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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Don't think I've seen any scorps, seen a diving beetle a few times though. Found it a bit annoying tbh! obv thought twas a fish, and cos it was never close enough couldn't get it with my net so was confused! How big is 8x8? First room expansion size? Think I'll def shell the bells for it...is there any hidden costs after the 10k, @Grazza?

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I'm sure everyone is very familiar with the different music that plays each hour in this game now, and that everyone has their favourite.

Anyway, if you enjoy the music in New Leaf then check this vid out, it's absolutely incredible! :awesome:


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Don't think I've seen any scorps, seen a diving beetle a few times though. Found it a bit annoying tbh! obv thought twas a fish, and cos it was never close enough couldn't get it with my net so was confused! How big is 8x8? First room expansion size? Think I'll def shell the bells for it...is there any hidden costs after the 10k, @Grazza?


8x8 is maximum room size. I've got an Arwing, space, Kart, space and then the Blue Falcon all in a row.


Anyway, just caught a diving beetle! :grin:

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I can't decide where to put my café? I was thinking above left of the plaza but I thought a bridge might be useful there instead and the game is annoying that it won't let you build things too close together.


Police station was going to go top left, near town hall.



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Ok guys, stupid question waiting on my lips for ages: what's so great about AC ? I really don't "get" it. Years ago I bought the DS version for a girlfriend so I could secretly check out what all the fuss was about, but I don't understand at all what makes you guys wanna play this series. So please induldge me as I keep your opinions in high regards : peace:

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Ok guys, stupid question waiting on my lips for ages: what's so great about AC ? I really don't "get" it. Years ago I bought the DS version for a girlfriend so I could secretly check out what all the fuss was about, but I don't understand at all what makes you guys wanna play this series. So please induldge me as I keep your opinions in high regards : peace:


It's like a little town in the palm of your hand, a sandbox you can customise. Plus all the myriad things to collect. I don't normally even play sim games, but this garden / town simulator concept is just pure genius. Works really well with the real-time clock, which just enhances the already great mood. Night really feels like night, morning like morning, winter like winter etc. The multiplayer aspect makes this even better, as you can trade furniture etc.


In other words, the concept is really good. Plus this is definitely the best version of the series, so many improvements. Verdict: 5/5

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I've now got a bunch of different musical instruments in my house, and I am loving the way they've changed them in New Leaf to behave like the improvisation mode in Wii Music. :love:

Also willing to bet this was done at the request of Kazumi Totaka, as a reference to his directorial debut. ;)


But yeah, it's so awesome being able to accompany K.K. Slider's songs by tapping away at the A Button. :cool:

I'd like to set up a music room eventually for some online 4 player jam sessions. :D

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Police Station and Cafe????. How are you chaps/chapesses getting these?


Paid off my fountain, started on a sculpture near the river. Picked up all silver tools minus a watering can/axe in silver form. Planting more trees to replace the ones i've had to chop down to put the various town upgrades. Needing to chop down 5 more trees around the current plan i have. Every tree i chop down, i replant another somewhere else.

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Yeah my mayor feed back thing currently says my town isn't green enough, but I've been hacking trees down all over the place, there are too many damn trees in my town.


Got a spot dedicated for new fruit trees, and moved my flowers to one corner of the town. Just started work on my campsite. Woo.


When does the chap visit that sells paintings, I need at least one painting before my Museum gets an upgrade. And I'm also curious as to where these police stations and cafes are coming from?

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You've got a way to go for the cafe at least, Murr, but you're aiming on the right track. No idea when Redd comes, some folks say once a week? I haven't noticed it being a set day. Also watch out as apparently only one item is real; I'm not entirely sure how but so far I've managed to guess the correct one right both times.


As for greenery; why are you chopping down trees? Are you replacing them? Do you plant/keep flowers too?

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@Jimbob Some are random projects initiated by the villagers, some have actual requirements. Check here: http://acwiki3ds.wikispaces.com/Public+Works+Projects


I don't have the police station yet either, damn law-breaking anarchist villagers. Also, town still isn't perfect, "more projects needed". Seriously, how many friggin' projects do these greedy bastards want? If they don't start being happy very soon, I swear I'm building a radioactive waste dump in the middle of town next.


In other news, HHA score was 500,000 today. Still need the Natural / Rustic Roof. Also, Classic / Exotic / Ranch furniture.

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As much as I love this game so much I REALLY FUCKING HATE THE LACK OF A LOCAL/IN TOWN CHAT LOG. So many times I go between rooms and hear 'ding!' but never know what was fucking said! Why the fuck wouldn't you make a little log for it. Such a fucking oversight, like who the hell playtested this fucking online/multi?! ARGH!



Rant done. Sorry.

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Oh...a pyramid! Me wants :( I got what looks like the tokyo tower, but it feels too modern to place in the town, I tried a few different places but it doesn't fit anywhere. It cost over 700 000 I think. Haven't gotten any other special buildings like that yet.

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