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Kurtle Squad

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Had a few dates with this guy and since they've all been public places I didn't want to go in for the kiss. I do have some juicy gossip though, during the film, we held hands for a while.




You're filthy as fuck, brah. I'd be happy with just a "hello" on a first date.


You with your hands, Raineeng with her 5 TIMEZ. Maybe this should be Filth-E.

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You're filthy as fuck, brah. I'd be happy with just a "hello" on a first date.


You with your hands, Raineeng with her 5 TIMEZ. Maybe this should be Filth-E.


I know, so dirty. Holding hands on the third date. We'll be making long eye contact soon. Better make sure this doesn't go too fast.


Although he's a chef and wants to make me dinner all the time so I might just confess my love now.

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So after our date on Monday me and this guy were texting that evening. On Friday I text to ask how his week was and no response. Text earlier asking how his weekend was as he went away. No response. I hate when people do this. If you're not interested just say! I can take it.


Going to wait until Wednesday and if still nothing I'll get in touch just saying the above.

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Myself and a friend are trying to work out whether a woman who works in the sandwich shop near uni has a thing for me or not. She's around my age (maybe a little older), quietly spoken and quite shy but every time I go in, she's always all smiles, quite chatty (well, chatty for someone whose obviously rather shy) and even if she's serving another customer she'll always skip off through to the back (literally skip) to bring me my order even though she should be serving someone else.


Friend thinks she's definitely into me, as she isn't like that with any of the other customers ever, and that I should go for it but no idea how to do it. She thinks I should write my name and number on the back of my ticket and hand it to her when she brings me my order.


And then, there's another girl who works in a shop in town whose the same as above but she always makes a beeline for me when I come in to ask if I need anything but then doesn't go round to ask if anyone else in the shop needs any assistance. She did it again today and was all smiles and flirty and hung around at the till while I was paying for something with another assistant even though she was apparently on her break.


There's also a girl in Starbucks who only works weekends and I've only seen/been served by twice as I never usually go in on weekends but she is the same, knows my name and order before I've even opened my mouth.


So yeah, not sure what to do or what the next step should be. It's been a little while since I've been out with someone on a date (for reasons that'd take too long to list out and would bore the arse off of everyone) but with everything sort of falling to place a bit more recently, I'm thinking it's time to get back in the game and meet someone. Also means that one of my colleagues will stop trying to set me up with her friends (and this is the one who asked if I wanted to hook up with her after a night out even though she has a BF). We'll see.

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