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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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I know Nintendo has a family friendly image but I stream porn through my WiiU and my projector... it's absolutely great... and not cheating (even though I'm single).

  kav82 said:
I know Nintendo has a family friendly image but I stream porn through my WiiU and my projector... it's absolutely great... and not cheating (even though I'm single).


How can it go through your mind that it is cheating when you are single.


I'm jealous of playing porn through the projector. Not going to lie.

  Blade said:
How can it go through your mind that it is cheating when you are single.


I'm jealous of playing porn through the projector. Not going to lie.


I'm more jealous of anyone who can play porn in 3D, haha.

  MoogleViper said:
I went to Benidorm for my cousin's stag do, and got back last night. It's far from my sort of place, but the guys were a great laugh so I still had fun.


When playing water polo in the pool, we got chatting to a couple of girls. Spent a bit of time with them, and got on well. One of them was obviously keen on me, and everyone was egging me on to make a move. Finally on the last night, I had my chance with her. I was sharing a room with my uncle (stag's dad), my dad, and my cousin's other uncle, so obviously I couldn't take her there. So my cousin gave me his key, and I took her to his room. We got back and spent ages talking. So long, that just as we got onto the bed and started, one of the guys staying in the room came in. He's a bit weird, and he was interested in her as well, so he wasn't very accommodating; so that fucked that up.


Pretty annoyed that I missed my chance. The rest of the guys ripped me for it the next morning. She has added me on facebook and we chatted a lot yesterday, but I don't think anything will come of it as she lives in Bolton. Nice to know I've got a chance with women, and she was really into me and paid me lots of compliments, so I've got a bit of an ego boost.


In completely and definitely unrelated news, I may be going to Bolton next weekend.


Saw crazy girl on Friday - ignored her on Saturday. Absolute dick move I know but I could just see that if I said something she would do something weird. Woke up to 4 texts explaining why she just wants to be friends.


Went on another date last night with a girl from tinder and she's great. I got home and texted her saying we should do it again and she said definitely so I'm happy :)


Is my font size a lot bigger than everyone else's?


Meh, think I'll have to break things off with my friend-with-benefits.


She told me (we were partying with a couple of friends; mostly ladies) that she was jealous of how other women were treating me (kiss on the cheek, hugs, smiles, little bit of flirting; you know how it is). So, yeah...pretty obvious what that means on her end.


Well, it was fun while it lasted.


inb4 the "just like the sex"-jokes. :p

  MoogleViper said:
In completely and definitely unrelated news, I may be going to Bolton next weekend.


So this has fallen through.


We'd also pencilled her visiting Oxford at the end of the month, but I can't really be arsed now. I'm not sure what the situation with her and her boyfriend is, and I've pretty much lost interest.


I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this stuff, it could just easily sit i nthe bad stuff thread, but I've just had a not too pleasant conversation with a friend which seems to result in us going seperate ways.


It was brought about because I hadn't spoken to her for two days - I didn't have a reason, I just hadn't rang/messaged her. I then got a snarky phone call on Friday that didn't impress me because asking if I was still alive as if to suggest that death or family emergency is the only viable reason not to speak. I wasn't avoiding her or anything. I was just having a bit of me time.


We spoke today and some home truths came out - she said that she likes me and has done since we met 6 years ago. She has been pretending not like me and I've been pretending like I didn't know. Two biggish lies are not exactly the greatest foundation for a friendship but it seemed to work increddibly well when it did. But this is the first time she's come out and said it outright. She's been a bit off recently and I had suspected but I played dumb to try and make things easier. I never told her I had my suspicions all along.


What kinda brought things to a head though was that was out on the town the other weekend and got a couple of phone numbers from girls. Having told her about my evening, suddenly, I'm married and no longer have time for her and she can't have me and so it all blows up like this. We've had similar riffs like this in the past whenever I've started speaking to other girls (it doesn't happen often) but not on this scale.


Our friendship has always been extremely close and more inline with an actual relationship than just friends so whilst we were never together, me not being with anyone else probably helped with regards to her feelings.


It seems all her boyfriends in this time frame have been very similar to me personality wise but they never worked out. Now I'm being lumped in with them as being a typical guy just because I somehow managed to strike up conversation with a some people I've never met before in a bar.


She's asked me not to contact her now.


There's not really anything I can do about it but I do feel a bit crappy about the whole thing. I don't really want her gone but I can't help but think she would be better off without me in her life.


I was telling my mates what was happening in my "love life" at the weekend and they were both surprised and impressed by it all that there were so many things going on (there was also some recent interest from a girl from work but I certainly didn't dare mention that to his girl) but it really feels like way too much hassle.


I just want to find that one special person, settle down, and have done with all this crap.


I take it that you don't like her back?


It can be hard if you really like someone and you're friends with them too. Some time away from you might be a good thing so that she can get properly over you, find someone else, then become friends again?


I'd say do your best to stick to the plan of staying out of her way @Captain Falcon. Both of you pretending like it was nothing wasn't ideal, but I can see how it came about. However, as you said, despite how the friendship was you weren't actually IN a relationship, and you don't owe her that. She's been the crazy one here, and my advice is to stick to it on your part and don't try to make the amends for her craziness that has basically told you to fuck off. Whatever you do, don't contact her.


And as said, it'll give her time away from you and it might be easier for her. I half wonder if she'll be in touch again at some point soon though. My advice - whatever happens just leave it as it is now, if she gets back in touch with you no matter how much you might not want her gone she's been a bit of a prick here and I personally wouldn't let that be forgotten. It's easy for me to sit behind my keyboard here and say it, but I'd probably do my best to avoid taking that back into my life if it were me.

