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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Spoke to live chat. They confirmed that the game + adaptor bundle will be dispatched today.


Also, I noticed this for the controller (same for the adaptor).


We are so confident that you will receive Wii U GameCube Contoller Super Smash Bros Edition for Friday 28th of November 2014 that if for ANY reason you do not we will compensate you with £5.00 to your account.
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Got the email for the controller and adapter, hopefully it'll come saturday!


Still haven't shipped my amigo though and they took the money!


Didn't realise ShopTo could send you friends to play with...

There you go, now you have a way to play Smash Run with others!

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Can't help but laugh at the hypocrisy here.



Nor can I ;)


It's the same old user whining about the same old thing. I remember it happening for some other games last year.






Your life must be full of wonder to remember something so trivial ? No need to be a prick about it this is a friendly place .

Edited by yesteryeargames
Automerged Doublepost
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Your life must be full of wonder to remember something so trivial ? No need to be a prick about it this is a friendly place .


There is no reason to be so upset, I just find it highly amusing that the first one to cry about others getting their game before the street date is unfair would willingly do the same thing.

But yes, life is a wondrous thing when you have a fully functioning memory that identifies patterns in the behaviour of others, and I would be slightly concerned if a common amusing element from each thread of a much hyped blockbuster is easily forgotten, especially when I've called you out on it before.


But we'll end it there, I genuinely hope you're having fun with your game 2 days before the street date, I know all of us would do the same but without the crying when we're not so lucky.


For example, my order has presumably not been dispatched! I'll be busy Friday, so I'll have to wait until Saturday :)

Edited by Debug Mode
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Today I managed to find a bunch of old Brawl snapshots that I took! May as well share some of them whilst we get ready to Smash in the coming days. Maybe tell me your favourites and/or share some of your own if you have any.


EDIT: Forgot to add that most of these are from matches with folks of n-europe, but there's no way I can remember who is who after this long. Chances are that quite are few shots have members who have long since left the forums.



"Waaario time! Also Waluigi is here I guess. Don't worry, he isn't in anymore screenshots."



"WAH HA HAAA! Look at this chump! Doesn't even know where the stage is!"




"Look at that magnificent posterior. I'm the perfect specimen of a man... What? You say it looks fat?! Sh-shut up! You're just looking at it in widescreen!"



"Okay, where'd that loser Ike guy go..."



This is not how you raise Grass Pokémon.



"Why bother going after Charizard, when we can just beat up the kid giving orders!"



Obligatory kick in the nuts joke. Blathers and Celeste are very impressed.



"I have another Water type in my team! I choose you, Olimar!"



...This might be the reason why Snake was cut from the latest games. Tom Nook rightfully disapproves.



The Ragnell looks a little different for some reason...



"I wish I knew how to quit you..."

The Villagers show conflicting emotions at this development.



...Huh. Well, that'd do it.

The Villagers' emotions have remained unchanged at this development.



You've received a Mystery Gift! I wonder what's inside...



"Arise, Lord Ike..."






"I did not predict this happening!"



Wild Pokémon... or people... may be hiding beneath... or inside... the rocks you smash.



"...I guess he got sent to the Box."



"Whoa. This wall is really good. Look at this wall, guys. This wall right here? This is a really good wall.



"I am vengeance! I am the night! I am EASTER! I AM THE BUNNYMAN!"



"Vroom! Vrooooommm!"



Something about being too big.



Why is this happening.






"Oh... Hello..."



"YES! We're going to get so many Nintendogs Trainer Points and what is wrong with your leg?"



"You smell nice..."



"I'm ready for anything! Nothing is going to catch me off guard!"



Marth was unimpressed by Mr. Game & Watch's juggling act.

Maybe because he got a butt in his face. Though to be fair I've heard that it is a magnificent posterior...



"It's-a been over 30 years. Did you miss-a me?"



...I got nothin'.



"Fly with me silly looking person! Koolah-limpah!"

"I really don't-a want to..."

"The balloon is on your head. The choice is no longer yours to make."



"I need an adult."

"I am an adult."



"Help! I've been kidnapped by the mail pelicaaaan..."



I'll finish with close ups of characters hitting the screen! Always amusing!



...I'm not amused anymore. I'm scared now. Please stop.



Stop it.










I hope there will be a lot of replays and screenshots when we get the Wii U game.


