have power over LGBT people in numbers.


The political aspect of hate is intrinsically linked with power.


Either way, you have very obvious double standards in this case (and apparently with pretty much everything else too). Don't try to claim the neutral ground when calling someone out if you yourself are biased towards one side.

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well i came in here to bash the dirty peasant chav in the video but now i see the thread derailed

(what Charlie, Cube and Daft said)


in all seriousness my biggest problem with that is that the racist scum was hiding behind her kid, she knew as long as the kid was on her lap NOBODY would touch her. Look at the young black guy behind her, he is ready to do what people want to do and throw her out of the tram, but is stopped by others probably because she is shielded by the Child. Others are going on about not in front of the Children and she knows it


If that child hadn't been on her lap or not even with her that would have been a very different video, someone would have shut her up.

So to sum up she's a coward and a racist who uses her own poor child as a human shield. Worst still she'll use him again in court no doubt, "don't send me down i have a kid to look after" and will probably get a suspended sentence

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Typical football bigotry. You have no idea who she supports, yet you choose to label her as a Man United fan.




That's really quick thinking, and you made me laugh. :heh:




As for Chav, I really associate it with "behaviour" rather than "class." You can be from a working or lower class background and be a decent person. But, being a chav is associated with violent behaviour.


If you're calling someone a "lower class prick" or a "low class bastard", then there's an issue. Calling someone a chav for being vile or horrible, I can't say I've got a lot of problems with that.

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Only just watched that video.


It's horrifying that people have these kinds of attitudes. I don't really understand why people have so much hatred for each other, or feel so threatened by a person with different colour skin. I will never understand that.


The ones I feel sorry for are the kids on that tram. What chance have they got if they're exposed to views like this?

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Sorry Chair but you can be any 'class' and still be a chav. Just like you can be any class and still be a cunt. As others have said, it's more about your attitude and actions than your upbringing. So unless you're saying only one particular class can be chavs (which I find to be classist), I don't think you can call MadDog classist for calling that cunt-scum a chav.


That woman is clearly an idiot. I'm glad the transport police are following this up. If she didn't have a kid with her, she wouldn't have left that tram... and no one would've minded.

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Shocking isn't the word. We live in a country where this sort of thing still happens, c'mon now. I feel sorry for every single person on that tram who had to listen to that rant. I agree with what the black woman said after the twerp said stop taking our jobs as well.


But i don't agree with the twerpy chav at all, i feel sickened after watching that to be fair.

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