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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I went back to that restaurant / pub place earlier this afternoon.


That guy was there who I saw the last time.


It was really busy though today, understandably - a Sunday afternoon compared to a Monday evening! So therefore I hardly saw him. Also, I was sat at the head of the table (there were 5 of us eating too) so my back was basically to the whole restaurant.


Anyway, he did walk past to the table just in front of us twice, and both times he looked my way and smiled at me.

I'm so attracted to him it's crazy. But not just in a 'omg you're really hot' way. Coz he's not a 'hottie' really.

I dunno what I'm trying to say. :(

Basically, imagine you have an idea of your perfect guy / girl in your mind, and by perfect I mean someone you imagine settling down with. Well this is what this guy reminds me of. And I dunno why. Coz I've never had a picture of any guy in my mind when I think of that, but now when I think about the type of guy I'd like to be in a relationship with, I think of him.


Omg this sounds unhealthy. Hahahaha. I apologise as this prob makes no sense and sounds like I need a mental health check, but I guess I just feel something towards this guy because he's shown signs back previously, and to an extent today that he is kinda 'aware' that I'm checking him out ha. And possibly doing it back. But I don't like saying that in case 1. I'm wrong and 2. Saying someone is checking me out is massively big headed. Rest assured I'm not though as it never normally does happen! :laughing:


So yeah, another pointless post with nothing much to tell other than I've seen the man of my dreams and haven't done anything / can't do / wouldn't know what to do about it!

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Ever had one of those "We both know we like each other" conversations? There's a girl I think is fantastic, both physically and in terms of personality, and I'm 100% sure she likes me too, only she is in a steady, long-term relationship and has no reason to give it up (quite wisely). We were describing what we like in a partner and basically just described each other. :heh: Despite finding her extremely attractive, I also find her very, very easy to talk to.

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What's the etiquette on talking about x's in a relationship eh?


Well, I like it. Most girls put x at the end of a message (just friendly), and it's really nice when it progresses to xx and then xxx. You don't need more than three, but that scale does convey different amounts of passion.


I don't know when I started but I pretty much put a little x on the end of any message/fb post I send to my female friends, and most x back(one signs off fb posts xXx but she's awesome so I'll allow that :p). One recently has changed to an xo for some reason, and as you say on occasion I'll get an xx or an xxx from a usual x that does indicate 'more' as it were. Happens a bit more with one of my best friends now as we don't see/talk as much as we used to(just cos of general life) and it sort of keeps up like that. The mentality of it does intrigue me though. I find the Cs that jay mentions hilarious for some reason though, don't think I ever do that(it'd be like signing something off with your name spelt wrong, how embarrassing). I don't often do it with dudes though.



Back to the point though @Animal - yeah it could be good; but what if she's just a general x'er anyway? Maybe at first didn't want to but now a bit more comfortable with you so she does? Plus you just moved from messaging on the site to text messaging right? Might encourage that jump to x's in spite of anything else. Ofc I'm just the devil's advocate, pooping on your parade :p


I think the fact she messages you good morning is more notable - does she literally message you good morning every day? Also how did it go from messaging for two weeks to almost a month in a matter of hours?!


(also how anyone failed to get Ell's sarcasm is totally beyond me!)


I went back to that restaurant / pub place earlier this afternoon.


That guy was there who I saw the last time.


It was really busy though today, understandably - a Sunday afternoon compared to a Monday evening! So therefore I hardly saw him. Also, I was sat at the head of the table (there were 5 of us eating too) so my back was basically to the whole restaurant.


Anyway, he did walk past to the table just in front of us twice, and both times he looked my way and smiled at me.

I'm so attracted to him it's crazy. But not just in a 'omg you're really hot' way. Coz he's not a 'hottie' really.

I dunno what I'm trying to say. :(

Basically, imagine you have an idea of your perfect guy / girl in your mind, and by perfect I mean someone you imagine settling down with. Well this is what this guy reminds me of. And I dunno why. Coz I've never had a picture of any guy in my mind when I think of that, but now when I think about the type of guy I'd like to be in a relationship with, I think of him.


