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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - amiibo, Play Coins and StreetPass details


- touch Shulk to your New 3DS and earn tokens

- spend these on in-game models or music tracks

- touching Shulk to your 3DS once per day gets you three tokens

- StreetPass also gets you three tokens

- exchange Play Coins for tokens (a five Coin to one token exchange)

- earn 10 coins just by booting up the game for the first time

- use coins on raffles for models or tunes

- spend one token for a random piece you may already own or three to get a guaranteed new piece

- as you progress, more extras will be unlocked for purchase

- eight models and six tracks come standard





Edited by Wii
corrected grammatical errors from original article
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- spend one token for a random piece you may already own or three to get a guaranteed new piece


That's probably how Play Coins should have been used to buy puzzle pieces in the Mii Plaza. It's a little frustrating that there will be some puzzles I'll probably never complete due to the random nature of purchasing pieces :hmm:

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Bloody hell, those Black Liver Beans. Spent probably an hour trying to get the two needed for Colony 6. Real sour point of the game, they're just too rare in an area of the game you spend little time in. I just wanted to get Colony 6 finished before returning to Prison Island to finish the game!

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Bloody hell, those Black Liver Beans. Spent probably an hour trying to get the two needed for Colony 6. Real sour point of the game, they're just too rare in an area of the game you spend little time in. I just wanted to get Colony 6 finished before returning to Prison Island to finish the game!


The item-searching system in the game is...pretty shit if I'm being honest. I hated it. It's completely random what items you get and you can spend hours upon hours trying to find 3 of the same item or even just 1!


Shadow of Mordor absolutely ruined this game in terms of the item-finding aspect. It was hassle free. You had different symbols attached to each item and when you highlighted an area on the world map, it would show you the symbols of which items could be found there. So, you knew that you could find a certain plant in that area so all you had to do was go there, search for a few moments and get it. It wasn't "herp derp, go to blue orb, this isn't the item you want, come back later. Herp derp, you don't want this either. Try again."

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Launch Trailer (New Nintendo 3DS)




The video does warn at the start that it contains what may be considered spoilers.


Reviews are now starting to appear as well. Here's the first few so far.


GamesRadar – 4.5 / 5

GameSpot – 8 / 10

Nintendo Life – 9 / 10

Gamereactor UK – 9 / 10

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Sounds like a good port all round, if not much else.


From the screenshots I've seen on the JPN eShop though, the S3D effect is really disappointingly weak though :(


Considering that this is the main thing I was looking forward to with this version and that Monster Games' previous games (Pilotwings Resort and DKCR 3D) both had really strong S3D effects (something that would've looked fantastic with the massive vistas of Xenoblade), it's a real bummer to me to see the effect looking so shallow by comparison :(


I'll probably still get it though, just cause, but I reckon that the Wii version will remain the version of choice, especially when it comes out as a Wii U eShop download and you get the addition of Off TV Play (since the game supported the Classic Controller, it'll be fully playable via the Gamepad's buttons/sticks when it does eventually hit) and the massive loading time improvement that'll probably put it on par or even a little better than the New3DS version!


And of course, the Wiimote & Chuck control scheme is still the way to go :D Anyone who disagrees is clearly wrong, because how the hell are you supposed to comfortably move and select arts at the same time when using a CC Pro!? (and no, camera control is no problem at all)



Edited by Dcubed
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I've never played the Wii one, but if you have that one and haven't played it, play it. There is really nothing different between the two versions other than the graphics.


I think it being on 3DS helped me get through it a little easier because it's more convenient to pick up and play it for a short period than turning a home console on and having to settle down in front of the telly to play.

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My review is live!





No spoilers, hope you enjoy :D



Skim-read the review but it looks like a really excellent review mr-paul - and this is a port of one of my top 5 games of all time, and you do it excellently fair justice!

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Iwata Asks for Xenoblade 3D!


Some choice snippets...


Iwata There's the impression that the people who enjoy the overall JRPG genre were overjoyed with the game. They seemed to feel like the next generation of JRPG had finally arrived. The overseas sales would never be higher than the Japanese sales unless that was the case.
(Yup! We finally have proof that the game sold more outside Japan than within!)


Takahashi I always liked messing around with machines. So then I started drawing them...drawing spaceships and rockets and those kinds of things... I just remembered that. I tried to think about why I liked rockets, but I think it stemmed from a heartbreaking incident. When I was four years old, I went to Expo '7012


12. Expo '70: The Japan World Exposition. The world fair held in the Senrikyuryo area of Suita, Osaka, lasting 183 days from March 14th to September 13th, 1970. 77 countries participated in the exposition, the theme of which was "Progress and Harmony for Mankind." Various pavilions and businesses were built for the event, and at the time it was the largest national event in history.


