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I got majorly frustrated playing last night when the answer to my problem was so damn simple!


I'm talking about inside the volcano. There is a room with loads of those water plant things and a wall of fire blocking the way out. Obviously i knew i had to use the water plants somehow, but i couldnt for the life of me figure it out! I even called on Fi, who said something vague about using the wind blower or the beetle - fat lot of good that was! If anything, in retrospect, that made me waste more time trying things that clearly wouldnt work. Purely by accident about 15 minutes later i staked one of the water buds with the sword. It was massive "DUH!" moment. I always forget about the stab unless an enemy particularly needs it, like the spiders, so its no surprise i had no idea what to do.


Panic over! The dungeon was probably the worst to date though, the burrowing was a bit lame, and second encounter with Ghirahim was just so-so. I dont find him that hard to be honest. I lure his block to the left, and then raise the sword and slash him downwards on the head. Works every time.


I think i'm coming up to the game save glitch point, so im scared now! I'm over 40 hours in. From what i gather, i mustn't go to the desert first? That annoys me, i want to go there as i need some tumbleweed for an upgrade. Grrr!!!


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I got majorly frustrated playing last night when the answer to my problem was so damn simple!


I'm talking about inside the volcano. There is a room with loads of those water plant things and a wall of fire blocking the way out. Obviously i knew i had to use the water plants somehow, but i couldnt for the life of me figure it out! I even called on Fi, who said something vague about using the wind blower or the beetle - fat lot of good that was! If anything, in retrospect, that made me waste more time trying things that clearly wouldnt work. Purely by accident about 15 minutes later i staked one of the water buds with the sword. It was massive "DUH!" moment. I always forget about the stab unless an enemy particularly needs it, like the spiders, so its no surprise i had no idea what to do.


Panic over! The dungeon was probably the worst to date though, the burrowing was a bit lame, and second encounter with Ghirahim was just so-so. I dont find him that hard to be honest. I lure his block to the left, and then raise the sword and slash him downwards on the head. Works every time.


I think i'm coming up to the game save glitch point, so im scared now! I'm over 40 hours in. From what i gather, i mustn't go to the desert first? That annoys me, i want to go there as i need some tumbleweed for an upgrade. Grrr!!!


He, the same puzzle had me stumped for some time, too. Only found the solution by accident as well. :)

I got majorly frustrated playing last night when the answer to my problem was so damn simple!


I'm talking about inside the volcano. There is a room with loads of those water plant things and a wall of fire blocking the way out. Obviously i knew i had to use the water plants somehow, but i couldnt for the life of me figure it out! I even called on Fi, who said something vague about using the wind blower or the beetle - fat lot of good that was! If anything, in retrospect, that made me waste more time trying things that clearly wouldnt work. Purely by accident about 15 minutes later i staked one of the water buds with the sword. It was massive "DUH!" moment. I always forget about the stab unless an enemy particularly needs it, like the spiders, so its no surprise i had no idea what to do.


Panic over! The dungeon was probably the worst to date though, the burrowing was a bit lame, and second encounter with Ghirahim was just so-so. I dont find him that hard to be honest. I lure his block to the left, and then raise the sword and slash him downwards on the head. Works every time.


I think i'm coming up to the game save glitch point, so im scared now! I'm over 40 hours in. From what i gather, i mustn't go to the desert first? That annoys me, i want to go there as i need some tumbleweed for an upgrade. Grrr!!!


Oh same here that part was a bitch to figure out, haha.


What I was trying to do was....

Trying to hit a plant with something like the slingshot then trying to quickly take out an empty bottle to catch the water before it hit the ground :heh:


I remember thinking to myself, "surely Nintendo wouldn't have made it this difficult to require millisecond perfect timing of button presses".


After awhile I went insane chopping down any plat my sword would reach then I stabbed one by mistake.....*FACEPALM*



As for the glitch Jav.... if you want to return to the desert for tumbleweed I think you can...just don't talk to any NPC's :heh: Though I think the one in question isn't in an area where that item appears.


If your unsure you can always first find a bird statue, Save & Quit, then make a copy of your file before going to the area.


BTW, tumbleweed can be a bitch to find I found, here's a tip for what I did if you need it.


