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Monster Hunter 4!!!!


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I on a bus on way to airport now. Wish i knew bout the codes before i left house. Using the bus wifi but my 3ds wont connect to it :(




oh did we get a release date?




AAAAHHHH FEB 13th!!!!!!!


Wooot just after I get home on the 7th Wooottt.


Likely wont get the NEW 3DS on day one though but hopefully pick up this and Zelda day one. Wont be able to preorder till I come home though....

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Popped into GAME earlier, had to correct the staff whom were convinced this was coming out in March. Turns out they were watching the US Direct.


In all fairness, the EN-GB Twitch channel I was on did play the US Direct for some weird reason.

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I tried the demo earlier and sadly it didn't impress me. I've never got on with the 3DS MH games due to the shape of the handheld. I've put well over 400 hours into each of the PSP MH games and it never felt as bad as it did playing this.


Graphically the game looks a bit of a mess. The character models look alright but the environments look pretty bad, especially some of the textures.


These two issues are exactly why I wanted the mainline series to stay on a console or at least a dual release with a handheld version.


For me, this is a case of a demo having a negative effect. Rather than encouraging the player to buy the game I am now questioning whether I want it.

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I tried the demo earlier and sadly it didn't impress me. I've never got on with the 3DS MH games due to the shape of the handheld. I've put well over 400 hours into each of the PSP MH games and it never felt as bad as it did playing this.


Graphically the game looks a bit of a mess. The character models look alright but the environments look pretty bad, especially some of the textures.


These two issues are exactly why I wanted the mainline series to stay on a console or at least a dual release with a handheld version.


For me, this is a case of a demo having a negative effect. Rather than encouraging the player to buy the game I am now questioning whether I want it.



If it makes a difference, the New 3DS is a lot more comfortable, though I still understand your angle on this completely coming from MH3U on the Wii U as my first proper Monster Hunter experience. :)


Even though the circle pad is more responsive it's still not quite the same as holding a control pad, the environments are huge so they would have suited a home console version well and even though the use of 3D is impressive I can't help but wonder what it might have been like in glorious 1080P HD on a big TV screen. :blank:


Ultimately though I can still see all of the various improvements which will make this still a joy to play on the go, the way in which the characters move fluidly within the environments, automatically clambering over small steps with relative ease in addition to scaling many more walls instinctively or getting atop a ledge before jumping onto the back of the monster below, hacking away before delivering a devastating blow. :D


For the online however the lack of voice chat will certainly hurt the experience, if we're to assume that the demo is essentially the finished game being that it's only a few mere weeks away then this is surely quite a blow for anyone who assumed that it would just be 'there' in some capacity. I can recall a time when the original DS was released every unit seemed to have a headphone with microphone port which made me think that having proper voice chat with a headset would have been part of Nintendo's long-term plan, but alas any form of it over the years on portables in particular seemed to have been mixed at best; these days it's hard to even recall a single 3DS game which has functional voice chat online even with friends, though I did seriously think that being that this was Capcom who supplied us with it for the Wii U version of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate that it would at the very least be likely for the next iteration assuming that the platform could support it, for now though it looks like either text chat or improvised chat via external devices are our only options. ::shrug:

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I tried the demo earlier and sadly it didn't impress me. I've never got on with the 3DS MH games due to the shape of the handheld. I've put well over 400 hours into each of the PSP MH games and it never felt as bad as it did playing this.


Graphically the game looks a bit of a mess. The character models look alright but the environments look pretty bad, especially some of the textures.


These two issues are exactly why I wanted the mainline series to stay on a console or at least a dual release with a handheld version.


For me, this is a case of a demo having a negative effect. Rather than encouraging the player to buy the game I am now questioning whether I want it.


Oh wow. I never expected this... seeing this has me worried about it too now. I wasn't going to give the demo a go and just get it at launch but now I feel I should give the demo a go.

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I tried the demo earlier and sadly it didn't impress me. I've never got on with the 3DS MH games due to the shape of the handheld. I've put well over 400 hours into each of the PSP MH games and it never felt as bad as it did playing this.


Graphically the game looks a bit of a mess. The character models look alright but the environments look pretty bad, especially some of the textures.


These two issues are exactly why I wanted the mainline series to stay on a console or at least a dual release with a handheld version.


For me, this is a case of a demo having a negative effect. Rather than encouraging the player to buy the game I am now questioning whether I want it.


