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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I'm guessing Pokemon Trainer will get an upgrade like some of the fighters are getting, and will have different appearances for costumes based on each gen, with that gens starter trio.


I do hope SE gets onboard, too. Sort of like the Mii set, a Final Fantasy one, with the 4 starter job classes from the earlier games, with their specific moves.

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I'm guessing Pokemon Trainer will get an upgrade like some of the fighters are getting, and will have different appearances for costumes based on each gen, with that gens starter trio.


I doubt that Pokémon Trainer will return. They've completely ditched the changing character mid-battle thing this time.

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I'm guessing Pokemon Trainer will get an upgrade like some of the fighters are getting, and will have different appearances for costumes based on each gen, with that gens starter trio.


I do hope SE gets onboard, too. Sort of like the Mii set, a Final Fantasy one, with the 4 starter job classes from the earlier games, with their specific moves.

No. No more third party characters :(

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Robin is the default name for your avatar.


Here's the trailer:


Aaaahh. A very good character to bring in! Robin is a rubbish name for them though :P


Also, that was Ike at the end of the video - has he been shown before now and I just missed it, or was that confirmation that he's back too?

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Ice Climbers


Game & Watch (not on the site yet but did star in the Pacman reveal)



Dr. Mario



Pokemon Trainer (Ivysaur, squirtle)









Young Link (yeah I know Toon Link but they ARE different ;))


Interesting to see which characters get the cut this time around.


When looking at the above list with not yet (offically) confirmed characters, I guess that Dr. Mario, Pokemon Trainer, Pichu, Roy and Young Link will most likely be cut out (again).


Mr. Game & Watch, Wario, Falco, Ness, Ganondorf, Ice Climbers and Jigglypuff are dead certains for me to return.


I keep my fingers crossed for Lucas, R.O.B., Metaknight and Mewtwo, while I think Snake and Wolf are 50/50 and I wouldn't be fussed if they get ditched...

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Yeah it'd be nice to have Dr. Mario/Luigi back/included along with their giant medicinal projectiles. I would expect Metaknight to return, along with the others mentioned. But yeah Snake and Wolf are possibly gone.

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I will eat my Mii's hat if Mewtwo makes a return! And even so, he sucked in Melee! Anyway, we've got Pikachu and Charizard (and likely Jigglypuff) for first Gen reps. More than half the Pokemon in Smash is enough.


Greninja > Mewtwo


Despite being my main, I'm doubtful Lucas will make a return. Which is sad, but given the newcomers so far. I'm pretty damn satisfied!

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Hmm, just watched the video - as a total non-FE player I am left rather nonplussed though always happy to see more characters. Is Lucina the lady who was an assist trophy in Brawl? If she's an already well established female character then that's good to have, as well as a both gender versions of this Robin person - to answer @Gizmo's question of the name is it meant to be unisex? As said, totes FE naive.


Nice to see Cap revealed, but I reeaaaaaaally wanted him to be in it but kept hidden. Imagine people bitching and moaning yet still buying the game then the old school style rumour explosions across tinternets as people unlock him. Woulda been so awesome!

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Hmm, just watched the video - as a total non-FE player I am left rather nonplussed though always happy to see more characters. Is Lucina the lady who was an assist trophy in Brawl? If she's an already well established female character then that's good to have, as well as a both gender versions of this Robin person - to answer Gizmo's question of the name is it meant to be unisex? As said, totes FE naive.


Lyn (from the first English GBA game) was the assist trophy in Brawl, Lucina is from Fire Emblem Awakening of the 3DS (which you should play).


So happy they managed to perfectly recapture the look and feel of a Fire Emblem Awakening cut scene and then just put Captain Falcon into it.


Same company that did the cutscenes in Awakening did this, so it's not surprising.


Anyway, watched the trailer, can't believe they hyped up a dedicate Fire Emblem reveal trailer, it was amazing. Funny how things have nearly come full circle.


Such a great roster in this version, I can't wait, totally got my hype levels up.


A lot of Lucina's moves did look a lot similar to Marth's.


For shame Capt. Falcon punching a lady though, tsk tsk. No wonder there hasn't been an F-Zero game lately. ;)

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Would make my day if they announced fully fledged voice chat.


Never played Brawl so don't know how it works but I hope it is easier to fight against a group of mates online on this. Don't want to experience similar difficulties as seen in MK8

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Would make my day if they announced fully fledged voice chat.


Never played Brawl so don't know how it works but I hope it is easier to fight against a group of mates online on this. Don't want to experience similar difficulties as seen in MK8


Brawl was pretty good online, you just created a lobby and up to 3 friends could join you. If you wanted to you could have a friend or 2 play on the same Wii as you while you play online against another friend online. Players would take turns changing settings for CPU and items and stage picks were always randomly picked between all the players' choices. The only problem is that the netcode itself was pretty poor leading to a lot of input delay even when facing someone across the street. I hope for the new game they add in a winner stays on lobby with people who are waiting being allowed to watch.

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Also, that was Ike at the end of the video - has he been shown before now and I just missed it, or was that confirmation that he's back too?


Yeah, he's been confirmed for a while. And he looks buff. Hella buff. And so tall, his sword looks smaller.


I keep my fingers crossed for Lucas, R.O.B., Metaknight and Mewtwo, while I think Snake and Wolf are 50/50 and I wouldn't be fussed if they get ditched...


I think ROB is good for a return. He represents his own 1st party series, and he's a piece of Nintendo history himself.


I do hope Wolf returns. He was so much better than Falco (yes, I went there)


Hmm, just watched the video - as a total non-FE player I am left rather nonplussed though always happy to see more characters. Is Lucina the lady who was an assist trophy in Brawl? If she's an already well established female character then that's good to have, as well as a both gender versions of this Robin person - to answer Gizmo's question of the name is it meant to be unisex? As said, totes FE naive.


Like it has been said:


-Lyn was the Assist Trophy. She still is an Assist Trophy in the new game, actually (this was confirmed)

-Lucina is the most popular protagonist in the new game. She's a distant descendant of Marth (hence the similarities to him)

-Robin is a "Create a character" type of character, supposed to represent the player (so, the Tactician). Glen-i already showed what his "Robin" (named Glen) looks like, for example. The default name is totes supposed to be unisex, you're definitely right.

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Pic of the day. Along with Robin, Lucina joins the battle!! Her physical ablilites are identical to Marth's--it must be in her D.N.A. However, where Marth's power is concentrated in the tip of the sword, Lucina's attack strength is balanced throughout the weapon, which might make her easier to control. She's also a little bit shorter than Marth.




With the Wii Fit Trainers, the male and female Robins, the Villagers, and Little Mac, varying their appearances and voices works just like selecting alternate color variations. However, whenever there is even a small difference in abilities, that character gets an actual roster slot. That is why you can select Lucina individually.




By the way…there's probably no chance you'll be able to see this in the game, but Lucina has the mark of Naga in her left eye

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