Omg this sounds unhealthy. Hahahaha. I apologise as this prob makes no sense and sounds like I need a mental health check, but I guess I just feel something towards this guy because he's shown signs back previously, and to an extent today that he is kinda 'aware' that I'm checking him out ha. And possibly doing it back. But I don't like saying that in case 1. I'm wrong and 2. Saying someone is checking me out is massively big headed. Rest assured I'm not though as it never normally does happen! :laughing:


So yeah, another pointless post with nothing much to tell other than I've seen the man of my dreams and haven't done anything / can't do / wouldn't know what to do about it!


I have no idea what you are trying to say and you sound pretty mental.


Just kidding. You're totally crushing. You said there's a bar and he sometimes works it right? You need to go there on a quieter day and catch him at the bar! Take a friend(or actually 2, so they can converse if you get chatting with him) - what happened to your friend that wanted to check him out? Or was that sunday?


Ever had one of those "We both know we like each other" conversations? There's a girl I think is fantastic, both physically and in terms of personality, and I'm 100% sure she likes me too, only she is in a steady, long-term relationship and has no reason to give it up (quite wisely). We were describing what we like in a partner and basically just described each other. :heh: Despite finding her extremely attractive, I also find her very, very easy to talk to.


Naaaaah man, you wanna stop that! Stop that now!

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:laughing: yeah I totally am crushing!

Well, we're gonna try and go next week one week night when it is a bit quieter. We'll see. But yeah definitely gonna try and have a bit of a convo if we go. My friend is quite keen to do a bit of wing manning so it's all good!

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Naaaaah man, you wanna stop that! Stop that now!


She didn't touch me or say anything improper, but it was pretty steamy. Sort of "You're my type. So is my boyfriend, maybe even more so, but you definitely are too." :heh:


:laughing: yeah I totally am crushing!

Well, we're gonna try and go next week one week night when it is a bit quieter. We'll see. But yeah definitely gonna try and have a bit of a convo if we go. My friend is quite keen to do a bit of wing manning so it's all good!


Do you have any idea of this chap's sexual orientation? If you think he's compatible that way, it sounds like you have quite a chance.

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Do you have any idea of this chap's sexual orientation? If you think he's compatible that way, it sounds like you have quite a chance.


No... Which is just typical of me tbh. The only reason I thought he may be was because he was kinda looking at me as much as I was looking at him. Or when I glanced over he'd be looking. And I guess sometimes you just get that feeling.


Not a lot to go on I know...!

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I find the Cs that jay mentions hilarious for some reason though, don't think I ever do that(it'd be like signing something off with your name spelt wrong, how embarrassing). I don't often do it with dudes though.


EVERYONE knows the C's stand for cuddles...

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So it's over.


and I feel absolutely horrible even though this is what I wanted.


Got to go through these feels first :(


Sorry, I didn't see this before. Are you okay, mate? :(


Back to the point though @Animal - yeah it could be good; but what if she's just a general x'er anyway? Maybe at first didn't want to but now a bit more comfortable with you so she does? Plus you just moved from messaging on the site to text messaging right? Might encourage that jump to x's in spite of anything else. Ofc I'm just the devil's advocate, pooping on your parade :p


I think the fact she messages you good morning is more notable - does she literally message you good morning every day? Also how did it go from messaging for two weeks to almost a month in a matter of hours?!


(also how anyone failed to get Ell's sarcasm is totally beyond me!)


I don't know now...I wonder if she does like me...Like now, we've started putting 'xx' instead of just 'x' and when she forgets, she sends another one. As for the 'good morning' thing, it can go both ways. It can be me or it can be her. I want to ask her out but I've not been paid and won't be for another two weeks and for the first time in YEARS, I'm scared of rejection from a girl. I actually really like her and to hear she doesn't like me back in that way or just likes me as a friend would devastate me a little.


