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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Come a way in the 15 years since the N64 eh! How good's your Kirby then Fused King? Don't think we ever had the pleasure of an online tangle...maybe we'll rectify that come summer!


Here you can see some classic Wifi Move delay mindgames between me and Calv.



Great days they were, and I really hope Sakurai and Namco can diminish this ever so slight move delay lag to a fraction of a millisecond.

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Here you can see some classic Wifi Move delay mindgames between me and Calv.



Great days they were, and I really hope Sakurai and Namco can diminish this ever so slight move delay lag to a fraction of a millisecond.


Need to remember to watch that when I'm home.


Tbh with you, this game could be a bit shit as far as I'm concerned as long as they get immaculate online functioning on(or even across, if possible) both systems. I don't care if they remake melee, or 64, or brawl, as long as it has absolutely tiptop online functioning. Without it, the game falls, with it...it explodes. I really hope they don't underestimate the importance of decent online for this, they're playing games in an age where the others are miles ahead - and they need to be on par for this title, and imo the Wii U, to truly succeed.

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Did anyone play that Sony Smash Bros rip off?


How was the online on that? I'm sure it worked a hell of a lot better than Brawl did but curious to see if there was still slow down given the amount of stuff going on in a game like that.

Suppose it would give us an idea on whether a game of this nature could have flawless online. Though I'm not holding my breath.

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I played the beta for the Playstation Battle Royale, while it was quite glitchy and felt crap in general there wasn't any lag as far as I know and I was playing with friends in America. Also with Namco at the helm I wouldn't worry about online, they've done a great job with Soul Calibur 5 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. They can do a great net code but sadly even the best net code can't improve someone with a slow internet connection and high ping.


What I really want for online is the ability to make a winner stays on lobby e.g. 7 players all in a room, 4 of them play while the other 3 watch, when the match end the losers swap places with the spectators.

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What I really want for online is the ability to make a winner stays on lobby e.g. 7 players all in a room, 4 of them play while the other 3 watch, when the match end the losers swap places with the spectators.


Wouldn't people get bored of watching me play all the time though?


Nah on a serious note stuff like that would be cool. I remember using the more than 4 players function dealie in Brawl, once you got your head around the swapping in and out it wasn't too bad. Think we ended up doing the lowest player(s) go out.

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Watched that video Fused.. he has some footage of a few of us on his channel.


He gets a quality kill on me to win the one match.


No footage of my super jump / fly across the stage thing with pk fire and magnet though :( hope that tricks still available in the new one.


Might have to bust out a bit of brawl, not played in forever.

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Watching that video makes me realise just how slow and floaty Brawl was. If you watch footage of that and then Melee you'd think Brawl came out first and Melee was the sequel because it Melee just generates so much more excitement.


Agreed about the online; they really have to nail it. It'd be amazing if there was an option to watch others play or to host online tournaments which people can join...N-europe championship will be interesting :D

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Watching that video makes me realise just how slow and floaty Brawl was. If you watch footage of that and then Melee you'd think Brawl came out first and Melee was the sequel because it Melee just generates so much more excitement.


Agreed about the online; they really have to nail it. It'd be amazing if there was an option to watch others play or to host online tournaments which people can join...N-europe championship will be interesting :D


Ideally a decent match recording limit(or sensibly limitless even) would be a present feature - would love to catch up on big matches or matches from folks here etc, even if they go on for 5 or 10 minutes rather than brawl's crappy two minute limit. Good online, with good recording and sharing of matches, yeah. Needs to be done imo.

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Tried playing Brawl on a sideways wii remote earlier.. so bad for Lucas :(


Is there any news on controls/controller support for the Wii U version yet? I don't know whether to get me a Classic Controller Pro (so i can use it with Wii games also) or just wait and get a Wii U Pro Controller when this comes out.

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Tried playing Brawl on a sideways wii remote earlier.. so bad for Lucas :(


Is there any news on controls/controller support for the Wii U version yet? I don't know whether to get me a Classic Controller Pro (so i can use it with Wii games also) or just wait and get a Wii U Pro Controller when this comes out.


I thought I read recently that Wii U ProCons are getting hard to find, which is another silly thing if true. If they've got sense they'll do a slight money saving bundle-in deal for when this comes. I think all my smash brothers(inc me) play with Gamecube pads except for Marcamillian(who'll kick your ass with a sole wiimote) - I can stomach a Wiimote+nunchuk but I really gotta have a pad for it to be my best - no idea what I'm gonna do when this comes and we've all gotta switch to wiimotes and stuff!

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I play Smash Bros with the Wii Classic Controller, it works pretty well. I have jump, attack, special and grab mapped to the face buttons and shield to shoulder buttons. Classic Controllers are prertty cheap these days, only thing is you need a Wii remote to plug them into so if you haven't already got spare remotes then a pro controller may be better, add to that pro controllers are more comfortable to hold and you can click in the sticks so they are exactly like the game pad


EDIT @Calv I gave Project M a go with some of my friends... IDK it seems OK but I don't like how they've changed some of the characters like Zelda and the Pokemon and Kirby. DK's boxing outfit is cool though that needs to be in the Wii U game lol

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I play Smash Bros with the Wii Classic Controller, it works pretty well. I have jump, attack, special and grab mapped to the face buttons and shield to shoulder buttons. Classic Controllers are prertty cheap these days, only thing is you need a Wii remote to plug them into so if you haven't already got spare remotes then a pro controller may be better, add to that pro controllers are more comfortable to hold and you can click in the sticks so they are exactly like the game pad


EDIT @Calv I gave Project M a go with some of my friends... IDK it seems OK but I don't like how they've changed some of the characters like Zelda and the Pokemon and Kirby. DK's boxing outfit is cool though that needs to be in the Wii U game lol


I really like the changes that I've seen them do for Kirby, especially with moves like his Up-B (it can now go horizontally). Unfortunately I'm still waiting to play Project M as the Gamecube-PC USB doesn't work on Mac afaik :( I'm going to grab my PS3 controller tomorrow and try and get it to work on Dolphin (which surprisingly works at 60 fps on my Macbook air!).


As for Smash Wii U, I really hope there'll be a way to use the Gamecube controller. Mine is still in great Smash condition :)

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I really like the changes that I've seen them do for Kirby, especially with moves like his Up-B (it can now go horizontally). Unfortunately I'm still waiting to play Project M as the Gamecube-PC USB doesn't work on Mac afaik :( I'm going to grab my PS3 controller tomorrow and try and get it to work on Dolphin (which surprisingly works at 60 fps on my Macbook air!).


As for Smash Wii U, I really hope there'll be a way to use the Gamecube controller. Mine is still in great Smash condition :)





Treats it like a classic controller, but still :)

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