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Kurtle Squad

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I'm seeing a psychiatric nurse to work through stuff.


I think you're suggesting I go out and try and meet some one, which aint happening for a while.


Actually my thinking in my suggestion given the more recent trends of this thread was to just try giving something like online a go - it doesn't have to be anything specific, you get time to check yourself and take it at a non-immediate pace. It's a small step in the larger direction, and given it's not in your face it's a somewhat arguably more comfortable space. Meeting people isn't easy even at the best of times, let alone meeting someone in the context of relationships beyond friendship(or even that).


Having explained that - why did you take it to think I was suggesting you go out and meet somebody? To what ends or in what context?


I think as Bard said, therapy is something to consider alongside the meds. What's the general circumstance behind seeing a psych nurse - therapy, professionally, personally(ie someone you know), or how?


I've known her since she was three


Ok whatever ReZ, jeez.

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I'm not into sharing my womans, sorry. I have two sexy as fuck brothers though. They've got facial hair and everything. I recommend. Premium specimens. You know what they say? Once you go gay, wa-ha-hay!


Ah, so you don't discriminate, very good, very good. Good luck on your endeavours and sorry that your woman is departing for the mothership.


Wait. Hold up. What?


You have two brothers and you never told me? Dude, you know I like to dip it in mango chutney!

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Wait. Hold up. What?


You have two brothers and you never told me? Dude, you know I like to dip it in mango chutney!


Haha, believe me, we're noooothing alike. The only similarity these days is that we have the same surname and dark hair. They're both overweight and quite boring really. :p

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Alone and sad :(


But I had sex last night, so I got that going for me...which is nice.






She's been my snooze alarm clock for the past few days, which is good because I set my alarm a little early. I do shit and then fall asleep and then she messages me and I wake up again. It's been awesome. I have good news so there is a reason why I'm posting: She wants to meet up. She feels she knows me more for us to meet up. We're just finding days off now and then we meet and I get paid next week so bitches be happy! :D

Edited by Animal
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We're talking more and more. It's awesome. Last night, I think we spoke for about four hours non-stop about random stuff. It's really nice. She said she wishes I could hold her and stuff like that. Now that my pay has been sorted, I'm going to ask her to meet up with me next week. :)

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She's told me she's deleted her online dating profile because she thinks it's pointless as she doesn't want to know anyone else but me! :D


I'm sorting out my days off with my manager so I can finally meet her. She's doing the same! Guys, this is the first time in ages where I've felt so elated! :)

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She's told me she's deleted her online dating profile because she thinks it's pointless as she doesn't want to know anyone else but me! :D



YES. Great news :) It now is only a matter of time : peace:



A girl texted me on Tinder, we've been chatting for two days now. She seems nice, but lives a 50 minutes train ride away :blank:

Let's see what'll come of it. I'll keep texting her for now.


And tomorrow I'll meet up with my friend-with-benefits to do the dance with no pants. :yay:

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The build up can be fun. It doesn't all have to be about sex.


Sorry, I forgot it's all about spending weeks trying to get a girl off Tinder to actually meet you, only to be rejected or stood up! That's much better than having sex!!!


I stand corrected!


No, sergeant buzzkill here would rather have everyone celebrate on his terms. I wish we could all be manly enough to use such eloquent football metaphors to portray our attitudes towards the opposite sex.


If you're at the stage when getting a match on Tinder gives you a hard-on, then good for you.

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If you're at the stage when getting a match on Tinder gives you a hard-on, then good for you.


Shifting the goalpost here a little aren't you? (Forgive the football metaphor, I'm trying to become more fluent in moron).


People were talking about Animal and his recent experiences with a girl he met on OKCupid which were more than encouraging going on the conversations as they were presented. So yes, after a couple of hundred pages where people are doing little other than lamenting the state of their love lives, inability to interact with women and find success with online dating, it's pretty fucking fair to have a few comments dedicated to congratulating someone who seems to be having success or a positive, reciprocal interaction with someone they're attracted to.


If you're talking about Drahkon's tinder chat, it wasn't so much celebrating as saying "Yet another girl is interested in getting a piece, while I'm here anointing my unit for tomorrows all-you-can-fuck buffet." So shut the fuck up you dour, emotional iceberg.

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