Iwata Ah, the Japan World Exposition that was held in 1970. Takahashi I really wanted to go the American Pavilion to see the moon rock13. But, as I'm sure you know, Iwata-san, the crowds were huge...


13. Moon rock: the rock brought back from the moon's surface by Apollo 12 as part of the US's Apollo project. The moon rock was on display in the American Pavilion, and caused massive crowds as people waited in line for hours to view it. The command ship of Apollo 8 was also on display in the American Pavilion.


Iwata The American Pavilion had the longest line of any pavilion.


Takahashi Right. My father went ballistic in front of the American Pavilion. He said, "We'll never get in, no matter how many hours we wait."


Iwata (laughs) Takahashi Then he said that we should go look at other places, and took us to all the pavilions with no lines. Iwata The places without lines were the unpopular ones, right?


Takahashi So I don't even remember which pavilions we went to. (laughs) Iwata Hahaha. (laughs)


Takahashi I really wanted to go to the American Pavilion and the Robot Pavilion14, but I couldn't go to either of them...I think you can call that heartbreaking, don't you? (laughs)


14: Robot Pavilion: Fujipan Robot Pavilion. One of the exhibition pavilions. The pavilion drew a lot of attention because it was produced by Osamu Tezuka. (One of Japan's foremost manga and animation producers, deceased)


Iwata I'd call that heartbreaking. After all, it's a painful event that you still remember, even though it happened 45 years ago (laughs).


Takahashi Actually, I've got another heartbreaking incident in my childhood. My father wouldn't buy me the toy robot I wanted, and I sobbed all the way home. That's how much I loved robots.


Iwata You must have had a lot of trials even after you figured out your direction.


Takahashi It was less trials and closer to burning bridges.


Iwata Burning bridges? What do you mean?


Takahashi We began Monolith Soft in 1999, with funding from Namco23 before they became Bandai Namco. The first game we made was Xenosaga24, but because we were developing it while we were building the organization, we didn't have enough people. The programmers and the planners were all rookies. At the time, the director of Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X25, (Koh) Kojima26, had just joined the company right after graduating college.


23. Namco: BANDAI NAMCO Games Inc. Namco, which opened in 1955, merged its game department with Bandai in 2006, and got a new start as BANDAI NAMCO Games Inc.


24. Xenosaga: Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht. An RPG released from Namco (Currently: BANDAI NAMCO Games) in February 2002.

25. Xenoblade Chronicles X. Tetsuya Takahashi's latest RPG. Wii U Release planned for Japan on April 29, 2015.


26. Koh Kojima: Development Department, Monolith Soft. Scenarios Quest Planning Director on Baten Kaitos Origins for the Nintendo GameCube, released February 2006. Director on Xenoblade Chronicles. Appears in Iwata Asks: Xenoblade Chronicles, The Development Process.


Iwata So even Kojima-san was a rookie.


Takahashi That's right. And, it's a bit embarrassing to admit, but the graphics engine was only completed six months before the development deadline. That's the schedule we were on.


Iwata Now that sounds like a fierce schedule.


Takahashi So - and this is a bit of an excuse - but at the time, I felt that because no one on the team making Xenosaga had any experience, it might be a little too difficult for us to make our ideal game yet.


Iwata Right.


Takahashi But even on that team we had a few extremely talented graphic designers. The game design came out of the idea that "the only thing we can do is make the main component some sort of event."


Iwata So you designed a game that played to the strengths and weaknesses of your team. Takahashi That's right. We released three games in the Xenosaga series27, but they weren't very well received. It was really mortifying. All of the young team members felt that way, not just the leaders. So we all decided, "Next time we need to make a game that players will enjoy." So that made the atmosphere during the Xenoblade Chronicles development very different compared to other games.


27. Three games in the Xenosaga: An RPG series containing three games, released from 2002 - 2006.

Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (Released 2002), Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Released 2004), Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (Released 2006).


Iwata You couldn't make excuses anymore.


Takahashi That's right. We couldn't run anymore. And that's why I say we burned our bridges for the Xenoblade Chronicles development. Iwata Sometimes experiencing adversity like that can turn into a step up to success. The game is a completely different genre, but a similar thing happened with Animal Crossing


28. Animal Crossing: A community simulation game. The first game was released in April 2001 for Nintendo 64. Afterwards, games were created for Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo DS, Wii and Nintendo 3DS. There are 6 games in the series.


Takahashi With Animal Crossing?


