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Tesco pull it out of the bag :)


I ordered from choices. Getting worried! So glad I'm not actually at home now, the wait and expectation would be unbearable. Will be nice to just come home on Monday night with mario and Zelda waiting for me :)

I read Gamespot's review and it was very well-reasoned. I'm glad we've still got some honest reviewers, rather than those who pretend it's a 10 or near-10 every single time, just because it's a big-name game.


As for awarding higher scores to other games, no, I can't believe Sonic Generations is better than Skyward Sword, but I can believe it may be better-formed and achieve its goals better, in the same way that Nintendogs got very high scores. Heck, Tetris is a 10/10. Does it have the scope, range and immersion of Zelda? No, but it is more neatly-formed and more "perfect" than, say, Twilight Princess. Doesn't mean I'd rather play it than TP, but I can see how other, seemingly inferior, games can get higher scores.


Surely the fundamental and only point of a games review score is to (try) and tell you how much the reviewer enjoyed the game and hence how much you might enjoy the game! Who cares about what the goals of the game are!


Surely in the gamespot case it is just different reviewers! I doubt they really do all sit down and try to establish a common ground that often.


I wonder if there are any examples of the same reviewer marking a game better that would generally be regraded as worse.


I am not sure why there is an assumption that the reviewers are being more honest for the lower scores than those who have praised the game very highly (including respected organisations such as EDGE and Eurogamer).

Waggle is used. The first strike on opponents has to be specific to get through their defense but once they are vulnerable, you can just shake the wiimote any old way.


Just put my order through amazon. Was tempted to go see if Gamestation were doing a midnight launch but i've realised i have a LOT of work to get through over the next few days. Fml.


With SOME enemies you time your first strike then waggle, but certainly not all. My favourites have been ones that you have to line up your slashes / jabs all the way through the fight.


Played the first hour and a half/two hours, absolutely loving it so far! Won't spoil anything seeing this is the non spoiler topic but the controls have been working perfectly well so far, had no need to recalibrate at all, although it does take some getting used to using such a precise method when Twilight Princess was just waggle!


I got mine today! Norwegian retailer Elkjøp (elkjop.no) sent their pre-orders out early!


I'm now listening to the CD, to gear up to the game! I love Nintendo!

With SOME enemies you time your first strike then waggle, but certainly not all. My favourites have been ones that you have to line up your slashes / jabs all the way through the fight.




Wonder if GAME will rekindle themselves with me and have it at mine today, highly doubt it mind.


Both GAME and my bank are blaming each other for the mishaps i've had with GAME. They say the banks fault, the bank say it is GAME's fault. Can't win can i.

Wonder if GAME will rekindle themselves with me and have it at mine today, highly doubt it mind.


Both GAME and my bank are blaming each other for the mishaps i've had with GAME. They say the banks fault, the bank say it is GAME's fault. Can't win can i.


Well, I'm sure the winning move would be to NOT use Game if this keeps happening.


...Umm... Am I the only one who preordered it from play.com.

I didn't get it today, but I'm really hoping I'm getting either tomorrow or Friday. Maybe this was the wrong site to preorder from, because naturally preorders should get it before everyone else as a privilege, should they not?

...Umm... Am I the only one who preordered it from play.com.

I didn't get it today, but I'm really hoping I'm getting either tomorrow or Friday. Maybe this was the wrong site to preorder from, because naturally preorders should get it before everyone else as a privilege, should they not?


I went with Play.com too, as I had some Playfunds I wanted to use, but I'm keeping my copy aside for Christmas Day. Recived the dispatch e-mail late last night, so I'm not expecting for it to arrive until Saturday morning, as there was no tracking number given, suggesting it hasn't been sent with a courier.

I got mine today! Norwegian retailer Elkjøp (elkjop.no) sent their pre-orders out early!


I'm now listening to the CD, to gear up to the game! I love Nintendo!


Damn that! I ordered at the Danish department of Elkjøp and they haven't sent it yet. :(

Wonder if GAME will rekindle themselves with me and have it at mine today, highly doubt it mind.


Both GAME and my bank are blaming each other for the mishaps i've had with GAME. They say the banks fault, the bank say it is GAME's fault. Can't win can i.


Who you bank with? I had the same problem twice with sale items getting cancelled cos of apparent payment issues....they said it was the bank my bank said they authorised the transactions. This is why I will never shop with GAME again.


So do any ShopTo'ers have theirs yet? If I find out you get yours tomorrow, I'm totally leaving work there and then to come home.


Nope mine got dispatched at 9.30 this morning so fully expect it tomorrow just I won't be in as described above.


As first time poster i cant post a link too it but go to Wikipedia and you'll see Famitsu rated Skyward Sword


Far as i'm concerened famitsu is the best reviewer for games. And as I own 7 and now soon to be 8 of the now 16 games that have recieved perfect scores i'll stick with them.


Skyward Sword joins Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker to recieve 40/40 from Famitsu. And the 16th game to recieve a perfect score. :D

I'm guessing you missed Famitsu giving FFXIII 39 and losing all credibility.


But they still gave FXII a 40/40 which it deserved :heh: Plus you know japs and their love for RPG's no matter how corny and bad they are.


How upsetting! :(

I'll have no access to a Wii until the weekend after this one. Skyward Sword...must...wait...?


I need some pills & booze.


With any other game I'd call you out for being a drama queen, but man, I am jonesing for some Zelda :heh: so jealous that others have received theirs. If mine isn't delivered on Friday I'll go out and get it from the supermarket and return the other one!


I managed to have a 20 minute play just setting the game up and such last night, amazing watching the opening scenes and not having a clue about some of the characters in the game or the storyline :) Game is so far really colourful, bright and wonderful, no real issues with motion controls yet but at the beginning the pointer on screen (which I wasnt sure whether it was using the IR on the TV or using the motion plus controls) felt a little slow. Can't wait to have a proper session on it when I get home tonight!

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