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The cute guy at work today had finished and was doing some shopping. Instead of looking away or briefly saying "alright", I somehow said "oh hey, how are you? Are you off out tonight, it is Saturday after all!"


He was like "haha nah, not this week! Gonna have a quiet night in with the girlfriend, I think!" then pointed towards the cookies and dvd in his basket. To which I replied "no way, that sounds amazing!!".



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So I'm leaving the gym today. Went with my friend and I'm dressed first waiting outside. I haven't seen Phenomenally Hot Gym Guy today, but that's cool. But wait, no. Who's that standing off to the side out front. Yes. Boom. I'm just looking. But whatever, I'm cool. He's totally smoking hot. I've acclimatized. He sees me and looks back in my general direction. I can't tell if he's noticed me. Someone calls his name next to me and he waves but it's weird. I haven't moved, I'm basically just looking at him. And then it hits me, he waved at me. Not the random gym boss lady who just said hi to him. So I kind of half awkward (in my mind) but totally playing it cool, I smile and wave back. I can see my friend is on his way out the gym but it's too late, Phenomenally Hot Gym Guy has walked toward me and we're already chatting. I'm on my usual banter cruise-control, I'm all like 'I definitely need your help, I'm totally plateauing now.' He's like 'Really?' I'm like 'Yeah, I'm going to have to talk to you about my lifting regime at some point.' (This was not as aggressive as it now sounds - he asked me how I was first, and all that) He's like 'Yeah, sure!' I'm like, 'Ace, I'll grab you in the gym sometime.' (I'd definitely grab him in the gym.) But seriously, the eye contact is full on. And you know what? He's actually a lot taller than me. I don't know what I was on before but I'm looking up at this Helios of a man and there is sunshine everywhere. I'm standing there like the cool but gormless idiot that I am, staring at his eyes and he doesn't break eye contact for a second. It's not intense, it's just perfect. Obviously a thing this good can't be real, so hello delusion - thanks for having me. Anyway, lost my train of thought. I leave with my friend and he's like 'What was that all about?' I'm like 'I'm upgrading to a better gym partner.'


I might ask if he wants to go bouldering sometime.


And so concludes yet another chapter Daft-erotica.

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Hands off him, he's mine!


I don't think I've every been so into someone I become flustered whenever they talk to me.


I'm not flustered, I'm as cool as a goddamn cucumber. I'm just beaming. He's like the sun to my Kryptonian physiology.

Edited by Daft
I cannot spell.
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So I'm leaving the gym today. Went with my friend and I'm dressed first waiting outside. I haven't seen Phenomenally Hot Gym Guy today, but that's cool. But wait, no. Who's that standing off to the side out front. Yes. Boom. I'm just looking. But whatever, I'm cool. He's totally smoking hot. I've acclimatized. He sees me and looks back in my general direction. I can't tell if he's noticed me. Someone calls his name next to me and he waves but it's weird. I haven't moved, I'm basically just looking at him. And then it hits me, he waved at me. Not the random gym boss lady who just said hi to him. So I kind of half awkward (in my mind) but totally playing it cool, I smile and wave back. I can see my friend is on his way out the gym but it's too late, Phenomenally Hot Gym Guy has walked toward me and we're already chatting. I'm on my usual banter cruise-control, I'm all like 'I definitely need your help, I'm totally plateauing now.' He's like 'Really?' I'm like 'Yeah, I'm going to have to talk to you about my lifting regime at some point.' (This was not as aggressive as it now sounds - he asked me how I was first, and all that) He's like 'Yeah, sure!' I'm like, 'Ace, I'll grab you in the gym sometime.' (I'd definitely grab him in the gym.) But seriously, the eye contact is full on. And you know what? He's actually a lot taller than me. I don't know what I was on before but I'm looking up at this Helios of a man and there is sunshine everywhere. I'm standing there like the cool but gormless idiot that I am, staring at his eyes and he doesn't break eye contact for a second. It's not intense, it's just perfect. Obviously a thing this good can't be real, so hello delusion - thanks for having me. Anyway, lost my train of thought. I leave with my friend and he's like 'What was that all about?' I'm like 'I'm upgrading to a better gym partner.'


I might ask if he wants to go bouldering sometime.


And so concludes yet another chapter Daft-erotica.


I like to think that somewhere else on the Internet, a gym/fitness forum perhaps, there's someone talking about exactly the same situation.

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I like to think that somewhere else on the Internet, a gym/fitness forum perhaps, there's someone talking about exactly the same situation.


Random gym boss lady: "Yeah there was this beardy guy and he got waved at by this tall guy, and they shared a moment of super awkward eye contact and stilted chat before both skipping off into the sunset. I hate my job."

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If he's straight I'll have 'im ;)


I'll fight you for him!




@nightwolf I'm game for a threesome if you are... mwahaha :D


Haha you saucy lady!


Only if there is a pool full of jelly involved ;D


@Raining_again! You dirty girl :o


Not going to lie, I'm soooooooooo turned on right now. I'm just imagining you're talking/fighting over me anyway. So....can we get some cameras and make it happen? haha. #N-Europorn

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