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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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Nice one, Diageo! Look at you being such a pimp! :p


Unfortunately, my stories start very awesome and then end disastrously and I've been a bit depressed with life as of late. So last week, I had two girls who I knew in real-life contact me to ask me out and somehow, it ends wrong, lmao.


The first one was this girl who is extremely good-looking. I mean, it takes the piss how fantastic she looks, she could very easily be a model with her looks and she seemed like a laugh as well which is a massive bonus in my book. Anyway, she calls me up one day last week and tells me she wanted me bad. Obviously, my heart skips-skips a beat and I'm feeling very happy because I didn't think someone like her would look at me twice. Anyway, so she says she wanted something that was no-strings-attached and just a bit of fun. I said that that'd be no problem (I'd prefer a long relationship but I wouldn't say no, haha). Then she said it was great I was up for it as much as she was but we'd have to be careful that her 'psycho boyfriend' wouldn't find out. I basically stopped her in her tracks. I said "Wait, you're not single?" and she said "God no and I don't plan to be either" so I kind of stupidly refused the offer and told her I didn't want that kind of trouble on my doorstep. She said this would be the only chance I'd get and I told her she blew her chance with me as soon as she mentioned another man and that was that. I think I done the right thing....I hope....I don't think I'd have another chance with someone like her in that way but at least I won't be involved in a whole whirlwind of shit I suppose...I'd still prefer a relationship though, to be honest.


The other one isn't as good but it's still pretty crappy. Me and this other girl have been talking, flirting for a little bit. So anyway, one day she says that she likes me and wanted to go on a date with me. So I said okay and we arranged it for the weekend. Yet again, I were on cloud nine. Anyway, the next day, she texts back how she can't wait for the "friend's date". I phoned her up and she was said hi and I asked what she meant and she said that it was a date as friends that wouldn't go to anything more. This confused me so I asked why on earth she used the word 'date' in the first place and she says that loads of people say it and she never knew what other word to use. I've never, in my entire life, heard a girl say 'date' in front of a lad meaning as friends. It's always been the romantic kind. I told her that she could have said that we could hang out or something, anything but 'date'. So that was a little awkward but I don't like being led on! :(

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That's two unfortunate incidents, Dazz. :( But hey, they say third time's a charm. ;) I would've done the same in the first situation - getting involved with someone taken can be troublesome enough, ethically and/or practically, but the mention of a "psycho boyfriend" should have the warning lights flashing instantly. Plus, if you're really more after a serious relationship, I'd say wasn't worth it :) - even if she was hot. :heh:

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That's two unfortunate incidents, Dazz. :( But hey, they say third time's a charm. ;) I would've done the same in the first situation - getting involved with someone taken can be troublesome enough, ethically and/or practically, but the mention of a "psycho boyfriend" should have the warning lights flashing instantly. Plus, if you're really more after a serious relationship, I'd say wasn't worth it :) - even if she was hot. :heh:


To be honest, even though I'm more after a serious relationship, I don't mind having fun either. I mean, I am young so why not? My fear of that though is getting attached. It depends on the girl though, for me.

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I think some men do use date in "it's a date" while organising something completely innocent, but I know for certain that most wimmens would not!! It's usually used as a test to see whether the guy responds in any way to the word :p


Dazz you did the right thing with wimmens # 1... she sounded like a slut (no offence lol) and a decent guy like you deserves a lot better really.



I told my friends about the guy in question, with him dredging up stuff again, and they laughed. They're his friends too and they know exactly what he's like. He's bringing this american girl over next month and they (his friends) seem to have every intention of trying to ruin things for the pair of them. I'm staying out of it completely... its none of my business and I actually really do not care anymore.. which is rather refreshing for once :)

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To be honest, even though I'm more after a serious relationship, I don't mind having fun either. I mean, I am young so why not? My fear of that though is getting attached. It depends on the girl though, for me.


Oh, definitely, definitely. But when you add cheating and a "psycho boyfriend" to the mix, I really don't think the fling is worth it anymore. :heh:

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I think some men do use date in "it's a date" while organising something completely innocent, but I know for certain that most wimmens would not!! It's usually used as a test to see whether the guy responds in any way to the word :p


Dazz you did the right thing with wimmens # 1... she sounded like a slut (no offence lol) and a decent guy like you deserves a lot better really.