Warp to the "Desert Entrance" bird, when going down the hill walk off the left and a tumbleweed may appear. Sometimes they appear when running towards the lobster things too. Usually (for me anyway) only one would appear in any given place, so if you get one in that kind of central starting area move over to the right side area where the fire generator is you should find one or two more there.


If you need more and it feels like none are spawning, warp up to the clouds and then dive back down and repeat


Oh same here that part was a bitch to figure out, haha.


What I was trying to do was....

Trying to hit a plant with something like the slingshot then trying to quickly take out an empty bottle to catch the water before it hit the ground :heh:


I remember thinking to myself, "surely Nintendo wouldn't have made it this difficult to require millisecond perfect timing of button presses".


After awhile I went insane chopping down any plat my sword would reach then I stabbed one by mistake.....*FACEPALM*



As for the glitch Jav.... if you want to return to the desert for tumbleweed I think you can...just don't talk to any NPC's :heh: Though I think the one in question isn't in an area where that item appears.


If your unsure you can always first find a bird statue, Save & Quit, then make a copy of your file before going to the area.


BTW, tumbleweed can be a bitch to find I found, here's a tip for what I did if you need it.


Warp to the "Desert Entrance" bird, when going down the hill walk off the left and a tumbleweed may appear. Sometimes they appear when running towards the lobster things too. Usually (for me anyway) only one would appear in any given place, so if you get one in that kind of central starting area move over to the right side area where the fire generator is you should find one or two more there.


If you need more and it feels like none are spawning, warp up to the clouds and then dive back down and repeat


I was doing exactly the same thing as you! Even though i knew it couldn't possibly be the right solution.


I might make a copy of my save tonight just to be safe no matter what i do next anyway. The tumbleweed isn't that important, it has just been on my list of things to do for a while now. When i was there earlier in the game i found loads just skipping passed me all the time, but im sure when i go back actively looking for them they wont be around. It's sods law!


Just remembered what i was hooked on last night - Pipits pumpkin shooting game! He is such a little bugger when he chucks a high one, it always messes up my combo. Still havn't got the 600 record yet, so thats first on my agenda tonight!



Unless you found a totally different way to get that minigame... it's Fledge not Pipit.


It was a total pain in the arse getting 600 on that. The fun island game was easier. Still not managed a perfect round on the harp even though I don't think there's anything worth getting for it. Harp controls seem the worst thing in the whole damn game, the motion+ just goes haywire at either end of the strum.


I think what is making this game blow-a-little for me, is the remotes inability to know when I'm attempting a thrust. Instead it keeps turning it into a overhead spin attack. A royal ballache for every pinpoint enemy needed.


Are you sure you're not flailing your nunchuk hand too? As you need to move both for the spin attack.


Oops, just read Mokong said the same thing! (should read whole thread before posting!)


I just hit my most disappointing moment. There've been a few things that have niggled me about this game so far but not enough to dampen an awesome experience, until this.


I was totally disappointed that the second trial was just a clone of the first. With the first being described as a 'test of courage', I was really impressed how they managed to capture that feeling. You had to be 'brave' (in a video-game sense, anyway), running past the enemies that could finish you off in a single swipe. On a couple of occasions you had to run right past the lantern things and sometimes you went that little extra for a dusk relic.


With that in mind, and the idea of the three parts of the Triforce, I dared to assume that trials two and three would be tests of Wisdom and Power, with completely different objectives. Repeating the same trial just felt lazy and a wasted opportunity. In story terms, it also proved absolutely nothing.


Done this now so I know what you're on about :) I didn't mind it as I like the gameplay of it so much (wish it was a little harder though).


I know what you're saying, but the second one (wisdom) did require you to solve a a few puzzles to get the pieces (hence the wisdom) but maybe the there should have been more puzzles and harder ones to make it really about wisdom.


BTW, tumbleweed can be a bitch to find I found, here's a tip for what I did if you need it.

I found that warping to the one near the big thingy in the middle, then standing with your back to the quicksand, the temple thingy to your left a fair amount of tumbleweeds fly by.

Unless you found a totally different way to get that minigame... it's Fledge not Pipit.


It was a total pain in the arse getting 600 on that. The fun island game was easier. Still not managed a perfect round on the harp even though I don't think there's anything worth getting for it. Harp controls seem the worst thing in the whole damn game, the motion+ just goes haywire at either end of the strum.


