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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Usually with ranked matches against strangers online you face an opponent once then find someone else after you win/lose so Final Destination is the most fair and neutral stage since you don't know who you'll face. And if this game does let you pick who you'll fight and you see a familiar name you can just avoid them if they're too hard... :p

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Looks like you can play as the male wii fit trainer from the last image?


It was confirmed back in one of the daily photos (as well as this Direct).


Also, damn, Greninja is officially the only Water-based fighter we know about. At least he's pretty cool.

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Can anyone make an educated guess whether there will be a single player storyline mode or not? I know of two people with a 3DS and neither interested in Smash Bros.


Sakurai has said there won't be a subspace emissary mode like in brawl but I think the adventure mode from Melee will return.

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This is going to get pushed back to few isn't it :) With them saying winter and not "fall" it's December at the earliest. Really hope Nintendo have a couple of huge surprises at e3 for this year! Just can't see it. And will x2 make it this year? Highly doubtful!

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This is going to get pushed back to few isn't it :) With them saying winter and not "fall" it's December at the earliest. Really hope Nintendo have a couple of huge surprises at e3 for this year! Just can't see it. And will x2 make it this year? Highly doubtful!

Na, it'll be November. Have faith :)




I'm really interested in how Assist Trophies are going to be incorporated into All-Star Mode.

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It was confirmed back in one of the daily photos (as well as this Direct).


Also, damn, Greninja is officially the only Water-based fighter we know about. At least he's pretty cool.


Did direct say it's a different character or skin? Do they both have the same attacks then?

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This is going to get pushed back to few isn't it :) With them saying winter and not "fall" it's December at the earliest. Really hope Nintendo have a couple of huge surprises at e3 for this year! Just can't see it. And will x2 make it this year? Highly doubtful!


Yeah, this is what concerns me. As soon as Winter was touted as the launch window alarm bells started ringing. Lets hope they don't pull a Donkey Kong on us and push it to Jan/Feb time.


Still can't believe they are shipping the 3DS version first. :shakehead

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Na, it'll be November. Have faith :)




I'm really interested in how Assist Trophies are going to be incorporated into All-Star Mode.


Hope so... Wii u needs all the games possible. And smash is the second biggest game of the year for them! Hyrule warriors, yarn yoshi, bayonetta 2.... Not the most exciting of lineups...


Yeah, this is what concerns me. As soon as Winter was touted as the launch window alarm bells started ringing. Lets hope they don't pull a Donkey Kong on us and push it to Jan/Feb time.


Still can't believe they are shipping the 3DS version first. :shakehead


You'd hope not... DK was definitely rescheduled for gaps rather than delayed. This looks pretty much done and SURELY Nintendo will have gotten over all the hurdles and such and start a good streams of games so they don't need to... E3 really is do or die, yet another barren year really will be it I feel.


And yeah. Worried 3ds version will satiate everyone's smash desire

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And their games are infinitely better for the delay. I'd rather they polished them to perfection than release half arsed ones just to satisfy certain fans' impatience.


I'd rather a company like Nintendo who have been in the business for more than long enough would be competetant enough by now to manage their projects appropriately. Imagine if your job was to deliver and you were constantly late to complete? How long would it be before they're kicking your arse out for someone who can actually do the job? All this polish and perfection bullshit holds no weight - they aren't amateurs and should know what they're doing by now.


Yeah, this is what concerns me. As soon as Winter was touted as the launch window alarm bells started ringing. Lets hope they don't pull a Donkey Kong on us and push it to Jan/Feb time.


Still can't believe they are shipping the 3DS version first. :shakehead


Currently my greatest worry. I haven't caught the direct yet though I read the N-E roundup and my first concern was that it might fall back further on Wii U. I wonder if an earlier 3DS release will help or harm Wii U sales as well. Then again, we all know what Nintendo's 'summer' is like so they might even be only days apart :P


(in other news it seems despite my previous repair - my 3DS L button is completely non-functional...so I'll be sending it in for it's 4th? 5th repair?!)

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