I told my friends about the guy in question, with him dredging up stuff again, and they laughed. They're his friends too and they know exactly what he's like. He's bringing this american girl over next month and they (his friends) seem to have every intention of trying to ruin things for the pair of them. I'm staying out of it completely... its none of my business and I actually really do not care anymore.. which is rather refreshing for once :)


He sounds like the kind of guy that loves attention so the fact that you don't care anymore is probably killing him, you couldn't have done a better move really!




Nothing much has happened with me lately in the whole relationship field (though maybe 'field' should be re-phrased to small patch of grass) but I'm not all too woeful as I have quite enjoyed the last few months of being a free Pidgey.


Alas, a person I used to get on very well with is coming back in a few weeks so we have both agreed to meet up for a date. We actually mean friend date, for the record :p Though I might just test the waters, see if hes been seeing anyone lately and such, maybe drop a few hints, see what happens. If not, well... I haven't started Xenoblade yet. Case solved.

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I think some men do use date in "it's a date" while organising something completely innocent, but I know for certain that most wimmens would not!! It's usually used as a test to see whether the guy responds in any way to the word :p


Dazz you did the right thing with wimmens # 1... she sounded like a slut (no offence lol) and a decent guy like you deserves a lot better really.



I told my friends about the guy in question, with him dredging up stuff again, and they laughed. They're his friends too and they know exactly what he's like. He's bringing this american girl over next month and they (his friends) seem to have every intention of trying to ruin things for the pair of them. I'm staying out of it completely... its none of my business and I actually really do not care anymore.. which is rather refreshing for once :)


Aww, thank you Raining but yeah, it wasn't as in "It's a date" because I know that just means you're saying yes to something but she actively asked me out on a date with her, which was awesome until the next day. Ah life, so bizaarely complicating!




If this is the guy I'm thinking of, all I can say is what goes around comes around. He shouldn't have been a right dick to you but he was so now he's getting a taste of his own medicine. Don't worry Raining, someone better'll come along! You kick his ass to the kerb and forget about him (unless you just like him as a friend to which I'd say stay friends). As Josh said, the fact you ain't causing a fuss over him is probably doing his head in so I call it 'check-and-mate' ;)


Oh, definitely, definitely. But when you add cheating and a "psycho boyfriend" to the mix, I really don't think the fling is worth it anymore. :heh:


True...very true...


He sounds like the kind of guy that loves attention so the fact that you don't care anymore is probably killing him, you couldn't have done a better move really!




Nothing much has happened with me lately in the whole relationship field (though maybe 'field' should be re-phrased to small patch of grass) but I'm not all too woeful as I have quite enjoyed the last few months of being a free Pidgey.


Alas, a person I used to get on very well with is coming back in a few weeks so we have both agreed to meet up for a date. We actually mean friend date, for the record :p Though I might just test the waters, see if hes been seeing anyone lately and such, maybe drop a few hints, see what happens. If not, well... I haven't started Xenoblade yet. Case solved.


So does this actually exist? The actual term of 'friend date'? I've never heard it in my life! haha. I've always said to hang out or go out or whatever but whenever I hear the word 'date', I instantly think of said person being interested in you in a way that's past friendship...

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We didn't use the actual term friend-date, merely "hey we should go on a date soon". Maybe it's my ridiculous use of American phrases (I watched far too much American tv as a child).


It's quite confusing actually, heck, maybe I confuse people when I say it :p I'm gonna start saying "lets hang out" instead.

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Went out with a very cool girl yesterday, seems to like a lot of the same stuff as me looks great etc. Arranged the second date as soon as we got home, so will see her again on Friday.


Hopefully I don't get bored of her, I think I just really really like the initial phase of a relationship, dating, excitement and so on. The more things go on the more I seem to lose interest.

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So in addition to the seven-year-older tutor I may or may not be crushing a bit on, one of my new classmates is basically like a female version of me, and she's pretty to boot (so not entirely like me :heh:). I'm not really sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing in a relationship, or if I'm even interested in her that way, but just the fact that I'm in doubt suggests a lot.


