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I was up 'til 4am watching a movie at mine, while this girl was also watching teh same movie at hers. We talked via facebook the whole time and she wants to do a movie night again. I think she doesn't dislike me! Woo!


Nice going, Jay! High-fives for you, m'lad!

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I was up 'til 4am watching a movie at mine, while this girl was also watching teh same movie at hers. We talked via facebook the whole time and she wants to do a movie night again. I think she doesn't dislike me! Woo!


I bet it's Flink in a wig.

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So I'm back from my date!


It went well. I think.


He was a nice guy. We just had a couple of drinks and a nice chat. Best thing about it was how relaxed I was and how easy it was to be myself. A few years ago when I was new to the whole dating thing I used to be a little more reserved for fear of doing or saying something that would put the other person off me. Stupid I know, but it's what goes through your mind when you're new to the dating game!


Anyway, very relaxed, very casual and the conversation just flowed.

Before I knew it, it was 10pm and time to go as I had to pick my sister up from the train station and he had to leave as was up early next day.


I had the usual 'omg you don't drink?' situation to justify and the 'you've never been to canal street and you hate gay pride?!' to also justify, which most gay guys find difficult to understand.

I think if there was anything that would go against me it's that. Most gays love Pride and Canal Street - I however would rather chop off my own hand than bear either. Gross. (I'm a bit of a homophobic gay :laughing: )


But yeah all in all went well. I think I'd prob go for another drink if the opportunity arose, only because we seemed to get on.

Either way it was nice to get out and have an evening with someone new. Nice to speak about stuff that other gay guys can relate to (coming out etc) and to be fair to the lad he was pretty easy on the eye! :wink:


I'll be sure to keep y'all posted. :p

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Oh yeah I mean Canal Street is fine for straight people - they love it for some strange reason.


But it's not my bag. It's frankly gross.


And @Animal yeah I think there may be another meeting on the cards. Potentially. It went well enough to warrant a second date I guess but it's one of those situations where it won't give me sleepless nights if nothing else comes of it!


But yeah like I said it was nice to be able to get out and meet some new people - and that's what it's all about! Whether love blossoms or not ha.


Gotta say it has spurred me on to get out there a bit more though - I just have a POF account I don't really use it, so maybe if I made an effort I could get to meet some more nice men! :grin:

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Oh yeah I mean Canal Street is fine for straight people - they love it for some strange reason.


But it's not my bag. It's frankly gross.


And @Animal yeah I think there may be another meeting on the cards. Potentially. It went well enough to warrant a second date I guess but it's one of those situations where it won't give me sleepless nights if nothing else comes of it!


But yeah like I said it was nice to be able to get out and meet some new people - and that's what it's all about! Whether love blossoms or not ha.


Gotta say it has spurred me on to get out there a bit more though - I just have a POF account I don't really use it, so maybe if I made an effort I could get to meet some more nice men! :grin:


Well, there you go. You're proof that online dating can work! haha. Glad it went well for you though. You thinking he's the real deal or you just after a bit of fun, like?

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Well, there you go. You're proof that online dating can work! haha. Glad it went well for you though. You thinking he's the real deal or you just after a bit of fun, like?


No don't think it's the real deal.


He's a nice guy - not really my type but a nice guy and like I said easy on the eye.


When you say a bit of fun - do you mean like a shag haha. That's generally the gays way of sayin they want some ha.

If that's what you mean then nah. He's ok, but I didn't wanna jump across the table on to him ha.


If you mean fun as in just meeting new guys then yeah, I guess so. You never know what it might lead to!

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No don't think it's the real deal.


He's a nice guy - not really my type but a nice guy and like I said easy on the eye.


When you say a bit of fun - do you mean like a shag haha. That's generally the gays way of sayin they want some ha.

If that's what you mean then nah. He's ok, but I didn't wanna jump across the table on to him ha.


If you mean fun as in just meeting new guys then yeah, I guess so. You never know what it might lead to!


I just meant fun as in days out bowling or to the cinemas (or the zoo in your case, haha). I'm normally blunt when I mean other things, like I'd literally say "Are you after a shag?" or "You want a one-night stand?" so no worries, haha.


Straight guys usually use "Bit of fun" too though, it's not just a gay thing but yeah, I just meant like on a date and stuff, no funny business like sex, lol.


OH MY GOD, GUYS! Major update! What to do! What I've done....


So me and the American girl was talking and she said she wanted to ask me a weird question and that she hopes I don't mind. I said she could ask me absolutely anything and she said that her family and friends have started to call me her boyfriend and asked if I didn't mind.


I replied that I didn't mind at all and I confessed that my friends and family have called her my girlfriend (which is true, they recently started doing that since Christmas) and I also added that I liked it that they called her that. I asked if that was okay with her.


I pressed 'send' and after I kind of regretted it. This feels like Ted's "Texty Text" moment in HIMYM but then at the same time, I do like her so I kind of like the fact I did that. Ugh! I'm proper anxious at how she's going to reply now! Did I do the wrong thing? :eek:

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Stop over thinking things. She asked you exactly the same question. Over thinking things is the worst thing you can do with text.


I do this constantly. Just glad that I didn't have anything to worry about.


Alright :) Now it's back to saving up for a plane ticket then, eh?


Yeah, hopefully! She wants to visit here so who knows who's going where first! haha.


Plane ticket? Bah, judging by Animal's level of happiness, I'd say he'd be able to just ride all the way across the ocean on his motorcycle! :D


Seriously, though, congratulations on the awesome news, Animal! I'm happy for you. :)


I bloody could as well! haha. I'm real happy about it. I'm not going to get WAAAY too attached just in case but yeah, I'm very happy right now! :yay:

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