Of course it is, my mistake! I can never get their names right. I'm always lost when i go to the front doors of the houses - i can never remember who is who.


I dont know if its because they are not memorable enough characters or if their names are just too weird.


trouble thrusting? i had that at first but found it was cos i accidentally moved the nunchuck. I found a sort sharp thurst helped, hardly moving the remote at all really just enough momentum to make the gyro's register fast forward movement


As someone who still has this on my shelf, and will be playing it after my exams, I'm very interested in seeing how I myself will like it, because all these comments are so full of opinion:laughing:


However, I'm even more interested in seeing how this particular Zelda will go down in Home-Console Zelda history. Even more particularly, how it will be compared to Windwaker and Twilight Princess.

As someone who still has this on my shelf, and will be playing it after my exams, I'm very interested in seeing how I myself will like it, because all these comments are so full of opinion:laughing:


However, I'm even more interested in seeing how this particular Zelda will go down in Home-Console Zelda history. Even more particularly, how it will be compared to Windwaker and Twilight Princess.


It doesn't even come close for me. Wind Waker was/is a far superior game.


It's not as good as any of the other 3D Zeldas, really, because it just doesn't stick to the formula closely enough. They are all clearer, more coherent visions than Skyward Sword, and all have better overworlds. Skyward Sword is certainly below OOT, MM and WW. It's more of an equal to Twilight Princess, but even then, for all it improves on, it falters in other ways. There's nowhere as atmospheric as TP's Lake Hylia or Hyrule Field in SS and, forgetting about the Twilight Realm bits, TP falls into more of a rhythm than this latest game.


On the other hand, there are some imaginative, smooth-flowing dungeons, some excellent bosses, and the tone is a very well-judged one of humour and romance. The NPCs are really colourful - you'll love them, Fused King. :)


Imagine a jumble of a game with some very good bits scattered around here and there, and that's Skyward Sword.

It's not as good as any of the other 3D Zeldas, really, because it just doesn't stick to the formula closely enough. They are all clearer, more coherent visions than Skyward Sword, and all have better overworlds. Skyward Sword is certainly below OOT, MM and WW. It's more of an equal to Twilight Princess, but even then, for all it improves on, it falters in other ways. There's nowhere as atmospheric as TP's Lake Hylia or Hyrule Field in SS and, forgetting about the Twilight Realm bits, TP falls into more of a rhythm than this latest game.


On the other hand, there are some imaginative, smooth-flowing dungeons, some excellent bosses, and the tone is a very well-judged one of humour and romance. The NPCs are really colourful - you'll love them, Fused King. :)


Imagine a jumble of a game with some very good bits scattered around here and there, and that's Skyward Sword.


I personally think that the boss battles are the best part of the game. Most of them are fantastic.


I agree, Hero of Time. Of all the things I mentioned, the bosses are the only one that I can't think of any better versions in past games. Yeah, I love OOT, MM and WW, but I don't want to be too nostalgic about the bosses themselves. Skyward Sword's are fantastic!


The items are pretty fun too.


So I'm at the 5th dungeon now having been enjoying the game up to this point... the linearity of the game has moved into the extreme now though. It's just so 'now go here then here. Now here. This is next'. There's no natural progression or exploration. The game actually points out where to go next and you just wander along with everything worked out for you.


There's only ever one path to take and when you actually reach a 'puzzle' a doorway opens for you to get you back to the start again. In one way it's good that you don't have to backtrack through pointless rooms but it's kind of disappointing that the dungeon layouts in this game are basically collections of circular paths with a single puzzle to solve and you end up instantly where you need to be as soon as you're done.


The second there's anything you need to work out on your own, the game has shown you a massive hint as to what to do anyway before you have control of Link back.


I've just opened the boss door and octopus tentacles have burst through the floor. Ok so I guess there's an octopus? I went back out the door and made my way to the deck. The game is almost yawning obstacles at me. The game pauses for the screen to slant slightly and then some barrels roll through the corridors. I pass them with no problems and get to the first set of stairs. Suddenly the game stops again and everywhere behind me fills instantly with water and stops at my feet.


It just feels so lazy. Everything is just happening so slowly and the music doesn't add anything at all. Oh I missed the part where the tentacles block your path and before the scene ends, Fi has told you exactly how to get past them. Why bother putting them there at all?