We message each other throughout the day from morning until we go to sleep. We've exchanged Instagram and Twitter and she's hearted all of the pictures of me but not my other ones. Ugh, I don't know now! Like, I thought it might be possible that she likes me but what if you're right and she's just...well...being a girl! God, girls, you're so confusing! haha! :indeed:

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Sorry, I didn't see this before. Are you okay, mate? :(




I don't know now...I wonder if she does like me...Like now, we've started putting 'xx' instead of just 'x' and when she forgets, she sends another one. As for the 'good morning' thing, it can go both ways. It can be me or it can be her. I want to ask her out but I've not been paid and won't be for another two weeks and for the first time in YEARS, I'm scared of rejection from a girl. I actually really like her and to hear she doesn't like me back in that way or just likes me as a friend would devastate me a little.


We message each other throughout the day from morning until we go to sleep. We've exchanged Instagram and Twitter and she's hearted all of the pictures of me but not my other ones. Ugh, I don't know now! Like, I thought it might be possible that she likes me but what if you're right and she's just...well...being a girl! God, girls, you're so confusing! haha! :indeed:


If she doesn't want to date you, do you really still want to be corresponding with her in the way you are? I suspect not (and if the answer is that you do, then you're doing it wrong). Thus, you might as well just ask her out already, because if it's not what she's wanting then you're just wasting your own time and creating excess stress over it for yourself.

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If she doesn't want to date you, do you really still want to be corresponding with her in the way you are? I suspect not (and if the answer is that you do, then you're doing it wrong). Thus, you might as well just ask her out already, because if it's not what she's wanting then you're just wasting your own time and creating excess stress over it for yourself.


This is true. I think she does like me though because she asked if I've been speaking to anybody else from OKC and I answered truthfully and said that I wasn't anymore. There were them three girls when we started talking but they were weird so I've not spoken to anyone since. She said she hasn't either. We both spoke about our families and whether they know about each other. Her mom doesn't know about me yet but her friends do and they like me so that's good. I told her my family like her as well. She said she thinks I'm nice and genuine...


Guys, this is good news...you don't really say that about your friends, right?

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EVERYONE knows the C's stand for cuddles...




xoxoxc xx


She didn't touch me or say anything improper, but it was pretty steamy. Sort of "You're my type. So is my boyfriend, maybe even more so, but you definitely are too." :heh:


I meant just even thinking about it/her like that.


Sorry, I didn't see this before. Are you okay, mate? :(




I don't know now...I wonder if she does like me...Like now, we've started putting 'xx' instead of just 'x' and when she forgets, she sends another one. As for the 'good morning' thing, it can go both ways. It can be me or it can be her. I want to ask her out but I've not been paid and won't be for another two weeks and for the first time in YEARS, I'm scared of rejection from a girl. I actually really like her and to hear she doesn't like me back in that way or just likes me as a friend would devastate me a little.


We message each other throughout the day from morning until we go to sleep. We've exchanged Instagram and Twitter and she's hearted all of the pictures of me but not my other ones. Ugh, I don't know now! Like, I thought it might be possible that she likes me but what if you're right and she's just...well...being a girl! God, girls, you're so confusing! haha! :indeed:


Borrow some money from someone and ask her out. She isn't going to wait around forever, but from everything you're saying it sounds a lot like the girl does like you to me. If you ask her out and get rejected, so be it - but better to do it now than later. Tbh if she DOES reject you(which I don't think she will) I'd say you're better off because if she's acting like that when she doesn't like you like that I think she's a bit mental/oblivious. You HAVE to do something though, and soon. How far away from you is she, btw?


If she doesn't want to date you, do you really still want to be corresponding with her in the way you are? I suspect not (and if the answer is that you do, then you're doing it wrong). Thus, you might as well just ask her out already, because if it's not what she's wanting then you're just wasting your own time and creating excess stress over it for yourself.


Ah, Gizmo totally said what I was getting at and in a much better way. Me durr.


