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Norway Madness


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Fish hinted at it in the Bad Stuff thread (which it is) but I figured we may as well thread it.




Bomb exploded in the capital, and a shooting at a youth camp a few hours later, leaving (currently) 11 dead and many wounded.


At first it wasn't known if they were linked but it seems that they are now. They have arrested the shooter, who was wearing a police uniform, so it's likely that more information is to be released at a later date.


It's all rather shocking news - why the fuck would anyone target Norway?


I guess we'll be hearing a lot about this over the next few weeks.


It seems the death toll is up to 16, and the prime minister was due to attend the youth camp... :S

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The bomb happened in the area where all the government buildings are, and the shooting at a gathering for the youth division of the leading government party. The PM, from the said party, was set to travel there tomorrow.


Lots of reason why some would attack Norway, at least from an Islam point of view, if it is an Islamic attack that is. It sounds very political so far. The shooter is reported to look Scandinavian from eye witnessess.


So far it's confirmed 7 dead from the bombing and 10 from the island shooting. Police says the same man has been seen at both places.


Very unbelieable, never imagined something like this happening here, especially with so many kids involved. So sad.


Sick people.


The minister of justice just said the man is Norwegian.

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That's what I thought at first, until I read up on it: Norway have been involved in Afghanistan/Libya conflicts, and the attack is suspected to be linked to Al Qaeda.


I heard this too on the radio earlier.


They were also finally getting around to deporting a very outspoken man known for inciting speeches back to Iraq, after a long time. The man has links to Al Qaeda apparently so there have been links, albeit tenuous, made to that as well.

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Most of those 84 on the island are probably between 15 and 25 years old :(


The guy who did it is very much against Islam and disliked the multicultural society we have. He's very much a racist by the sounds of it and right winged like danny said. Crazy guy. Pictures of him should be all around now, Norwegian newspaper released them.


Highest prison sentence we can give him is 21 years....

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Reading that there's been so many killed is just soul destroying, I can't believe it. Makes me want to cry. I can't understand why people would do something like this... =(


People like that are just sick... I hope he rots in prison and dies a slow and painful death at some point. I'd beat him up myself if I was allowed to, and I'm not even a violent person normally, but people like this don't deserve anything but the pain they caused on others.

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A few choice comments from the China Daily website on this news:


"Mr Nobel Laureate 2011-07-23 14:56

zzZZzz Wrote 2011-07-23 14:15

"Very sad to see innocent lives lost like that."


Innocent my foot. These are the people who wanted to destroy China by doing dirty Nobel politics. No sympathy for the enemies of China. They have received what they deserved. God himself has punished them. "



"Candidature 2011-07-23 15:00

The persons who executed these attacks should be nominated and given the Nobel Peace Prize.


Lets vote for them.


He he he he..."


As you can see, China sends her sympathies.

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Ugh. This is terrifying. To actively go on a massacre of children is undealable-with. It's like...a bombing is obviously atrocious/evil, but to hunt after children whilst shooting at them and killing everyone around them almost seems 'worse'.

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A few choice comments from the China Daily website on this news:


"Mr Nobel Laureate 2011-07-23 14:56

zzZZzz Wrote 2011-07-23 14:15

"Very sad to see innocent lives lost like that."


Innocent my foot. These are the people who wanted to destroy China by doing dirty Nobel politics. No sympathy for the enemies of China. They have received what they deserved. God himself has punished them. "



"Candidature 2011-07-23 15:00

The persons who executed these attacks should be nominated and given the Nobel Peace Prize.


Lets vote for them.


He he he he..."


As you can see, China sends her sympathies.


That's similar to the barrage of status' posted by the Americans about revenge on Pearl Harbour when the Tsunami hit the Japanese. I think Ashley should be a collage of the many disgusting comments made.


Some people.

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That's similar to the barrage of status' posted by the Americans about revenge on Pearl Harbour when the Tsunami hit the Japanese. I think Ashley should be a collage of the many disgusting comments made.


Some people.


I know, it makes you want to go to their houses and punch them in the face, really, really hard. Thankfully they are in the minority.


The difference between this and Facebook however, is that the China Daily is part of the Party in China - they will allow nothing on their site that is personally objectionable to the Party.


Anything else is fine.

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Seems he admired some of our very own nutters, from his internet postings.


Breivik posted messages on a Norwegian website expressing his admiration for the English Defence League.

Among rants about Islam and Communism is the following (roughly translated from Norwegian):


“I have on some occasions discussed with SIOE [stop Islamification Of Europe] and EDL and recommended them to use conscious strategies.

The tactics of the EDL is now out to "entice" an overreaction from Jihad Youth / Extreme-Marxists something they have succeeded several times already. Over The reaction has been repeatedly shown on the news which has booster EDLs ranks high.

This has also benefited BNP. WinWin for both.

But I must say I am very impressed with how quickly they have grown but this has to do with smart tactical choice by management.

EDL is an example and a Norwegian version is the only way to prevent Flash / SOS to harass Norwegian cultural conservatives from other fronts. Creating a Norwegian EDL should be No. 3 on the agenda after we have started up a cultural conservative newspaper with national distribution.

The agenda of the Norwegian cultural conservative movement over the next 5 years are therefore:

1 Newspaper with national distribution

2 Working for the control of several NGOs

3 Norwegian EDL”


This has sent infowars into overdrive, when it first happened it was obviously a false flag attack to demonise muslims and punish Norway's government for not toeing the NWO line in terms of recognising Palestine and refusing to bail out Greece, then it was a plot by governments to spread a "White Al Quaeda" myth so they can search soccer moms at airports, now it's a plot by the liberal elite to demonise conservatives and right-wing NWO believers and create sympathy for the liberal-commie-socialist governments like Norways. Irrefutable proof - if he hated Muslims why didn't he attack a mosque? Huh? See, obvious false flag attack, but the LAMEstream media won't tell you that.


Fox News' comments have changed a lot since the original torrent of what a cowardly attack it was by muzzie savages to some questioning if the camp was an "indoctrination camp" for leftists and socialists.


Here's his World of Warcraft character (thread starter)


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I just think these people should be permanently tortured for the rest of their lives.


Mcoy does not agree because otherwise that would make us no better then them.


That's similar to the barrage of status' posted by the Americans about revenge on Pearl Harbour when the Tsunami hit the Japanese. I think Ashley should be a collage of the many disgusting comments made.


Some people.


There are idiots all over the world that can act tough and make very stupid statements (especially over the internet)


Mcoy dislikes to see anyone suffering regardless of their beliefs or nationality. Religious, culturual and national hatred are what cause most of these problems in the first place. Mcoy only has to look at Somalia to see rebels not allowing us to give aid to those suffering just because they don't trust us.

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That's similar to the barrage of status' posted by the Americans about revenge on Pearl Harbour when the Tsunami hit the Japanese. I think Ashley should be a collage of the many disgusting comments made.


Why should I be?

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