I'm not sure if I prefer this constant state of uncertainty flux to the 3-year-long, hopeless crushes I'm used to ... :heh:

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Having things in common is, for me, essential in a relationship. Though there should be some differences too to keep things interesting. But yeah it makes things easier to talk about if you have stuff in common. It doesn't automatically lead to a relationship (cause a relationship takes a lot more than just having things in common), but it could be a start!

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Having things in common is, for me, essential in a relationship. Though there should be some differences too to keep things interesting. But yeah it makes things easier to talk about if you have stuff in common. It doesn't automatically lead to a relationship (cause a relationship takes a lot more than just having things in common), but it could be a start!


Yeah, I agree. :) We're not identical, obviously, but we have A LOT of personality traits in common, and I find it hard not to be attracted by that. But as you say, you can't just build a relationship on that - you need to consider the person as a whole, and there I'm just drawing a blank right now, really.

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I finally manned up a couple of days ago and talked to my long distance girl about our situation. I think we are now pretty much officially in an "open relationship", which is good. Also she is flying up for a visit next weekend :) which means basically one full day as I have stuff to do on the Sunday, but nevermind. Better than nothing :)

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So in addition to the seven-year-older tutor I may or may not be crushing a bit on, one of my new classmates is basically like a female version of me, and she's pretty to boot (so not entirely like me :heh:). I'm not really sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing in a relationship, or if I'm even interested in her that way, but just the fact that I'm in doubt suggests a lot.

Haha, falling for a female version of yourself seems pretty narcissistic somehow. :p


Seinfeld did an episode about it. It didn't work out because Jerry realized he hated himself.

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Haha, falling for a female version of yourself seems pretty narcissistic somehow. :p


Seinfeld did an episode about it. It didn't work out because Jerry realized he hated himself.


Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? You find someone who thinks like you in many aspect of life, obviously you're going to like that person. :heh: Well, unless you hate yourself. :p

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I could kick myself today. Like absolutely kick myself. Why on earth do I keep making these mistakes?!


So I was at work today and a woman comes in with her brother because he has a job interview. Anyway, she sits there waiting and she starts smiling at me whenever I walk by her. So we got chatting and we were really getting along great. Anyway, a customer came along so I had to serve her and just my luck, her brother finishes his interview. So whilst I'm serving the customer, she comes towards me and says bye and I say bye back. Why did I not get her number?!


I know where she works though and it's virtually down the road from where I work so do you guys think I should go in and try to find her?

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I could kick myself today. Like absolutely kick myself. Why on earth do I keep making these mistakes?!


So I was at work today and a woman comes in with her brother because he has a job interview. Anyway, she sits there waiting and she starts smiling at me whenever I walk by her. So we got chatting and we were really getting along great. Anyway, a customer came along so I had to serve her and just my luck, her brother finishes his interview. So whilst I'm serving the customer, she comes towards me and says bye and I say bye back. Why did I not get her number?!


I know where she works though and it's virtually down the road from where I work so do you guys think I should go in and try to find her?


Don't actively seek her out, just bump into her 'by chance'. Like I do with my girl who works where I get lunch every single day.



I'm going to go for it tomorrow, boys. I'm going to find out what her name is! I've got my line all ready and everything. Watch this space.

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I know how you feel @Dazz, last night I had a few opportunities but I just could not take them at all. My mind wouldn't turn off, going through all possible scenarios and focusing on the negative. As Magnus and jayseven surmised, I am terrified of rejection and this stops me :/


Just be yourself, do what Charlie said and bump into her "by chance". You'll kick ass!

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Don't actively seek her out, just bump into her 'by chance'. Like I do with my girl who works where I get lunch every single day.



I'm going to go for it tomorrow, boys. I'm going to find out what her name is! I've got my line all ready and everything. Watch this space.


Hahahaha, what? By Chance?


"Oh...what are the chances of that? Me..coming here...getting my lunch every single day. By the way, what's your name, lass?"


Go for eet. Both of you. Be brave, strong men.

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