I don't know about just the 3DS, but it feels great on an XL with the Circle Pad Pro.


I'm not sure what I think about the staff, to be honest.

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I'm not sure what I think about the staff, to be honest.


I just had a quick run on the demo with the staff, it feels a little too much like hard work doesn't it? :heh:


The time it took me was around the same as with dual blades, but it definitely required more effort to get essentially the same result, though I must admit that the vaulting is both useful and fun. :D


It's certainly an interesting trade-off. : peace:

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I just had a quick run on the demo with the staff, it feels a little too much like hard work doesn't it? :heh:


The time it took me was around the same as with dual blades, but it definitely required more effort to get essentially the same result, though I must admit that the vaulting is both useful and fun. :D


It's certainly an interesting trade-off. : peace:


Vaulting is awesome, yes. And the staff in general is cool, I'm just not feeling the Kinsect. I feel like I'd be happier with just a regular staff, for some reason.


It's weird how second nature my hammering has become. It's been a long while since I picked one up, but it was immediately comfortable. I devastated the poor thing with surgical percision the likes of which the demo is clearly not geared towards. I love how everyone who plays MonHun has that one weapon class that just absolutely clicks with you and which you can wield with brilliant finesse. I fucking love hammers.

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For those without codes, I'll be posting at least 2 codes later today (after 6pm), maybe 3 if my bro doesn't want one.


Aah, I wasn't expecting it so soon. Still have lots of super G rank stuff to do on 3U. We were essentially at a part where things start getting insane hard because equipment isn't good enough for missions...but you can't get better equipment until those missions are done. We've been taking many breaks as endless streams of other games come out, I feel this may be the final kick in the teeth for 3U. Trying to finish loads of insane repetitive missions so close to this game may put a dampener on playing the new one. Oh well.

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I had another go this morning, this time using my go to weapons, the LS and GS. I dunno whether it was because i'm used to these weapons or if I was starting to get used to the control scheme, but I fared a lot better than I did yesterday.


I still hate the 3DS for playing the game though. I imagine it will be a lot better with the XL and circle pad/nub, with you being able to swing the camera around more easily.


I had to laugh while using the LS. We are now in the 4th game of the main series, with a host of other games being released in between, yet the weapons still stick through your armour. The LS sticks right through the cape the guy is wearing. It's so off putting.

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Is anyone else not really feeling the new weapons? Insect Glaive is pretty cool but the Kinsect stuff feels weird and the Charge Blade is just too confusing and seems like a worse Switch Axe to me.


Yeah, I like the Glaive but like others I didn't care for the insect moves. I would have preferred it to just be a staff and leave it at that.

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Managed to kill all the monsters in the demo. Looks like it's gonna be hammer time for me in MH4U. The last kill, Gore Magalagalagoogore went down just as I pulled into my stop on the train this morning. Travel hunting is back, baby!

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Is anyone else not really feeling the new weapons? Insect Glaive is pretty cool but the Kinsect stuff feels weird and the Charge Blade is just too confusing and seems like a worse Switch Axe to me.


Why do I get the feeling some of you don't understand how to mark a monster?

You hold R and face the part of the monster you want to extract from.

Then let go. There should be some kind of mist if you've marked it.


Then whenever you have an opening, unleash the Kinsect.

You don't have to unleash the Kinsect as soon as you mark a monster.


Funnily enough, I think the Charge Blade is better than the Switch Axe. You might just be too used to the Switch Axe.

(They're both heavy weapons, so I don't like either) But give it more of a chance before dismissing it completely.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Read the weapon manuals! Even if you know a weapon well.


Most of the old weapons have new moves!

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February 13th release day? I missed that in the direct (I did skip a few things).


Not wasting any of my holiday days this early in the year for this. I'll be getting the game but I doubt I'll be putting similar hours that I put into Tri & Ultimate.


I have a feeling the online matchmaking will be all over the place. I take it you can't just join a friends room? You need the room ID to search for?

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I'm quite liking that insect stick thingy weapon. :heh:

Not so much the insect aspect of it, but it is cool how you can vault onto monsters without having to use the terrain. :awesome:


I have a feeling the online matchmaking will be all over the place. I take it you can't just join a friends room? You need the room ID to search for?
It's not exactly straight forward in the demo (you need to input an ID to join a game :indeed:) but hopefully that's just for the demo... hopefully.
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