Iwata Yes. Animal Crossing for the Nintendo DS29 received rave reviews, but the Wii version30, which was released shortly after, couldn't entirely live up to user expectations. The people who were involved in the Wii version were really worried about that, and they used it to propel themselves to create the 3DS version of Animal Crossing31. One of the people who had been at the heart of that project produced Splatoon32, which is planned for release this spring.


It's a shame that we don't hear anything from Monster Games in this one... Always annoys me when they do an Iwata Asks about the games that are developed/co-developed by their western studios and they can't get them to join in... (I know that it's more difficult to pull off because of timezone/geographic issues, but still :( )


Even so, it's well worth a read for some more fascinating insights! : peace:

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I have heard many amazing soundtracks in my gaming years, but having finished Xenoblade about a year ago I am of the opinion that its OST is legendary and timeless.


I can see myself listening to it when I'm 80 or perhaps have it play at my funeral.


It's amazingly crafted.

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I have heard many amazing soundtracks in my gaming years, but having finished Xenoblade about a year ago I am of the opinion that its OST is legendary and timeless.


I can see myself listening to it when I'm 80 or perhaps have it play at my funeral.


It's amazingly crafted.


It's one of the best gaming soundtracks that I've ever heard. So utterly brilliant and memorable. In some areas, I visited them just to hear the music.


I was driving in the car yesterday and had an intense urge to listen to the soundtrack again. I will play through the game again at some point and it'll mainly be for the soundtrack and its location within the game.

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You know, I imported the OST (4CDs in total) about a year before I actually started playing the game, but didn't listen to it untill I had finished the game.

That's how sure I was about buying this game and experiencing it.


What are some of Nyurp's favourite tracks?

If you had to pick 1 or 2...

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Okay. So ice had xenoblade for years. Never played it. Decided to start it over Easter weekend, out about 5 hours into it, and I think I'm done... I don't really want to keep playing. Should I? It looks dog ugly, the voice acting is atrocious, story nonsensical trapclap and I'm not huge on the gameplay - run a bit, cut scene, run a bit cut scene, etc But what's really making me not want to play is just how hard it is. Dying all the time. It's not fun, and there's not much really making me want to play. And in the back of my mind I'm thinking - 100 hours of this?!


Now. Is it just teething problems. Or is this just the game? There's a bit I like - the weapons, custimisarion, side quests, but it's really doing my head in.

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Okay. So ice had xenoblade for years. Never played it. Decided to start it over Easter weekend, out about 5 hours into it, and I think I'm done... I don't really want to keep playing. Should I? It looks dog ugly, the voice acting is atrocious, story nonsensical trapclap and I'm not huge on the gameplay - run a bit, cut scene, run a bit cut scene, etc But what's really making me not want to play is just how hard it is. Dying all the time. It's not fun, and there's not much really making me want to play. And in the back of my mind I'm thinking - 100 hours of this?!


Now. Is it just teething problems. Or is this just the game? There's a bit I like - the weapons, custimisarion, side quests, but it's really doing my head in.




Yes you should keep playing it. It's not dog ugly, you've got to remember it's the Wii you're playing on. It's a good looking game for a limited system. The character models may be a little dodgy but the scope of everything else is breathtaking. Do you like RPG's in general? If you've played Secret Of Mana, Tales Of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, even Paper Mario over the years then you should like this. Give it some more time. It's an absolutely brilliant game that has got so much praise for good reason and one of the best games I've ever played. The voice acting is fine as well.

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Yes you should keep playing it. It's not dog ugly, you've got to remember it's the Wii you're playing on. It's a good looking game for a limited system. The character models may be a little dodgy but the scope of everything else is breathtaking. Do you like RPG's in general? If you've played Secret Of Mana, Tales Of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, even Paper Mario over the years then you should like this. Give it some more time. It's an absolutely brilliant game that has got so much praise for good reason and one of the best games I've ever played. The voice acting is fine as well.


Maybe dog ugly is bit harsh, but as it's on the wii it really does look ropey, I have a pretty huge tele too so that probably doesn't help. I'll give it another go, but I'd be surprised it changed my mind, I think it's just these types of games!


And the voice acting is painful. I've switched to japanese and it's infinitely better.

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Not to mention the voice acting is in fact AMAZING. I actually like the story too. Not sure how it can be so hard just five hours in, I don't think it got challenging challenging till a certain point or two and even then a little grind got me by(failing and dying still levels you a bit, so essentially you can't get too stuck). I wouldn't say I ever found it particularly 'hard' unless I was doing stuff maybe a bit sooner than I should have been?


Was it just me? Or any agreement from others? Which bit are you upto dazzy?

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