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Pikmin 3 Set For Wii U


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Breaking:Want an update on what's going on with the Pikmin series? Look no further.


After a conference that explicitly stated no Wii U or Pikmin talk, in a shocking twist Miyamoto has just confirmed Pikmin 3 is now set for the Wii U, even though he wasn't officially supposed to announce it, but decided to anyway at the developers roundtable. Because he wanted to.


When Pikmin 3 talk first surfaced during the roundtable, Miyamoto stated that it was his intention to release the next entry this year to coincide with the series' 10th anniversary and stated that it 'was' a Wii game. But due to his team being on the forefront of developing on Nintendo's new technology with HD graphics and new controller, he realized that this was the perfect system for the next entry and ended up deciding to announce it.


As an extra bonus, Miyamoto went on to tease that it might not be long until it's ready either.



It's a shame they didn't show us a teaser trailer at the conference. Still, it's nice to see the game is alive and well.

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Yeah it's bound to be a launch title.


Like that 'pirate arrow' Wii U demo creates a virtual room around you almost... I like the idea of aiming the screen at the floor and seeing it covered in foliage with Pikmin at you feet.


Or some sections in the game where you have to take a small group of Pikmin on side missions where you place the screen on the floor, seeing a few Pikmin in their true scale and working out some touch screen puzzles/assembly tasks with them etc...

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Welp, I guess we'll have to play on the old Wii for quite some time before we get to see all these announced WiiU games.


Pikmin will be freakin' incredible though!

It's a game that always tried to boats realistic surroundings, so I'm expecting something like that bird trailer :)

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As long as Pikmin isn't Nintendo's big launch title at the expense of a Mario game...


I'd actually prefer a fully creative and dynamic a game as Pikmin 3 could be as a launch title over a somewhat predicatble Mario adventure. I think we more in-need of Pikmin - with its refreshing creativity - if as a launch title, it will definitely be one of those 'staying up all night, calling in sick' type of launch titles.

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This is perhaps one of the few games where I really am hyped to see what it looks like in HD, one of the greatest things about Pikmin 1 and 2 was the incredible in-depth environments and also the relaxing music. HD environments and a nice relaxing music like the other 2 and I'll be a happy camper ^_^

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I'd never seen played pikmin before or even seen what it looked like, I was shocked to find it was a real-time strategy game and looked into it, it looks like great fun! Gonna get either the first or second soon :D

I'd suggest getting the first one first; it's shorter, but "tighter" and you'll most likely be able to appreciate them both more if played in order; the first is also cheaper.

Some people have a problem with the time limit of 30 "days", I can't say it ever bothered me, and it added something to the game, Pikmin 2 felt a bit loose and more random (still great though).

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