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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Oh just had the most AWESOME Idea.


New "Newcomer" vid comes out to reveal Shulk as playable character, it does the usual video showing his moves and stuff and then it shows him getting beat up a bit like what happened to Megaman in his reveal then when it looks like he's lost, BAM, Reyn appears and shouts "It's Reyn Time Baby"!


That's too good it prolly won't happen :(



Shulk..? Maybe... but I'd rather have Riki!!! Haha


Riki could be an Item character

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Riki could be an Item character


Lol, no.


He could be the official 3rd rival of Kirby and Jigglypuff.


Puffballs UNITE!


Also, I think Travis Touchdown might make the cut, because Suda really expressed interest in getting him into Smash Bros. a while ago.

Or perhaps his beloved girl-ninja of whom I've forgotten the name.


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Not sure how I'd feel on Shulk - don't know if he's varied enough really. Riki maybe though.


Ideally, I hope any of these that don't make it get put in as assist trophies though. With more disc space and power at hand, I'd love to see an absolute wealth of assist trophies and pokemon - maybe 'tier' the tropies and have higher tiers rarer but a different colour(kinda like a golden hammer) - so you know it's probably going to be awesome/devastating if it's say...red glass as opposed to blue but you don't know what it actually is until it comes out.

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Bomberman would fit.


Actually, I'd love another Bomberman game, akin to Bomberman 64... that was awesome!


Shulk..? Maybe... but I'd rather have Riki!!! Haha


I think Bomberman would be an awesome fit! That is a great idea.


I love all three of the new reveals! Megaman, Villager and Wii Fit Girl are all awesome. The Wii Fit girl reveal was hilarious. Nintendo are already knocking it out of the park with this one.


As far as Snake goes, I really liked him in Brawl. But let's be fair, Kojima is a total arsehole and has done NOTHING for the Wii or the Wii U. Snake really didn't deserve the honour of a place in Smash Bros after Konami's behaviour.

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Probably been addressed in this thread already, but i'll ask again out of curiosity. What's the likely hood that Sonic & Snake remain in this game? Or has it been confirmed already that those 2 won't be back?


Was wondering the same on my drive to work this morning - mostly about Sonic. I thought he could be scrapped because, at least in our circle, he wasn't too popular. Then again, I thought about the exclusives and stuff with Sega and reckon they might keep him in instead. Snake's a more popular character, but he's a bit more disposable. I reckon Ike might get dropped. Possible MetaKnight too given his controversy in tournaments.

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I wonder if there'll be differences in characters that appear on the 3DS and on the WiiU.


Professor Layton for example is a portable hero, so it could be that he is exclusive to the handheld version.


I wonder, I wonder.


An interesting wonder...but I wonder about cross-platform interaction too, and what potential issues/gameplay that could lead to! Maybe he's 3DS exclusive, but I can have him on my Wii U version if I have the 3DS one?

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Sakurai said


The total number of characters is the same as the Wii U version, but some of the stages will be completely different


The key words are "total number".


Interestingly, there are no 3DS images for Wii Fit Girl or Villager. I think Villager will be on the 3DS, but I can see Wii Fir Girl being Wii U only.

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Sakurai said




The key words are "total number".


Interestingly, there are no 3DS images for Wii Fit Girl or Villager. I think Villager will be on the 3DS, but I can see Wii Fir Girl being Wii U only.


Yep, was thinking exactly the same about Wii Fit Girl

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I think it's the tent from Gerudo Valley.


It is kind of strange seeing a stage from Twi-Pri in there, and quite the boring one at that.




So who would you guys rather see if you had to pick:


tumblr_kx0r70C1Z81qai0h7o1_400.jpg Or images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTio-xXNzGRUeTHSbifRa452EsMveurTJDHxnYLf1gpJGsmEYXifQ


Personally I think they might go with both, so that Ganondorf finally has some reinforcement on the villian side (+They're bot really unique characters), but if I had to pick it would definitely be ZANT.

Edited by Fused King
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It is kind of strange seeing a stage from Twi-Pri in there, and quite the boring one at that.


Aaaand no more Wii Fit Trainer Girl pictures for you today, clearly messing your head up.


So who would you guys rather see if you had to pick:

Actually, now that the Alttp 2 is coming out, I think Agahnim would make more sense.


Also, I want a Shyguy as a playable character.

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I really hope they don't overdo third party characters. Snake was really out of place in Brawl, I never really liked him being in it, he just didn't fit.


Sonic manages to fit in nicely, seeming to have always fit in with Nintendo characters, and Mega Man in this form fits in just perfectly too. If they must do third party characters, it has to be like this.

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I really hope they don't overdo third party characters. Snake was really out of place in Brawl, I never really liked him being in it, he just didn't fit.


Sonic manages to fit in nicely, seeming to have always fit in with Nintendo characters, and Mega Man in this form fits in just perfectly too. If they must do third party characters, it has to be like this.


I don't think they will, there's probably gonna be a Namco character and max one more. Nintendo have enough own characters to make the game work just fine.

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Sonic manages to fit in nicely, seeming to have always fit in with Nintendo characters, and Mega Man in this form fits in just perfectly too. If they must do third party characters, it has to be like this.


Yes, I think that Mega Man, Sonic and one more (probably from Namco) would be the perfect amount. Also, Nintendo, Namco, Capcom and Sega seem to have a pretty good relationship.

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