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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Local multiplayer is tough without enough Pro Controllers - and it is a cheaper option to just buy one adapter if you already have 4 GC controllers. I completely agree with you, it's so bad that the adapters aren't in stock but I also firmly believe that they will restock come January so it should be possible to survive until then with any of the other control schemes.

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Beat the damn Cruel Smash challenges last night after over an hour. The trick with the Pit/4KOs and Lucina/8KOs is to throw them off at the edge, they fail to recover 90% of the time.


Looked up a lot of the other challenges and... nope, nope, nope. There aren't enough golden hammers in the universe to complete some of those.

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Local multiplayer is tough without enough Pro Controllers - and it is a cheaper option to just buy one adapter if you already have 4 GC controllers. I completely agree with you, it's so bad that the adapters aren't in stock but I also firmly believe that they will restock come January so it should be possible to survive until then with any of the other control schemes.


Yeah, I can totally see your point too. Sadly for me I really got Smash 4 for local smash, and with Xmas coming up and folks being more available due to the holidays it's a really perfect time to have little smash evenings and stuff - when Brawl came out I got it the 3 months early and we smashed A LOT in that time and it brought us all closer - however now it's even harder as we've all got jobs and all the other grownup stuff we didn't have as much of then. Saturday's going to be a big day for us, and I'm just glad another guy I know managed to get an adapter and is being kind enough to let me borrow it!


Anyhow I'm apparently actually having my bundle supplied by Amazon, and should have it by the 19th December along with all those folks. I guess if it does get here by then it's only a couple weeks and I'll be able to have some festive smashing with friends soon enough.

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Japan - Another Smash Bros. Wii U TV commercial









Pic of the day. Tomorrow, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will be released in Japan! The players in Japan had to wait a bit longer for their release, but then again, they did get the 3DS version first. We were glad to be able to release this game in the Americas just in time for Thanksgiving in the United States.





Pic of the day has continued since E3 2013, and I would like to bring this series to a close today.


A total of 384 posts and roughly 500 screenshots have been posted, and there's even more screenshots if you count the ones I've posted for different regions.


The origins of pic of the day was sharing one picture a day of the game in development inside the company. It started out just as a small bonus for the staff.


However, once we started sharing pictures with the public, it was a much tougher process. We had to be more careful to choose appropriate pictures to post while keeping a consistant schedule regardless of how busy we got, all while some people only wanted new information from my posts.


It's nice to finally be able to get one weight off of my shoulders. But, we promised to create Mewtwo as a playable character, so I can't relax too much yet. I hope you'll look forward to Mewtwo joining the battle!




Even though the game is out now and I have it at long last, I'm still going to miss POTD.

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Well my GC controller finally arrived from ShopTo. :)


I've taken it out the box to tes the buttons etc, it's exactly the same build quality as the original pads - which is what I was expecting - the trouble is now I'm not sure whether to use it or not, as its rare now it's potentially a collector's item. ::shrug:


We shall see, in any case the pads are very good and I hope Nintendo manage to make a load more of them soon providing they are of the same quality. : peace:

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I've taken it out the box to tes the buttons etc, it's exactly the same build quality as the original pads - which is what I was expecting - the trouble is now I'm not sure whether to use it or not, as its rare now it's potentially a collector's item. ::shrug:


I got mine on Wednesday and haven't opened the box.

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These don't seem to be as rare as the adaptor itself. Just ordered the controller for 25 at the Nintendo store, where they (appear to be) in stock:




(More controllers than adaptors?)


Edit: I will post if I actually get it. :heh:


maybe they ordered 4 controllers to every adapter they placed an order for :D


Or maybe they actually ordered 1:1 and the adapter manufacturer was the o0nly one to let them down... ooooor... most people ordering the adapter have old GC controllers around still so don't need to buy a new one?

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I was just sat with nothing to do, when I thought I really should play some smash... but the I realised it feels like a chore for me : /


I think the lack of a story mode/subspace emissary is the main issue for me.

I appreciate all the content, but really this feels like a cut down smash bros for me. Trophies and achievements are all well and good, but really it was the single player mode that was important to me, far more so than the roster of playable characters. Even if they had just a series adventure mode... so a mushroom kingdom themed one for mario/bowser/peach and the rest as one example. Then for the smaller more bitty characters (ROB, DHD, Little Mac) have a generic Nintendo theme.


As it stands it just feels to me very much as a standard fighter. My amiibo has played the game a lot more than me.. and my enthusiasm has really waned to the point where I feel I only SHOULD play the game because I paid for it... when with previous iterations I genuinely wanted to : /


I'm hoping it's just a case of me not being in the right mood, but so far this is just a very interactive Nintendo encyclopedia for me :(

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Had a afternoon/evening of Smash with my Bros last night(5 of us) after borrowing my mate's GC adapter(Marcamillian used his traditional wiimote, and then tried the pro pad). Such a lovely day, makes me quite gutted I don't have an adapter any time soon for us to Smash in passing in the coming months, because it was really enjoyable all being together like that. Managed to unlock a few characters via playing that way too.


