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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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This adds more credibility to the leak called the "Ninka leak". That leak got information about Shulk right (moves and stuff), as well as stuff about Bowser Jr seen in leaks after this.


It also said that every character would have a total of 8 alternate costumes. whether they be pallet swaps (like all of Samus') or new costumes (as we've seen with Villager and Zero Suit Samus). Here are other things they said:


Four of Olimar's outfits are Alph from Pikmin 3.

Bowser Jr has no alternate colours - instead, the alts are the Koopalings.



The other newcomers are Dixie, Chorus Men and Ridley.



Personally, I'm very sceptical about the newcomers, but the costumes make sense. I think people can find some stuff that is true but also add something they made up.


Edit: apparently the newcomers is a different leak with no substance that was incorrectly linked with the one with the costumes


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You know, those Samus costumes look really good. Just excellent. And I like how, other than Green Samus, every colour has a Metroid-related origin (squee, Prime costumes!)


Are you really asking what dumbing down means, and trying to find some opposite for it? This isn't a thread for English but for one - dumbing up just doesn't exist, similar to how one might 'cut down' yet to 'cut up' is a completely different phrase. Maybe you could say smartening up to oppose dumbing down? Here I however use the phrase in the context/meaning along the lines of 'making easier for x or removing agency from the persons etc' - if you truly struggled to understand my meaning. Admittedly my post had a couple typos, but I don't think that affected it much.


I'm usually more bothered by the fact that "dumbing down" is usually meant to imply a change that somehow worsens the experience by making it simpler, easier, or generally more accessible.


I find that this is rarely the case, as most such changes benefit newbies far more than they bother veterans (and by "benefiting", I mean "helps them understand how the game works"). And making sure games are accessible is usually vital part of said game's design, and an aspect that often gets overlooked by fans and critics alike.


I really was asking you what you meant by the term, as it has become such a generic accusation, used to criticise any change in the vaguest, emptiest manner. You did explain well why you don't like this particular change, though, even if I disagree.


(Incidentally, since you've mentioned it, I hate the Franklin badge. It's an incredibly powerful effect that one can barely notice, even its wearer easily forgets about it. It's very much something that can turn the tide of a match out of nowhere, and leave an opponent saying "That's bullshit".

Reflecting a projectile using Mario, Fox or Pit is a skill-based tide-turner, much more satisfying to pull off, and far more likely to leave the opponent saying "Well played".)

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It looks as though ice Climbers are definitely cut
:( I'm so sad, they so cute.


It will be weird if there's a stage or items from said franchise but not them. I think they'll make it in on the first round of DLC. There were rumours of the 3DS facing difficulties incorporating their moveset in this game. So if they can get it right they should make it in.


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This adds more credibility to the leak called the "Ninka leak". That leak got information about Shulk right (moves and stuff), as well as stuff about Bowser Jr seen in leaks after this.


It also said that every character would have a total of 8 alternate costumes. whether they be pallet swaps (like all of Samus') or new costumes (as we've seen with Villager and Zero Suit Samus). Here are other things they said:


Four of Olimar's outfits are Alph from Pikmin 3.

Bowser Jr has no alternate colours - instead, the alts are the Koopalings.



The other newcomers are Dixie, Chorus Men and Ridley.



Personally, I'm very sceptical about the newcomers, but the costumes make sense. I think people can find some stuff that is true but also add something they made up.


Edit: apparently the newcomers is a different leak with no substance that was incorrectly linked with the one with the costumes


I would love


to be in this game. Would be my childhood dream. But wouldn't


make more sense with his stick? ::shrug:


Can't wait to hear the soundtrack for this game in full. Hope it has some Tropical Freeze and SM3DW OST goodness in it!

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Well, that advert is nothing short of fantastic.


It looked pretty normal for 5 seconds, which had me worried, but then Japan kicked in, and all was well...


Also, that character leak mentioned above screamed BS as soon as I read the 3rd character.

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I'm usually more bothered by the fact that "dumbing down" is usually meant to imply a change that somehow worsens the experience by making it simpler, easier, or generally more accessible.