This is true. I think she does like me though because she asked if I've been speaking to anybody else from OKC and I answered truthfully and said that I wasn't anymore. There were them three girls when we started talking but they were weird so I've not spoken to anyone since. She said she hasn't either. We both spoke about our families and whether they know about each other. Her mom doesn't know about me yet but her friends do and they like me so that's good. I told her my family like her as well. She said she thinks I'm nice and genuine...


Guys, this is good news...you don't really say that about your friends, right?


Ok I really need to read a whole thread before I start replying to posts.


Yeah. Ask her out.

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I meant just even thinking about it/her like that.


Honestly, I was trying to talk to her about something completely different, but she really, really wanted to know whether I had a partner, and what I go for. I told her (truthfully) what I like, and she volunteered a medium-length list of what she liked, which matched up very closely with myself.

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Sorry, I didn't see this before. Are you okay, mate? :(


Without being too overly dramatic, I'm not sure about a lot of things anymore.


I'm doing alright, but there's a lot going on that I have to deal with for myself.


I might just write a lenghty post of self-pity and the drama of the last couple of months in the weekend.

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Without being too overly dramatic, I'm not sure about a lot of things anymore.


I'm doing alright, but there's a lot going on that I have to deal with for myself.


I might just write a lenghty post of self-pity and the drama of the last couple of months in the weekend.


Aww, I understand, mate! :( Just know that the bro-hood are here for you if you need anything, dude! :)


*fist bumps*




We spoke again. She said good morning to me and we just literally been messaging each other throughout the day, not so much in the afternoon but at night. She hasn't been feeling so great and felt dizzy and sick. She's had to come home from work. She's on new painkillers because of her shoulder so she thinks it's that. She spent the afternoon asleep but at night, we spoke a little more about ourselves. She seems exactly my type. We get along great. I didn't ask her to go on a date last night but I'm going to tomorrow. I'm not going to be one of those people who keep on delaying it either, I am going to genuinely ask her tomorrow.


I'm nervous about this because she's the only person I've spoken to where I actually, weirdly, feel a connection. Like I said in one of the first posts I made about her, I feel something there.

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Girl C - Date 1

Date went well, we got on and said we'll go out again next week... so I'll have to arrange that around my 2nd date with Girl B too as we've said we'd go out next week.


It almost didn't go quite smoothly though... I arrived at the place we were meeting about 5 minutes prior to her arrival and this girl turns around at the bar and looks at me... "Kav"... oh well that's great, it's only another one of the girls I'm chatting to!


Shit! This girl I'm about to meet is only seconds away and now this. So I tell her I'm on a date one of my friends had set up that I couldn't say no to, she wishes me luck and sits down what ends up being two tables away from us! Awkward! Haha

Guess I'll not be seeing her now, haha!



I've another date tonight too, we'll see how that unfolds. Jesus... I'm a serial dater (I do love a date).

Edited by Kav
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Girl D - Date 1

So she wasn't as pretty as Girl B (out of this world good looking) or Girl C... and she's not actually as good looking as her pictures (not far off, but the camera likes her)... but we had a good date never the less.


We went for a drink, had a good chat and a laugh and we had a little dance too... and holy shit guys, can this girl move! An amazing figure I must say, but the way it moves! Shit man, it was mesmerising!


So yeah, after the little dance I thought that this girl is worth seeing again. She must like me as she pretty much pounced on me to kiss me before the end of the night.

Oh man, that body, the way it moves... wow! Will see again!



So far, I'd say I like Girl B most. Followed by Girl C&D probably the same, for different reasons, haha.

I've still got another 4 first dates to get out of the way, but given that these last 3 seem to have gone well I think I'll trim the list... cull the heard! Haha (I'm only joking when I say it like that).

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I'm a little gutted when I say that I've asked her and she's told me she's busy all next week. We spoke a little and it turns out we're both pretty much afraid, nervous and excited. We both discussed where we stood and she said she really likes me and that we'll definitely meet but not this week or next week. I'm fine with that because, as I said, my money situation sucks at the minute because my job hasn't paid me at all yet.


