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Kurtle Squad

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I'd recommend online dating Kurtle. I tried it out a few months ago and met my girlfriend - three months later it's going great, my confidence is way up, I'm happier, we're great together blah blah blah.


Point is, if you feel a little disconnected from girls and your confidence is down, online dating is a useful tool: It puts you in contact with people who are in a similar situation and, perhaps crucially, gives you a safe means of dipping your toe in the water before meeting someone face to face.


There's no stigma to it nowadays, either. Everyone uses the internet and folk are just folk.

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Going to meet up with the ex-girlfriend in an hour at the pub. Not entirely sure why, I'm hoping it's just a reconciliation meet since we haven't spoken since breaking up, and I did say that when she was ready to talk, I'd be willing to.


Unfortunately I didn't realise at the time how quickly I'd move on. It feels like a massive step backwards to go and see her since she's been out of my life for the best part of a month now (if not more) and I've sort of been seeing someone else. I said we could be friends but, realistically, I don't know if that can happen. I don't want to see her tonight let alone in a few weeks and pretend everything will be alright because it won't be.


I'm going to go, anyway. Assuming she doesn't try and get back together with me (I don't think she'd try that..) it might turn out alright, and less messy than expected. Hopefully we can end things on good terms, anyway.



As far as London girl goes, things have moved a step forwards in the way that having stayed with her for a couple of days we just naturally got closer (mentally and physically) and more trusting. I just can't make up my mind whether or not we'd be successful partners, so ultimately I'm letting this ride out for the time being. Is this a horrible thing to do? Right now I'm in no rush to commit myself to someone, and I'm enjoying our relationship for what it is, and I think she might be too. I just don't want to leave it and have her think that I'm not interested in her, because I am (and have been for some time). I'm just enjoying freedom. And I'm not sure if we got together, whether or not it would work out, so why take it that far right now when things are good?

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I'd recommend online dating Kurtle. I tried it out a few months ago and met my girlfriend - three months later it's going great, my confidence is way up, I'm happier, we're great together blah blah blah.


Point is, if you feel a little disconnected from girls and your confidence is down, online dating is a useful tool: It puts you in contact with people who are in a similar situation and, perhaps crucially, gives you a safe means of dipping your toe in the water before meeting someone face to face.


There's no stigma to it nowadays, either. Everyone uses the internet and folk are just folk.


I've been dabbling; it seems to be full of...... undesirables.


I actually met my ex online when a "kid", so I know online stuff can happen. We were great online friends for years before we thought we should give things a go.... now we're not. :(

Edited by Kurtle Squad
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My girlfriend broke up with me today. I'm so gutted, though it's completely understandable why she did it...


Basically, i'm a second year Chemistry student on a 4 year course. She was in the year above me and has just graduated with an incredible 78 (so a bloody good first). Originally she was gonna spend the next 6 months working and earning some money before going abroad and travelling, but after getting her mark back she's decided to try and persue a career and work out where to go next. Obviously she needs to do this by herself and so she can't promise to meet up with me whilst i'm still at Uni. She's highly ambitious and I don't want to feel like i'm holding her back so in the end and I know she is capable of really doing well, so I guess it makes sense. I completely understand, I'm still a student for 2 years afterall.


On the other hand, I'm so gutted we had completely fallen for each other at the wrong time. We slept together at the beginning of this year and she really liked me for a while, but I was just in the wrong place at the time and i was dumb enough not to realise she liked me. By the time we properly got together (end of April) it was into exam time and before you know it, it's over :( We have an incredible bond and get on so well, I genuinely hope we keep in contact and our paths cross again properly. Her friends have all said that if I was in their year I would be a part of their friendship group and if she stayed on to do a masters that she reckons we'd easily stay together the year, it's just THAT good. It's just bad timing, eugh.


I wish I wasn't such an emotional guy, I've spent the last 2 hours crying aha. Love, eh.


Edit. After reading Kurtle's response, I just want to make sure I didn't make her out to be some kind of cold hearted bitch. She is fantastic and has made such a difference to my life recently. It's just a shame we are in completely different points of our lives atm and I know it's hurting her as much as me. She cried breaking up with me and sent me a text soon after making sure I was ok and telling me she'd never forgot the past month.


The Bard said something earlier on about how you never really realise who you are until you're showing affection to someone selflessly, and I guess it's true.