Now I've reached the deck and I see the ship is in two halves. Funny how I received no indication of that despite being inside the ship. It must have been the most careful destruction ever.


Now I'm facing the stupidest-looking boss I've seen so far, some kind of rastafarian octopus :p I had to stop and post here. This could've been done so much better. I hope the actual boss fight is good.



Major disappointment. Long post. I think I hated the 5th dungeon.


Just did the first trial


HOLY FUCK THAT WAS COOL. Now I know what the reviews meant when they described the Silent Realm as 'terrifying', had me shitting myself throughout. And I love how there's no timer telling you how long you're 'safe' for, makes it even more scary having to guess how long you've got. Really beautifully done.


Less impressed by the harp though, seems totally half arsed, and a bit contrived how Link knows exactly how to play each song as he's being taught it. Button presses/blowing into the DS mic etc gave you the feeling you were playing an instrument, this just feels silly waving your arms about and more often than not Link's fingers jump about wildly.


And I love how there's no timer telling you how long you're 'safe' for, makes it even more scary having to guess how long you've got.

Yes, there is: the flower in the upper-left corner.



^ not keen on spoilers ;-)


It's not as good as any of the other 3D Zeldas, really, because it just doesn't stick to the formula closely enough.


Surely that's the whole point, to break away from the formula, something that's a lot of people's main criticism of Twilight Princess. On the other hand, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker were totally out of left field and re-invented the wheel whilst keeping the core values intact. Skyward Sword is doing exactly the same.


So there's no giant overworld to explore, you've got every other Zelda game in existence for that. This is a much more focused attempt to breathe life into EVERY area, something it succeeds at IMO.


Having said all that, I agree with Hero of Time that it's not a patch on Wind Waker, that was an absolute masterpiece of a game in every way possible. Yes there are plenty of flaws and weak bits, but Skyward Sword is still fantastic in its own right (he says only about half way through). It's all subjective anyway.

I've just opened the boss door and octopus tentacles have burst through the floor. Ok so I guess there's an octopus? I went back out the door and made my way to the deck. The game is almost yawning obstacles at me. The game pauses for the screen to slant slightly and then some barrels roll through the corridors. I pass them with no problems and get to the first set of stairs. Suddenly the game stops again and everywhere behind me fills instantly with water and stops at my feet.


It just feels so lazy. Everything is just happening so slowly and the music doesn't add anything at all. Oh I missed the part where the tentacles block your path and before the scene ends, Fi has told you exactly how to get past them. Why bother putting them there at all?


Now I've reached the deck and I see the ship is in two halves. Funny how I received no indication of that despite being inside the ship. It must have been the most careful destruction ever.


Now I'm facing the stupidest-looking boss I've seen so far, some kind of rastafarian octopus :p I had to stop and post here. This could've been done so much better. I hope the actual boss fight is good.



Major disappointment. Long post. I think I hated the 5th dungeon.


I felt exactly the same with that boss. The fight was cool but the design of the actual thing was just terrible.

Posted (edited)
I felt exactly the same with that boss. The fight was cool but the design of the actual thing was just terrible.


If you ask me, it reminded me of a octopus version of that one-eyed green monster protagonist from Disney/Pixar's Monsters Inc.


Edited by Hero-of-Time



Last night I was home alone from 7pm-12am, planned a long gaming night. I put AC:R in my 360, Uncharted 3 in my PS3 and Skyward Sword in the Wii. If I had started with one of the other games, they might've had a chance. But I started with Skyward Sword and didn't stop playing it til 1.30am.


This game has its niggles, but none of them really detract from an amazing game.

Posted (edited)

I've been playing this game for about 2 weeks straight and just beated it last Tuesday with everything collected.

In my opinion the dungeons were not so bad, but the 3rd dungeon's puzzles were kinda grating on me for quite a bit. The bosses were alright too, but there were very few actual memorable ones like the 3rd and 4th ones. (I swear Zelda developers love bosses with eye weaknesses)


But the progression of the main game in the overworld feels a bit repetitive with the dowsing mechanic, and when you go to a actual new location, the game then usually requests you to go get something from a old one, making it more of a 'fetch quest' than actual exploring eventually.



I really think the other 3D Zelda's were more memorable than this one.

Edited by Moonwulf

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