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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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If you can connect to me, sure. I just got a new router for reasons unrelated to this game, so maybe I can connect to everyone now.


I have a lot of oranges now thanks to Cube.


@Cube and others, I just planted 3 perfect peaches (my native fruit) so should hopefully within the next few days have around 12 perfect peaches. I would gladly swap these for perfect foreign fruits since they'll sell for more.

Are you up for opening your town gates tonight?

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Ahh brilliant thanks guys.


I haven't noticed any different ones yet. And cracking idea about selling fruit from your own town in other peoples town's for more bells. Didn't even think of that!!


I wonder if my camp site will be built when I get home from work?! Finished paying it off last night so hopefully will be all ready! Picked a lovely spot by the waterfall / river. :D

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Just got started last night, didn't get much done because most of the shops were closed, but have made a bit of progress this afternoon, paid off the 10k downpayment :) Need to get on these fortune cookies by the sounds of it, my character is still wearing what he was given at the start.


This gave me a little chuckle when I first visited Re-Tail :hehe:




Would love to visit some towns this evening, will open my gates too when I'm at home :D

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selling fruit in other towns....why did i think of that!


people need oranges? god my village is full of them, i'll happily part with some of them for people


i'll open my gates or join people after 7pm tonight


i've got my

mayoral permit and have begun building the camp site, the old mayor is here so i assume i can get to the island later too

started paying off my second mortgage too


I've caught loads of fish and bugs for the museum now, so hopefully i can expand it or get some damn reward from it soon


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I haven't read up on this game at all. Any big differences in this that would warrant buying it?


At first I was skeptical that they were willing to change much between iterations but this version is really nice, there's a lot put into it.


The biggest change is the degree of control you have over your town and environment. You can bring laws into effect, change the appearance of your house (there's a lot to customise) and build structures around the town.


On top of this you have a main shopping street as well as an island you can visit with more shops, creatures and games to play. The network features are also pretty sweet for this game, considering it's Nintendo I'm pretty impressed.


This is easily my favourite game on the system so far. It's going to last a heck of a long time. I'd say its incredible value for money, but the funny thing is I didn't even pay for it!

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I was sent a survey for Animal Crossing and was filling it out when I was intrigued to see this question




Seemed to be specifically related to Animal Crossing, so wonder if this might be a clue to the future of the franchise.


That's rather worrying... Not long ago, Iwata said that they wouldn't turn Animal Crossing into a money grubbing F2P game, despite how they could very easily earn a ton of short-term revenue from it - because he felt that it would damage Nintendo's long-term customer relationships and the game/company brand.


I hope he isn't about to go back on his word...

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Started work on a suspension bridge today, whilst saving for an Ordinance for the town. Not sure what i'll put forward at the moment, hopefully will get one of these today. My gates will be open between 9pm and 10pm tonight if anyone wants to visit for some fishing/bug catching etc.

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I mean that I want to plant foreign perfect fruits, and to do so I was offering my own native perfect fruits in exchange.


Doesn't seem to work, unfortunately. You can only grow perfect fruit from your own native ones.


I haven't read up on this game at all. Any big differences in this that would warrant buying it?


Pacing seems to be a bit better now, you can build public structures of all kinds, customisation is better, shops are all lined up in a street across the tracks (and more open up as you progress), the tropical island is back better than ever etc etc. Plus all the little improvements, like being able to stack your fruit which make the game more enjoyable to play. Yes, it's still the same AC formula we all know, but it feels very fresh as well. Easily the best game in the series.

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I wanted to build a bridge for my first project but a villager has their house by the river right where I want to build it... guess I'm going to have to pick something else until they move. Finally got the island today though, so I'm looking forward to checking that out later!

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At first I was skeptical that they were willing to change much between iterations but this version is really nice, there's a lot put into it.


The biggest change is the degree of control you have over your town and environment. You can bring laws into effect, change the appearance of your house (there's a lot to customise) and build structures around the town.


On top of this you have a main shopping street as well as an island you can visit with more shops, creatures and games to play. The network features are also pretty sweet for this game, considering it's Nintendo I'm pretty impressed.


This is easily my favourite game on the system so far. It's going to last a heck of a long time. I'd say its incredible value for money, but the funny thing is I didn't even pay for it!


YES! From someone who maxed out the Gamecube version to death I cannot believe how much stuff is in this game!

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So I am at the Island now - I am having SO much fun!! :heh:


There's so much shit here! Well not shit, but good shit!!


So many bugs, fishes / sharks etc!


Just so I'm not doing something wrong though - you fill the basket with the goodness of the island then it appears in your town to sell there?

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Despite not having a 3DS or this game, I'm enjoying reading everyone's updates in this thread. And although I really didn't take to the Wii version, everyone's updates are definitely making me really want to plonk some money down and pick a 3DS again and get in on some Animal Crossing.


Really, really shouldn't spend that sort of money, especially on something I don't need, but I'm ridiculously tempted right now. Doesn't help that I'd also love to play the likes of Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Castlevania.


In other words, stop having so much fun with this and making me want it :p

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What exactly is this loan I am paying for? I just paid off a 98,000 loan for a house extension that I sorted with Nook 2 days ago - my house isn't any bigger? It's certainly not increased in size from what I can tell? The hell?! Am I missing something?!

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