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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Checked out the site. It's a paid one. If gaming were a big enough hobby of mine I'd maybe consider it, but to be honest I'm not really bothered if a potential ladyfriend is interested in gaming.


If I knew how to make decent web sites, I'd make a dating site where you paid a small amount per message rather than monthly subscription. I reckon that makes more sense than having to fork out quite a bit of money to have access to the messaging.

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Similar doesn't mean exactly the same. If they don't like gaming, that is only 1 interest.


You guys are so picky!


Well, obviously. I don't think anyone is disputing that. :heh: Anyway, gaming isn't the most important trait for me personally. Being a geek is the number one criterion in my book. I honestly couldn't picture myself in a relationship with a non-geek.

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I'm sure I heard recently that its just an interchangable template they put over various sites anway using the same datsbase so you aren't guaranteed gamers at all.


Actually, I thought that when I checked out the Planet Rock one ages ago. The website was pretty shoddy and looked really half arsed. I did wonder how it got so many users and figured they had a shared database with other sites.


Looking through the gaming one also seems suspicious. A lot of women on there are pretty old and don't really seem like the gaming sort.

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Looking through the gaming one also seems suspicious. A lot of women on there are pretty old and don't really seem like the gaming sort.


Well, damn. I did have a kind of suspicious vibe about it too, but it didn't let me make a profile, so I couldn't check it out further...


Well, obviously. I don't think anyone is disputing that. :heh: Anyway, gaming isn't the most important trait for me personally. Being a geek is the number one criterion in my book. I honestly couldn't picture myself in a relationship with a non-geek.


Yep, this is what I've been thinking about as well. Would make things much easier, at least : D


But yeah, if we cut it down to the very basics, I'd say the most important thing is respect. Does she respect me, herself, other people? No matter what the hobbies, characteristics, physical attributes, that has to be the basis of it all...

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But yeah, if we cut it down to the very basics, I'd say the most important thing is respect. Does she respect me, herself, other people? No matter what the hobbies, characteristics, physical attributes, that has to be the basis of it all...




You say that but everyone knows it's physical appearance.




You wouldn't go out with her no matter how much she respected you or herself.

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Oh dear...




No matter what the hobbies, characteristics, physical attributes, that has to be the basis of it all...


Of course you need other things on top of that, like mutual attraction. Still, if the other person is an arrogant asshole, doesn't really matter how pretty they look...Or, if they don't respect themselves, that gets annoying really fast too...

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For me, a girl has to like games else they won't accept my hobby.


Mate, there's no reason she has to like games whatsoever. She might not like them but if she's a good girl she'll respect that you do like them.


Video games are no different to anything else. I play a shit load of tennis and the girl I was with in the past didn't like it at all. Did it matter? Of course not.


You're making excuses and therefore making it as hard as possible to find someone. It's almost as if you don't actually want to find somebody.

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Mate, there's no reason she has to like games whatsoever. She might not like them but if she's a good girl she'll respect that you do like them.


Video games are no different to anything else. I play a shit load of tennis and the girl I was with in the past didn't like it at all. Did it matter? Of course not.


You're making excuses and therefore making it as hard as possible to find someone. It's almost as if you don't actually want to find somebody.

No, I'm not. I'm being realistic. A girl with little interest in the thing that my hobby is based on would eventually get tired of me having to take time away, hidden in my cave. A person who cares about my hobby would be statistically less likely to get fed up with it quickly.


Otherwise, I definitely don't need the hassle during those times then yes, I'd rather be alone.

Edited by Serebii
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Yeah it really doesn't matter if they don't like/love games... as long as they aren't going out of their way to tell you not to game in your own time (but then why would you be with someone telling you what to do like that). Like Ell says its only 1 interest out of hundreds people can have.


I personally love people that have got lots of different interests.. because its something you can learn about *them* and something they can teach you/get you involved in.

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No, I'm not. I'm being realistic. A girl with little interest in the thing that my hobby is based on would eventually get tired of me having to take time away, hidden in my cave. A person who cares about my hobby would be statistically less likely to get fed up with it quickly.


Otherwise, I definitely don't need the hassle during those times then yes, I'd rather be alone.


Yeah, the thought of you using a Pokedex on women isn't going to go away now. :p

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No, I'm not. I'm being realistic. A girl with little interest in the thing that my hobby is based on would eventually get tired of me having to take time away, hidden in my cave. A person who cares about my hobby would be statistically less likely to get fed up with it quickly.


Otherwise, I definitely don't need the hassle during those times then yes, I'd rather be alone.


I think you over-exaggerate how your life comes to a stand still when a new game comes out/ something relating to pokemon.

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Everytime you post in this thread I look forward to what new excuse you can use. I don't want that, I want progress, I want you to do a King_V and make a whole damn thread about getting laid!


Also, in searching for something pokemon related, I found this:



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Everytime you post in this thread I look forward to what new excuse you can use. I don't want that, I want progress, I want you to do a King_V and make a whole damn thread about getting laid!


Also, in searching for something pokemon related, I found this:



Come now, I've joined a dating site and I don't make excuses.


People, including my friends, just fail to comprehend how hard I work on my site.

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No, I'm not. I'm being realistic. A girl with little interest in the thing that my hobby is based on would eventually get tired of me having to take time away, hidden in my cave. A person who cares about my hobby would be statistically less likely to get fed up with it quickly.


Otherwise, I definitely don't need the hassle during those times then yes, I'd rather be alone.


Hi! Long time no speak! How are y-- oh, wait, what's that? 6 months have passed and you're still moping and self-centered about this whole thing?




You're not being realistic. You're assuming far too much. You have no real concept of love, of wanting to spend time with another person, of, as ville said, respecting their oddities.


There is no guarentee that anything you say is true, or bound to happen. No guarentee! You set up these unoccurred scenarios to excuse your feeble attempts. You've created these imaginary, not-yet-happened instances that roll through your mind like a movie trailer each time you ponder a girl for long enough -- "coming soon! He has a month to save the world from a lack of knowledge, She has to put up with it. He is ashamed of what his whole life revolves around and she is therefore ashamed of him too. What is she thinking? Why is she with a... *shudder* gamer?!"




You need to check out this crazy theory called empiricism. It's where you need this thing called evidence, which tends to be gathered first-hand, to, like, prove something?


Basically, if a girl is lame enough to not understand your needs, to not acknowledge that you have a job that requires specific things in order for you to buy her pretty things, then she is not interested in you for you, she is interested in you for the sake of having a boyfriend.


What if she's a pilot? She goes away at least two or three times a month, for 3-5 days at a time? Is that going to lead to you walking out? You can't know the answer to this. There'd be other factors. If she was a bitch when she was around, then yeah, totally. If all she did was whine about shit, then yeah, totes. Dump that shit. But if she spends her every spare moment with you in a caring, funny, relaxed, loving way - then why end the relationship?


Stop being so ashamed. Stop thinking you have all the answers. Honestly, it's a little sad to come back 6 months later to see you've finally gotten round to dating sites, something we all said you should do over a year ago. You disrespected our opinion the entire time, shunned the success stories we all presented to you because of what? Your opinion.




A girl with little interest in gaming will not spell the end. If you have little interest in shoes, make-up, shopping, 50 shades of grey/magic mike/twilight/formula 1/tennis/country music and yet she likes these things, does that mean it's over?


(well to be fair, twilight? I mean, jeez...)


Bottom line:

You have no experience of relationships so don't bother imagining what it'd be like, and don't let those imaginations stop anything from happening. Don't make up these stupid excuses.

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