...By the way, to those who don't know, back when Brawl was released I made a little comic to share my friend code with others. Less than 20 images were used, but looking back at the files, I took over 180 snapshots for it! I sure had a lot of free time back then...

Edited by Sprout
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So if we were to do a regular Smash tourney, I was thinking that what we could do is split things up by mode and game.


So what we would do is have 4 different tourney brackets that are kept track of separately, with the four different ones listed below...


3DS: For Glory

Wii U: For Fun

3DS: For Fun

Wii U: For Glory


... the idea being that each bracket would run for a week before swapping over to the next one (each overall tourney being monthly - If we can't really find a single day to play together on, we could just have the bracket run across the whole week; with the final happening on a set day.) That way both games are covered, people get to play the modes they want and there's less pressure for people to try and find time each and every week, as the four brackets would be counted completely separately :) (though they could choose to take part in more than one if they wanted to).


We would have a set ruleset that we use across all four brackets (like say, 2 stock, 5 minutes, best of 3, set stages etc), which would be open to special theme nights/months.


To keep things relatively short, we could limit each bracket to maybe 8 or 16 players? Players who don't get round to taking part against their chosen opponent within a set time would automatically forfeit the match.


At the end of each month, we could have the winners of each bracket play against each other to decide this month's overall winner :) (if one player ends up winning more than one bracket in a month, then the other finalists could play each other to fight for a position in the monthly final)


Maybe we could also have a general leaderboard keeping track of each player's total wins, total 2nd/3rd/4th places, average places in each bracket etc.


The biggest challenge with doing a monthly Smash tourney thingy though is that it's hard to keep track of, since you can't just have big groups of 12 people like in Mario Kart... which also means that dealing with adding people to each other's friends list is also a giant pain in the bum...


I suppose that we'll have an actual built-in tourney option in Smash Wii U come next year anyway though, which will hopefully simplify things greatly, but that would exclude the 3DS game; which would be a huge shame really...


What do you guys reckon?


Was finding a day a big deal? when I skimmed the ds thread I saw tuesday suggested, but no objections based on not being able to make a set day..


Alternating for fun and for glory seems a reasonable idea, and I see why you would choose to alternate between ds and wii games, but personally I'm against that just because it would reduce it down to a fortnightly thing.. and even with mk8 being weekly I have come close to forgetting about it.. fortnightly I'd have no chance. but as I said, that's being purely selfish.

In terms of the "pressure" of it being weekly, having a average score, as per the mario kart league removes that pressure really, and rather just creates an opportunity.

Alternating between for fun and glory mixes things up, but mixing up wii U/3DS versions cuts some of us out.. to my mind it would be akin to running both a mariokart 8 and mario kart 7 tournament in one...


I think the agreed rule set would lay a good foundation, people would know what to expect, having theme nights also sounds like fun.


The limited number of potential players makes things trickier in terms of administration, but perhaps who ever took it on could delegate - give helpers a couple of groups to number crunch, then feed all the data back to the main organiser to collate and present in one coherent place.


Perhaps a thread should be created in the online board about all this though... perhaps we don't have enough people interested? the 3ds thread only seems to have about 8 people anyway so I presume that would make administration a lot simpler, if Wii U numbers are similar.

But I would be interested in joining a Wii U smash league

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To be fair, I hate when street dates are broken, for a specific series of games, as it makes my life hell.


Love it when it happens to me for everything else though :p

From what I´ve heard your site is pretty popular? Maybe you can get away with asking for review copies in the future?

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How's this for on topic (for the 3rd time today :heh:) Where did you get your copy of Smash from?


Didn't someone say the Nintendo Store shipped orders early?


Haha. Amazing regarding shopto. A free tenner from the pad and adaptor makes it more of a bargain.


Went on the site, they really make it as difficult as possible don't they. Anyone know where the form it mentions in the faq is?


Shopto gave you extra £10 off, or do you just mean the saving from the bundle? Either way, Shopto really dropped the ball this time.

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Didn't someone say the Nintendo Store shipped orders early?
I believe so, yeah. Which seems weird, seeing as it's run by The Hut. :heh:


My early copy Was from 365games by the way
Cheers. I'm going to have to start ordering from somewhere else soon I reckon (ShopTo are starting to get a bit slack for my liking :hmm:) so I might give these peeps a try.
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