Edited by Goron_3
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She doesn't sound worth it. Sorry...
I don't get what you're saying. I think it does sound worth it.


It's great if you can find someone you feel so comfortable around, it's gotta be the most important thing!... just this time things didn't work out. Maybe Goron if you can stay in contact, there's a chance in a few years time, if you're both in a similar place again, you could maybe give it another go. Just have to see where things take you both next and if in someway you're naturally brough back together in some way, can go for it.


Oh and... Girl!


*I can say this*

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Cheer up Kurtle, stop being so god damn negativeeee.


I can't help it. I'm just rather cut-throat about when it comes to people messing others about.


I do feel sorry for Goron, and I know he's been shat upon before; I really hope he just realises she's not right for him if a little thing like that bothers her.



Maybe Goron if you can stay in contact, there's a chance in a few years time, if you're both in a similar place again, you could maybe give it another go. Just have to see where things take you both next and if in someway you're naturally brough back together in some way, can go for it.


I wouldn't suggest it.

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I can't help it. I'm just rather cut-throat about when it comes to people messing others about.


I do feel sorry for Goron, and I know he's been shat upon before; I really hope he just realises she's not right for him if a little thing like that bothers her.





I wouldn't suggest it.


This is though, it's not a little thing at all. I'm barely going to be able to see her next year and we will be at completely different stages of our lives. She is applying to get some work with KPMG and if she does well there she will be sorted for life, I don't want to be a distraction and she stressed she had too much respect for me to just have doubts about it but keep on going.


I totally respect her decision, if I wasn't too attached to her I probably would have done it...We've exchanged some texts since and she said in one 'I'm so sorry. you will always mean so much to me'. She means it and I know she does, makes it a whole lot easier tbh.

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My girlfriend broke up with me today. I'm so gutted, though it's completely understandable why she did it...


Basically, i'm a second year Chemistry student on a 4 year course. She was in the year above me and has just graduated with an incredible 78 (so a bloody good first). Originally she was gonna spend the next 6 months working and earning some money before going abroad and travelling, but after getting her mark back she's decided to try and persue a career and work out where to go next. Obviously she needs to do this by herself and so she can't promise to meet up with me whilst i'm still at Uni. She's highly ambitious and I don't want to feel like i'm holding her back so in the end and I know she is capable of really doing well, so I guess it makes sense. I completely understand, I'm still a student for 2 years afterall.


On the other hand, I'm so gutted we had completely fallen for each other at the wrong time. We slept together at the beginning of this year and she really liked me for a while, but I was just in the wrong place at the time and i was dumb enough not to realise she liked me. By the time we properly got together (end of April) it was into exam time and before you know it, it's over :( We have an incredible bond and get on so well, I genuinely hope we keep in contact and our paths cross again properly. Her friends have all said that if I was in their year I would be a part of their friendship group and if she stayed on to do a masters that she reckons we'd easily stay together the year, it's just THAT good. It's just bad timing, eugh.


I wish I wasn't such an emotional guy, I've spent the last 2 hours crying aha. Love, eh.


Edit. After reading Kurtle's response, I just want to make sure I didn't make her out to be some kind of cold hearted bitch. She is fantastic and has made such a difference to my life recently. It's just a shame we are in completely different points of our lives atm and I know it's hurting her as much as me. She cried breaking up with me and sent me a text soon after making sure I was ok and telling me she'd never forgot the past month.


The Bard said something earlier on about how you never really realise who you are until you're showing affection to someone selflessly, and I guess it's true.

Your best bet here is, if things do fizzle due to her working and you not, just keep in contact over facebook and everything. Then, as time goes on, when both of you get more free, you can start anew, be fresh and win!

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I honestly dont understand your responses Kurtle after reading what Goron has written...
Yeah neither do I.


I have little respect for women who fuck guys about; whether Goron's "okay" with it or not.




I do feel for you Goron, but you needs time, and especially sleep, before you can even start to think straight. I hope you feel better sooner, rather than later; but unless she changes her mind, you should keep contact with her to a minimum unless you want to torture yourself.

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Sorry, Goron_3 :hmm:


I hope that if it is meant to be, your paths will cross again at some point in the future and you can reignite that spark that you both obviously share :smile: At least you weren't left feeling like this..


Edited by nekunando
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