Posted (edited)
  kav82 said:
Or just tell her how it is. That she's out of order and it's laughable what she said to you.


And then see if she apologises. If she does you have a decision whether to remain as good friends, lessen the contact and weaken the friendship or sack her off completely. Entirely your choice.


In my opinion what is important here is communication. Be honest with her. Lying or downplaying the truth will not help matters. If you want to bin her off as a friend then tell her. If you want to be "less friends" then again tell her and be clear about it and that maybe in time your friendship could get back to where it was.

Edited by Blade

I don't like her like that so I'm sure it's probably for the best for her if we don't speak. We've had some time seperate in the past but it's never lasted. This time though, I think it is over for good. I don't personally have an issue with her liking me but it seems it's too much for her. I need to give her what she's asked for. As upsetting as this is for me, I'm sure it's a lot worse for her and whilst that doesnt excuse all of her behaviour, rational thought is often the first thing to go out of the window when one is not in a good place emotionally.


Thanks for listening guys - I just needed to get it out there. She's normally the person I'd talk to about things like this so it good to hear so many reasurring voices :)

  Captain Falcon said:
I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this stuff, it could just easily sit i nthe bad stuff thread, but I've just had a not too pleasant conversation with a friend which seems to result in us going seperate ways.


It was brought about because I hadn't spoken to her for two days - I didn't have a reason, I just hadn't rang/messaged her. I then got a snarky phone call on Friday that didn't impress me because asking if I was still alive as if to suggest that death or family emergency is the only viable reason not to speak. I wasn't avoiding her or anything. I was just having a bit of me time.


We spoke today and some home truths came out - she said that she likes me and has done since we met 6 years ago. She has been pretending not like me and I've been pretending like I didn't know. Two biggish lies are not exactly the greatest foundation for a friendship but it seemed to work increddibly well when it did. But this is the first time she's come out and said it outright. She's been a bit off recently and I had suspected but I played dumb to try and make things easier. I never told her I had my suspicions all along.


What kinda brought things to a head though was that was out on the town the other weekend and got a couple of phone numbers from girls. Having told her about my evening, suddenly, I'm married and no longer have time for her and she can't have me and so it all blows up like this. We've had similar riffs like this in the past whenever I've started speaking to other girls (it doesn't happen often) but not on this scale.


Our friendship has always been extremely close and more inline with an actual relationship than just friends so whilst we were never together, me not being with anyone else probably helped with regards to her feelings.


It seems all her boyfriends in this time frame have been very similar to me personality wise but they never worked out. Now I'm being lumped in with them as being a typical guy just because I somehow managed to strike up conversation with a some people I've never met before in a bar.


She's asked me not to contact her now.


There's not really anything I can do about it but I do feel a bit crappy about the whole thing. I don't really want her gone but I can't help but think she would be better off without me in her life.


I was telling my mates what was happening in my "love life" at the weekend and they were both surprised and impressed by it all that there were so many things going on (there was also some recent interest from a girl from work but I certainly didn't dare mention that to his girl) but it really feels like way too much hassle.


I just want to find that one special person, settle down, and have done with all this crap.


Personally, I think you're better off out of it but then I sort of sympathise with her. Very true that she is out of order to be saying this to you and I think that she should have spoken up earlier about her feelings for you but if she's the kind of girl who's very shy, it may not have been easier for her.


But yeah, she's very out of order in this situation and she should totally approach you and apologise to you. You haven't done anything wrong, she has. If she does apologise, as Blade has said, weaken the friendship and lessen the contact. This would be easier on both of you. It would be a shame to lose a friendship that close...


Okay so update on crazy girl. Ended up having to call police to tell her back the fuck off. She kept calling and messaging non stop. Had to get an app to block private number calls and it recorded 69 calls in 4 hours. That's worse than Ashley!


The messages were ridiculous, she even threatened to have me fired as her uncle was president of my company which was funny because my company is actually a partnership, I.e. no presidents allowed :p


Going on third date with tinder girl. We have a lot in common and I think she's grand so hopefully will continue.


Sounds like she was full blown cray cray. I've had that sort of massive number of phone calls before, this was before the time of smartphones with number blocking apps too. :(

  Ellmeister said:
Okay so update on crazy girl. Ended up having to call police to tell her back the fuck off. She kept calling and messaging non stop. Had to get an app to block private number calls and it recorded 69 calls in 4 hours. That's worse than Ashley!


The messages were ridiculous, she even threatened to have me fired as her uncle was president of my company which was funny because my company is actually a partnership, I.e. no presidents allowed :p


Going on third date with tinder girl. We have a lot in common and I think she's grand so hopefully will continue.


Jesus Christ. Never go near crazy.


Dating someone new, things are good.


As much as I loved my ex, I don't regret it. We had good times together, but now I just feel normal. Like how its normal to walk around the city hand in hand and spend time with someone who talks to you and not necessarily at you?

  Ellmeister said:
Okay so update on crazy girl. Ended up having to call police to tell her back the fuck off. She kept calling and messaging non stop. Had to get an app to block private number calls and it recorded 69 calls in 4 hours. That's worse than Ashley!



  Raining_again said:
Dating someone new, things are good.


As much as I loved my ex, I don't regret it. We had good times together, but now I just feel normal. Like how its normal to walk around the city hand in hand and spend time with someone who talks to you and not necessarily at you?


Yay! I'm so glad to hear :)




Things are getting worse with the Japan-bound person. I kind of wanted to rant about it here, but I don't know if I can be bothered to go into the detail. Instead I think I'll just say 'urgh' and go gorge myself on brownie.

  Ashley said:
Not to be one of those annoying people, but just because.


No, not at all. You're definitely a more specific kind of annoying person. A strong contender for the heavyweight annoyance crown.

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