As for me today, I've spent a good chunk of the morning/day trying to play with the Pro Pad(had to give my mate his adapter back and need to start getting used to it anyway!). I find I adjusted quite easily once changing the Y button to special(B) rather than jump, my up+recovery was just letting me down otherwise. However I can feel that I'm still not entirely comfortable, and having left the game for an hour or two and then come back, there's a strange foreign feeling even though my setups just as it was before. I opted to switch R and ZR around too, to make it more GC like(with R being grab rather than shield, as it's placed sort of where Z is on the GC pad in relation to R) but left them the same on the left hand side. Again, whilst I thought this'd make the most sense, I can still sense a discomfort I can't explain.


As for classic - I've been trying but apparently can't manage a full run without continuing beyond a 5.5(easily achieved with a random'd gannondorf on the pro pad) - even at 6.0 I find myself losing! I think it's the final boss mostly, and a case of just not being at all used to it yet. I can't help think I'd be better with a GC pad, but I'm enjoying myself nonetheless. Done a few challenges, few events, checked out some stadium, done a couple master orders and been through classic with about 7 or 8 characters so far. Gonna keep randoming and just get a feel for everyone, then maybe take on a bit of all-star.


I'm collecting tons of shit, though tbh I'm not bothered/fussed about it. Not looked into what it's all about(some seem to be moves, some seem to be items, etcetc) - maybe I will later but atm the customising just doesn't appeal. Was gonna make a mii fighter, but decided to just play stuff instead - maybe I'll come back to him later.



All in all - it's Smash so I'm enjoying it. Pro pad is acceptable but feels like I'm not at my full potential. HD is glorious, items have been fun, and seems like there's a nice bit of content with some fresh and interesting things to keep going. Had expected the single player to be like the 3DS one but it seems that isn't the case, maybe I'll have to rethink getting the 3DS version sometime soon with this in mind.

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I'm collecting tons of shit, though tbh I'm not bothered/fussed about it. Not looked into what it's all about(some seem to be moves, some seem to be items, etcetc) - maybe I will later but atm the customising just doesn't appeal. Was gonna make a mii fighter, but decided to just play stuff instead - maybe I'll come back to him later.


Do it. Do it now! In fact, you should make at least 3. One for each Mii type. (Brawler, Swordfighter and Gunner)

You're basically denying yourself 3 unique characters otherwise. 3 unique characters who still get trophies for finishing Classic and All-Star.

And for what it's worth, Mii Brawler is one of my favourite characters to use. Along with Shulk and Greninja.

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Do it. Do it now! In fact, you should make at least 3. One for each Mii type. (Brawler, Swordfighter and Gunner)

You're basically denying yourself 3 unique characters otherwise. 3 unique characters who still get trophies for finishing Classic and All-Star.

And for what it's worth, Mii Brawler is one of my favourite characters to use. Along with Shulk and Greninja.


Maybe in a bit, I'm still just randoming/trying with diff characters to do classic atm(still not broken 6.0/6.5 intensity). Do Mii Fighters come up in random? Maybe I'll do a couple more classic runs later then make some fighters up.

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Maybe in a bit, I'm still just randoming/trying with diff characters to do classic atm(still not broken 6.0/6.5 intensity). Do Mii Fighters come up in random? Maybe I'll do a couple more classic runs later then make some fighters up.


Unfortunately, Mii's don't show up when you select Random. Which is a shame.

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Unfortunately, Mii's don't show up when you select Random. Which is a shame.


That is quite a shame as I plan to be playing random for a long while to come yet, maybe I'll mixup and be a mii fighter one in every X matches or so. Haven't played anymore since the weekend due to needing to sort my life out, but might have a few more classic runs this eve(out tomorrow) and make up some mii fighters after that. How does character customisation fare as well? Getting my mate with the adapter round thursday and maybe one or two other folks too, having some customs to play with might be worth a chuckle then...

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That is quite a shame as I plan to be playing random for a long while to come yet, maybe I'll mixup and be a mii fighter one in every X matches or so. Haven't played anymore since the weekend due to needing to sort my life out, but might have a few more classic runs this eve(out tomorrow) and make up some mii fighters after that. How does character customisation fare as well? Getting my mate with the adapter round thursday and maybe one or two other folks too, having some customs to play with might be worth a chuckle then...


I find custom characters only really tend to work well in Smash Run/Smash Tour.

Most people just can't be bothered with making custom characters for normal Smash. So the option to have a randomly customised character for those modes tend to be really funny. Someone will be lumped with an awful setup sooner or later. (@Dcubed once got a hilariously slow Sonic in Smash Run, naturally the battle at the end was "Race to the finish" He didn't stand a chance)

Luckily, Mii's don't count as customised characters, so you can use them no matter what special moves you chose. (Any equipment will be nullified though)

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Is it just me, or did the hype for this game disappear very quickly? At least on here... ::shrug:

Hardly any activity in the online thread, nobody else posted anything in the pics/gifs thread... what's going on, N-E? :blank:


I'm anticipating a mystery game for Christmas from my brother which may well me Super Smash Bros for Wii U, so hopefully at least some of you will still be playing by then :heh:


It's not a game I can seem to get myself psyched up for, though.. I've just never been completely won over by the series :hmm: Maybe that will change if I manage to get into it this time and get a grip of what's going on..

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I play regularly but only offline - I find the input lag rather horrible at times and as I still have trouble beating 3 level 8 CPUs (free for all) I believe that I'm not ready for online just yet. Mind - I do win when I pick my own fighters, though, so I've got better. :)


Other than that I'm working on Events - getting rewards without using costumisation is hard and challenging, taking up a lot of time.

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