I find that this is rarely the case, as most such changes benefit newbies far more than they bother veterans (and by "benefiting", I mean "helps them understand how the game works"). And making sure games are accessible is usually vital part of said game's design, and an aspect that often gets overlooked by fans and critics alike.


I really was asking you what you meant by the term, as it has become such a generic accusation, used to criticise any change in the vaguest, emptiest manner. You did explain well why you don't like this particular change, though, even if I disagree.


Fair enough. I'm all for newbies finding things accessible, and sure Nintendo are good at being 'for everyone' - items especially keep/help that(MK being a prime example, I think Smash is a fair one too). I don't often complain of 'dumbing down' but I think in this instance the benefit isn't good enough to justify it, and removes a large potential edge. Even if two new players are playing - if they obviously know what something offensive is/who it belongs to, what's the real point of it? Who's doing to accidentally run towards a cyndaquil with a very clear and distinctive player marker above it? Some items like that are close in, and if you very clearly know to avoid it...well, you probably will. If you see an obvious danger, you don't head for it without bloody good reason. That isn't even just game/smash related, it's general sense.


(Incidentally, since you've mentioned it, I hate the Franklin badge. It's an incredibly powerful effect that one can barely notice, even its wearer easily forgets about it. It's very much something that can turn the tide of a match out of nowhere, and leave an opponent saying "That's bullshit".

Reflecting a projectile using Mario, Fox or Pit is a skill-based tide-turner, much more satisfying to pull off, and far more likely to leave the opponent saying "Well played".)


We'll beg to differ, but it's just playing on different levels really. Yeah, the other/character reflectors are definitely more skilful(mario cape notably, ness/lucas bat even more so) - the franklin is a bit 'out of the blue' but once you're used to it I think you can see it coming. a.) when it appears, b.) when you didn't pick it up c.) it crackles on people's faces/character d.) do a projectile test e.) someone chuckling away(limited to local)/running blatantly into danger and f.) then turn the tide on the smug buggers if you're a reflecting character and know they think they're being sneaky!(or deliberate play against expectations)! Of course this last point is a rare and difficult point, but it can be done - a held fox reflector without interference can occasional outlast(I'm thinking specifically spicy curry circumstances, I could probably think of more but I really haven't played smash near as much in the last few years)


Marcamillian knows my love of the Franklin, and from playing with us folks have gotten used to the noise(tis mostly unique and sounds on every hit/use iirc) and knowing there's one about. The other thing about a Franklin is that it isn't really a 'hard hitter' or match turner with it - I find it tends to rack general damage rather than actually get kills/KOs. Arguable exceptions may be bob-ombs, bat throws, super scopes etc - but if you're eyeing a target and you see them almost brazenly coming towards the hit, you can think twice and avoid throwing it at them(similarly if a reflecting character is). If I get a franklin I use it aggressively, and you can see that coming and counter it - passive use is uncontrolled and I think a lesser payoff that I'd imagine people don't really bother too much with it like that. The balance of the franklin as it were is that you aren't able to actively use it to target easily, I'd say.

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Pic of the day. Here's one of the final battles in Smash Run, called "Run!" As you'd expect, it involves you dashing toward the finish line. In general, the fighters who are fast by default, equipped with speed-boosting equipment, and powered-up with speed boosts over the course of that Smash Run will have the advantage. However, speed isn't the only factor that will determine who will be victorious...




Those red things in the picture are called danger zones, and if you touch one, you'll get penalized by respawning farther back in the stage!! The danger zones disappear after someone else touches them, so fighters following those in the lead will have an advantage. You can still find speed boosts throughout the stage, so it'll be a heated battle 'till the end!!




Here's another final battle called "Climb!" Obviously, those that can jump or fly higher will have the advantage, but they also have to avoid the danger zones!! It gets pretty challenging if you've boosted your speed too much, as well. Everyone really gets into this when playing multiplayer.

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Release Date: November 2014


Does that stealthily confirm Smash Bros Wii U's EU release month?


Weren't you telling me yesterday that a retailer's date means nothing?


Still, my guess is 21st November.

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