At least this way, I can use my own money and not borrow it. I'm happy that she was straight with me instead of being all "I don't know". She basically told me how she felt, which is a quality I love in a woman. I'm happy that she said she really likes me too so it's made my night! :)

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The strangest thing happened to me at work today, I was on my way back to the tills when a young lady said 'Excuse me!' so I did my usual 'How can I help?' and it turns out she was looking for raffle ticket books so I took her to the product and I decided to ask what kind of raffle she was running saying that it's presumably for a good cause etc?


And she was there telling me all about it which was nice, all the time though I was just feeling this kind of instant attraction to her as in I could have quite easily just kissed her there and then if I were to forget my place or if I didn't value my job in any case :heh: but yeah... just really weird, she was letting me know where the raffle was too - it's tomorrow and I'm working - but yes just completely took me by surprise.


Has anyone else experienced similar attraction like that?


On the dating side of things I messaged someone new the other night and have got a reply, so I've messaged her back and we'll see where things go from there, I know I've said this before but I really have a good feeling about this one as she's the same age as me which is nice, seems to have a similar personality as well; will keep you posted if anything develops. : peace:

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The strangest thing happened to me at work today, I was on my way back to the tills when a young lady said 'Excuse me!' so I did my usual 'How can I help?' and it turns out she was looking for raffle ticket books so I took her to the product and I decided to ask what kind of raffle she was running saying that it's presumably for a good cause etc?


And she was there telling me all about it which was nice, all the time though I was just feeling this kind of instant attraction to her as in I could have quite easily just kissed her there and then if I were to forget my place or if I didn't value my job in any case :heh: but yeah... just really weird, she was letting me know where the raffle was too - it's tomorrow and I'm working - but yes just completely took me by surprise.


Has anyone else experienced similar attraction like that?


On the dating side of things I messaged someone new the other night and have got a reply, so I've messaged her back and we'll see where things go from there, I know I've said this before but I really have a good feeling about this one as she's the same age as me which is nice, seems to have a similar personality as well; will keep you posted if anything develops. : peace:


Definitely keep us posted.


As for the similar attraction, I've had that a while back with someone from work. Nothing came of it though because stupidly, in the place I used to be in, one of the rules is that you can't have a relationship with someone even though someone did and nothing bad happened.


I figure that the next time you see her, ask her about the raffle and ask her out.

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Has anyone else experienced similar attraction like that?


Yeah, of course! Very rarely, you bump into someone that you just have pure chemistry with, and it's so easy to talk to them, flirt, interpret each other's gestures etc.


These are the people that, if life wasn't so complicated, we'd be breeding with without thinking. Sometimes I wish we were still cavemen, with less technology, and people - men and women - listened to their instincts more, making judgements based on physical instinct and not based on success in the modern, complicated world.

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It's not really post-worthy but tonight was insane. So I went to this party tonight, it was my mate's 21st and it needs to be noted that my ex-girlfriend is my mate's sister so obviously she'd be there. There's not any drama between us, we're mates and we know that but it was so weird what happened tonight. So I was with my pint (first pint in about a year, I think) sitting down and chatting to one of my old schoolfriends and her boyfriend. My ex comes up to me and asks me to dance. I said okay and both of us danced. Not seductively or anything like that but we just danced.


Anyway, her family were introducing me to people and they introduced me not as her friend but as her ex-boyfriend. I didn't mind them saying that because it's true but I sort of felt like a beg or something, like I was some kind of stalker. Obviously, this was me just being sensitive so I ignored it. Anyway, me, her, her sister and our friend kept on dancing and suddenly, halfway through a song, she seemed a bit cold and distant towards me. I didn't take any notice and just carried on having a good time. Later on, I was saying that I was going and she said "Okay, bye" and that was it. I wasn't expecting any long-ass goodbyes but it just felt weirdly cold.


I'm not bothered anyway. I'm just bothered about meeting this girl!

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