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Board Games!


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We should seriously genuinely do this and like you guys did recently do a story day. So like three to four 300-500 point matches, of like "The Hunt For Hulk", where each of us plays a group of mercanaries/street level characters + one 100-200 point Hulk figure, (Hulk has been cloned) and have to capture (kill the entire opposition) the other Hulks. Then like....Hulks gang up and destroy the city (map change) and the X-Men VS Avengers VS Spider-Man whatever have to kill each other due to radioactive poisoning or whatever, then you find out The Leader is behind it all, and it culminates in a gargantuan, like.....double map, 900 point each match for winzickles.


Or something. Like three smaller games and one massive one., Etc.





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Cluedo is easy? What do you mean exactly. Surely a board game is only as easy as your opposition makes it. I certainly wouldn't consider Cluedo "easy" its a simple-ruled game but to be the best you need to keep your fucking wits about you.


It's too easy in the sense that after you memorized each characters' place in the little sheet it's very fucking easy to see who your opponents just crossed off, yeah? I do enjoy it, just probably the game I enjoy the least out of all the games I do enjoy. :heh:


Carcassonne is a game for winners.


It's all about the cheeky farmers. ;)


Meh, you'll rarely get more than 21-24 points from farmers...

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It's too easy in the sense that after you memorized each characters' place in the little sheet it's very fucking easy to see who your opponents just crossed off, yeah? I do enjoy it, just probably the game I enjoy the least out of all the games I do enjoy. :heh:


Oooooohhhh I see. Yeah its quite common for games to be easier if you cheat.


I'm half serious, (obviously watching your opponents is a key aspect to the game, but I don't see the need in watching them cross off the name and where abouts they're crossing)


But when I play it, everyone uses a book or board to lean on, and you wouldn't be able to see who they're crossing off even if you did look.

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I've played Catan a few times with Dan Dare, who seems to think it's the best thing since sliced bread. Cranium is my favourite, I like the variety.


That is because he is clearly the wisest of all wise men!


I feel terribly out of depth here, as the only board games I've played recently would be Monopoly and Catan, the opportunity otherwise rather does not present. Catan IS absolutely fantastic, though.

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I have a friend of a friend/ex-colleague of mine who hosts games nights every tuesday. Tonight we played Super Munchkins (card-based) - played regular Munchkins before 18 months ago and had no clue. This time I knew what I was doing, vaguely, and found it quote fun. Need to get to level 10 to win, with 3 players my opponents were both on level 9 and I used trap cards to pull them both back... managed to level up 3 times in one go which brought me to equal 9... then next player won.


I also played Dungeons & Dragons for the first time ever. I, of course, had many predetermined expectations about the game. While it was complicated initially it was fairly easy to pick up and... shock horror! Fairly fun to play! I can completely understand the appeal, whilst honestly not really being any good at the game. But played with pizza and beers, it's a good way to spend an evening with mates.


We've agreed that we'll play Catan next tues, as I've got the Traders and Barbarians expansion (had it since xmas...) that needs playing.

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So, whilst not a 'board' game and more of a 'card' game, thanks to @Marcamillian I played Dominion last night. It's pretty frciking awesome. Nice, fast, short, interesting. Good balance of luck of the draw and player responsibility. You essentially DO have luck of the draw, but from a deck that you custom build yourself as the game goes through the motions. Gonna have a game with a few mates in the next hour, followed by some catan for a newbie!


On the subject of board games though, played a game called Ninjato last week which @Yvonne and @The_Arbitor has bought. Took quite a while to get into/understand and I'm still not sure we played straight(honestly the instruction book is ridiculous as it makes the game seem so complex when it's quite fast/straight forwardish when you get going), but I actually thought it was quite interesting/fun. Essentially it's a board game consisting of 7 'rounds' and in each round you have a variety of options available, and 3 'turns' to take per round. You play a round in order, but depending if you choose a certain action during the course of the round, you can come higher up in play order for the next round. It's really too confusing to explain the whole game, but once grasped, I actually really enjoyed it!

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I bought my sister Discworld - the game for christmas. It's pretty good! The best bit is that you all have different objectives to win it, but no-one knows what the others are up to because the character you are is a secret.


I like.

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Good stuff for sticking with ninjato, I was ready to throw in the towel.


Cluedo does lend itself to mafia conversion...


fact about me: when I'm not thinking about mafia ideas I am asleep. These are my two stable states.


So my copy of catan should arrive today. Getting the 5/6 expansion too. Eeeeee!

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A great game for parties/general silliness is "Who said that?" You get a scenario (e.g. things you wouldn't want to hear your father say to your mother). Everyone writes down and answer and the person whose turn it is has to try and guess who said what. not the most complicated of games by any means but can have some great laughs.

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Good stuff for sticking with ninjato, I was ready to throw in the towel.


Cluedo does lend itself to mafia conversion...


fact about me: when I'm not thinking about mafia ideas I am asleep. These are my two stable states.


So my copy of catan should arrive today. Getting the 5/6 expansion too. Eeeeee!


I got Catan for Christmas, not played it just not played it yet.


Also got Zombie Dce, fun for a quick 5 minute game, even solo it's fun.


Think I'll pick up Ticket to Ride and maybe Hive or Zooloretto..not too sure.

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@bob I played the Discworld board game recently, too. My board game buddy's girlfriend got it for him for xmas, and she obliged in giving it a go, as did my girlfriend.


About 20 mins into it I realised I was doing it rather poorly, and my girlfriend, who generally does not have the time nor care for such games, went on to with the game (I think because nobody bothered meddling with her because they know she is impassive about the game) -- great fun though!


@Rummy card games are good fun too - Munchkins (or Supermunchkins, preferrably,) is always great fun.

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My friend apparently has Munchkin on the way, his brother ordered it late and somehow expected it to arrive in time for christmas but it has not, just hoping it gets to him before he goes back to uni! What's supermunchkin? Some sort of weird expansion?


I'm so in love with dominion, having only played three games, but all of them being drastically different. I'm definitely going to get Intrigue in the new year so I have my own set that can standalone, whilst also allowing me and Marcamillian to double up for a 6 player game.

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Recent games!


I got Catan: Traders and Barbarians like Jay, which has totally blown my Catan brain. For fans of the game, it's essentially 4-5 different scenarios, each of which adds loads to the central game (unlike Seafarers which is basically a whole new game.) Each scenario is a really interesting way to change the priorities of each resource card adds a kind of 'meta game' you play around the usual expansion game. It's awesome.


Also had a chance to to try out Munchkin this week. Great game- fast, funny, easy to grasp, lots of depth and some cool ideas. And made by Steve Jackson!


Now, question!


Does anyone have any experience with Dungeon Quest or anything similar? I've been wanting to try out something like a dungeon crawl game but I don't really know the sub genre. Thing is they seem expensive, so I don't want to invest poorly.

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