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No, it'd just turn to "Why don't you have a boyfriend yet?"



I've had some very very high offers, but that won't happen. The site is a part of me. I wouldn't sell it

Well you will one day!

Why not do it now whilst Pokemon's at its most popular, and you'll get the most for it?


5 years from now you could be absolutely kicking yourself!

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I just don't get it Serebii.


What does this 'community' matter anymore if you're moving on with your life having made a huge accomplishment and been a massive success, that has been recognised by being able to sell your site and earning you a lot of hard earned money.

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@nightwolf Of course I would be, but I also wouldn't let it hold me back from making the biggest achievement of my life!


I especially wouldn't let the opinions of the pokemon community, the same community serebii doesn't want to meet up with, be any sort of influence!


I'm sure the site brings Serebii's a huge ammount of satisfaction, but likewise, all of his problems seem to stem from this site.


Selling it now (instead of 5 years when Pokemon likely won't hold the same value) would not only likely set him up for the rest of his life, but would give him the money to buy his own place, the time for a relationship, new hobbies, new friends.


And probably with many big/influential contacts to start a new [Pokemon] project.

Edited by Retro_Link
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To be fair, 5 years ago, people were telling me the same thing, to sell the site. Since then, the site's popularity has increase considerably, I have received numerous bits of employment from it and it justs gets more popular with each passing year. I'm not going to ditch it, ever.


I have the time for relationships etc. Problem is I don't know when I'm free until a few days beforehand so hobby clubs, part-time jobs etc. are off the table

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What does this 'community' matter anymore if you're moving on with your life having made a huge accomplishment and been a massive success, that has been recognised by being able to sell your site and earning you a lot of hard earned money.


The website we were part of decided to sell (hence why we split from them). They currently...don't seem to exist any more.

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Serebii, I don't get why you don't know when you'll be free until a few days before? And why this means you can't do anything other than sit around. Why can't you be a member of a club or group and just skip it every so often?


In my updates, I hooked up with a Korean girl while in LA, which I've wanted to do for a while so I'm pleased with myself. My friend hated her AND walked in on us having sex so it's made for a good holiday story.

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The site is hardly the reason for all his problems.

One of the reasons he doesn't want to leave the site could be that then he wouldn't have a scapegoat, and then when he didn't feel like doing any hobbies or still didn't get a relationship, all he'd have to blame is himself. I'm not saying this is the case, but it could be one interpretation. :p

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I'm finding it really hard to sum up my thoughts about the Serebii situation, but I'm going to try my best.



I wholeheartedly agree :p


The site is hardly the reason for all his problems.

One of the reasons he doesn't want to leave the site could be that then he wouldn't have a scapegoat, and then when he didn't feel like doing any hobbies or still didn't get a relationship, all he'd have to blame is himself. I'm not saying this is the case, but it could be one interpretation. :p

The site is my legacy. It is something I have worked on for 12 years, working my arse off to get it to the top. I'm not in it for the money hence why it's not filled with ads nor have I sold it, it is my hobby. It's what I enjoy doing. It also has lead to numerous bits of freelance work.


It is in no way a reason for my singleness nor a crutch for when things go wrong.


Serebii' date=' I don't get why you don't know when you'll be free until a few days before? And why this means you can't do anything other than sit around. Why can't you be a member of a club or group and just skip it every so often?[/quote']


Because I'm a bit weird mentally and I can't do that...my mind can only accept an all or nothing scenario

Edited by Serebii
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The Internet is an extremely vast place. If you don't rip a sprite or compile a moveset, I'm willing to bet there are thousands of other fans out there ready to jump in and do it instead. The basic gist of this being Serebii.net should be all about your happiness and not some ill-perceived responsibility you think you may have to the online Pokemon community.


You don't have to be Frodo Baggins any longer than you want to, Serebii. You've done more than your share of the stretch. Maybe the time has come to let some other poor bastard carry the ring to Mordor.


Alternative more relevent reference:


You don't have to be stuck in this cave any longer than you want to, Serebii. You've been battling Zubats longer than anyone. Maybe the time has come to use an Escape Rope.

Edited by Guy
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I love this, it's turned into a sort of 'dissect Serebii' thread rather than anything else.


I also find it difficult meeting new people. Moving to Cambridge was tough, given most of my 'friends' as such are all work colleagues and I don't drink anymore, most of the guys/ladies always want to go drinking and it makes it difficult.


But I've started to push meeting friends of friends and it's working out well, I suppose Serebii if you can make your website what it is, you can find a way to meet new people, on your own terms. It'll just be a little harder.

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The Internet is an extremely vast place. If you don't rip a sprite or compile a moveset, I'm willing to bet there are thousands of other fans out there ready to jump in and do it instead.


You don't have to be Frodo Baggins any longer, Serebii. You've done your stretch. Maybe the time has come to let some other poor bastard carry the ring to Mordor.


Alternative more relevent reference:


You don't have to be stuck in this cave any longer, Serebii. You've been battling Zubats long enough. Maybe the time has come to use an Escape Rope.


Look around for full coverage of Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition. My site is the only English language one with it.


Besides, I love covering the games and everything. It's not a bad thing at all and it doesn't dent my social life (well, ok it does on the odd occasion...I had to skip a night out due to news on Saturday, but my friends were only out for like an hour anyway so nothing missed) or anything negative. It's purely positive.


I love this, it's turned into a sort of 'dissect Serebii' thread rather than anything else.


I also find it difficult meeting new people. Moving to Cambridge was tough, given most of my 'friends' as such are all work colleagues and I don't drink anymore, most of the guys/ladies always want to go drinking and it makes it difficult.


But I've started to push meeting friends of friends and it's working out well, I suppose Serebii if you can make your website what it is, you can find a way to meet new people, on your own terms. It'll just be a little harder.


I shall! I am branching out. Party a couple of weeks ago had my usual friend group there, but I spent a lot of the time branching out and speaking to new people.

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I think if Serebii welcomed other people to contribute, under his guidance at first and slowly backing off over time, the site could continue in a form that would allow him more free time for other things.

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