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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Interesting experiment, and totally true. Girls I've spoken to (friends and girls I met) said they were bombarded with messages, so much so that it was more of a nuisance to even bother looking at a message unless they really liked the picture. Hell, the girl I'm seeing off there still gets emails saying she has messages now and she hasn't even logged in since we met!


It's a different game for each gender I suppose. For the guys it's getting noticed, for the girls it's sifting through the crap. I don't know which is worse to be honest.

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It's a different game for each gender I suppose. For the guys it's getting noticed, for the girls it's sifting through the crap. I don't know which is worse to be honest.


  • Lots of people wanting you and getting the choice.
  • Very few people wanting you and struggle to get noticed by girls.


I know which one I'd choose!

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I get messages from girls sometimes but they don't say more than two words. They say 'hello' and I say 'hello' and we kind of get the ball rolling but then the replies are always one worded answers and sometimes, they don't ask anything back. Those are the ones I don't like. Like, a girl spoke to me and said hello and how are you and then I asked her what her favourite movie was. "Don't know, loads" she replied. I asked what like and she said "Don't know". I said "What do you like to do, what are your hobbies?". "Stuff", she replied. I just replied "You do like to talk a lot, don't you?" and she said "Yeah". I asked her more than what I said but I cut to the gist of it. I never messaged her again.


People like that kind of annoy me. I like the ones who take the time to reply a good message to you.

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I get a few messages a month but usually all it takes is a quick glance at the thumbnail before I know whether I'm going to bother responding. I always take the time to write back to girls who send something clever my way though - usually just a couple of ancillary details from my profile tied together into a greeting.


Back in communication with Eddie Izzard girl. Messaged her a funny, if lengthy account of the 2011 N-E meet where I spent the early hours making a debacle of myself around the streets of London with Charlie.


I'm too sexy for my shirt.

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Back in communication with Eddie Izzard girl. Messaged her a funny, if lengthy account of the 2011 N-E meet where I spent the early hours making a debacle of myself around the streets of London with Charlie.


That night was mental. Going into a casino specifically to sleep, getting chucked out of said casino, you getting some weed from folk, wondering the streets for hours, ending up at your mates at about 6 in the morning after convincing a taxi to take us on the cheap as it was on his way home. All because we were being good friends and got off the bus to look for @Zell. Totally didn't think that one through.


That next day was brutal, very little sleep, got back to my bros at about 10 after leaving at 9. An hour or so more sleep then went to play 7s! Got to Euston for my train home about an hour early and sat in the first class lounge. Couldn't sleep on the train home for some reason as I was buzzing of the Red Bull I had to get through the football.

Edited by Charlie
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Oh my god. I completely didn't remember about the cab driver. I was so on edge at that point, I was about ready to beat him to death with a shoe if he tried swindling us, which I was half expecting.


I can't believe you somehow motivated yourself to leave a 9 and subsequently have an active day. I was dozing well into the afternoon, and then had to fuck off to a mates work party and get drunk all over again :D.

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I spent the next day roaming the streets of London with severe sunburn and dried-on chunder all over my shirt. I had to wait until 5 in the afternoon for the thai place to open to collect my bag from the locker room.


Thank you Charlie and Bard for being good friends. My new year's resolution is to stay with you guys and not wander off by my self/get chucked out of the club.

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Oh my god. I completely didn't remember about the cab driver. I was so on edge at that point, I was about ready to beat him to death with a shoe if he tried swindling us, which I was half expecting.


I can't believe you somehow motivated yourself to leave a 9 and subsequently have an active day. I was dozing well into the afternoon, and then had to fuck off to a mates work party and get drunk all over again :D.


I didn't have a choice! My phone battery was dead and I had no other way of getting in contact with my brother who I was staying with and would be out for the day as off about 11am!


I spent the next day roaming the streets of London with severe sunburn and dried-on chunder all over my shirt. I had to wait until 5 in the afternoon for the thai place to open to collect my bag from the locker room.


Thank you Charlie and Bard for being good friends. My new year's resolution is to stay with you guys and not wander off by my self/get chucked out of the club.


Character building experience.

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Definitely character building. I've been known to do some wild shit in my time, but I think your story pretty much takes the biscuit for maddest thing I've ever heard. I think the thing that makes it so bizarre is the lack of information on what actually happened between you being sat next to us and being caked in a belly batter, curled up next to some random dude.

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Definitely character building. I've been known to do some wild shit in my time, but I think your story pretty much takes the biscuit for maddest thing I've ever heard. I think the thing that makes it so bizarre is the lack of information on what actually happened between you being sat next to us and being caked in a belly batter, curled up next to some random dude.


To be honest I don't really remember much between leaving the seats we had in the club and then getting on/off the bus. What Zell did is a complete mystery!

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There's a girl that I'm refusing to even adhere "mixed" to her signals, for I'm mixed in my reception of them, and for all I know I'm tuned in to TV but she's broadcasting semaphore, y'know?


Anyway, we've a mutal friend that we're looking after in her time of need, and while we've been co-opping care plans we've also gotten to know each other a little. We have some shared interests, etc. I've only met her... 5 times? Never in a date situation. In fact, I got her phone number entirely due to an utterly, utterly depressing and totally unromantic situation involving two care workers, a social worker, a nurse and a dying 74 year old man -- and a bawling bundle of friend.


So now, whilst scouring the town's papers for things to do on the weekend to get mutual friend out of teh house I've happened upon a nice little thing to do, sunday afternoon. I am certain that everyone else we know would be bored and uninterested... but would come if I asked them to, because it could be stitched between a lunch and a movie.




Here's how I broached it;


She Says: Are you gonna go?

I Says: Not By Myself.

I Says: I mean yeah

I says: Can have an afternoon lunch nearby, then go see what it's like

She Says: I'd like to go.


... Ok so I've grown the balls in teh last few minutes to push it. The balls have only reached regular-jayseven size rather than, say, recently-single-jayseven sized, or Iun-sized.


IS: Ok so sunday promise to do the spun glass thing with me

IS: I mean

SS: ok i will but as long as you watch half nelson, you mean what?

IS: Yeah I'll watch the gosling thing

IS: I mean I think it'll be more fun to do it with you knowing you're into writing

IS: and others could come, but wouldn't maybe be on the same page, as it were?

SS:yeah it looks interesting be good to do something different

SS:yeah well i dont know anyone else personally who would come, if you do you can invite [mutuals] if you want


... So basically I think I'm kinda stealing a 'date' here. My idea is that this would be a first date. I mean, what is a date? It's spending time with a potential alone doing something, right? Right. So this could be a first date. No pressure. Just get to know them.




... And I said "we can invite others afterwards" and she said "OK :)"




... Right?


EDIT: Oh fuck what do I wear

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In November I met this cool girl, started seeing her. Was pretty serious.

In December I met a cooler girl, started seeing her (after ending things with the first girl). It's pretty serious.

In January (Saturday just there) I met an even cooler girl. She happens to be great friends with my flatmate (that's how I met her). I want her.


Obstacles include I'm currently seeing someone, she lives frickin' miles away and she's friends with my flatmate so if it goes tits up things could get awkward. I'm going to do the mature thing and not seduce her.

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In November I met this cool girl, started seeing her. Was pretty serious.

In December I met a cooler girl, started seeing her (after ending things with the first girl). It's pretty serious.

In January (Saturday just there) I met an even cooler girl. She happens to be great friends with my flatmate (that's how I met her). I want her.


Obstacles include I'm currently seeing someone, she lives frickin' miles away and she's friends with my flatmate so if it goes tits up things could get awkward. I'm going to do the mature thing and not seduce her.

One word for you:



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