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Luigi's Mansion 2


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Hmm looks like I've got myself stuck on the game and there appears to be a bit of a glitch.


I'm on the mission in mansion 2 where you need to find the 5 pinwheel vanes that have been stolen by the skinny ghosts.

I have found 3 and have managed to get myself upto the second floor of the mansion where you have to solve the water pump puzzle which makes the roots of a plant shoot through the floors.

Anyway, as I never checked my map I have noticed that the last 2 pinwheel pieces are on the floors below me. Tried to go back down - but the stairs are out (which I think is a result of the plant shooting up the floors). Anyway the floors above don't let me progress any further. All I see are a red ghost in a bathroom and the door to that is locked - as is the other door in the mini corridor.

So I have no way out and no where to go! It may be there is a way and I can't find it - but I've been looking solidly for about an hour and have checked a few YouTube vids - seems I've done more than i should this mission and it's shot me in the foot. :wtf:



So yeah, annoying I've had to start the mission all over again! :shakehead

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Turns out it does glow in the dark - checked last night and it was A-OK! :grin:


Does it need to be totally pitch black for it to glow?


Mine doesn't seem to glow :( maybe we didn't get any of those here in Ireland :(?


Anyway I managed to drag myself away from Monster Hunter for a bit to give this a go. Beat the first Mansion, loved it :D


Love the sense of humour in the game and how it isn't taking itself seriously.


Also thought the way Luigi communicates with E.Gadd is AMAZINGLY brilliant :D





Not even a 3DS, not even a DSi or DS Lite... but a DS Phat... LOVE IT.

Kinda hoping as you progress it gets "upgraded" and goes through the DS' own "evolution" steps.... but won't be disappointed if that doesn't happen




Oh and his method of "transportaion" :D



A reference to Tron. :D


Had me grinning from ear to ear that did... and still does everytime I see it



Prolly won't spend too much time with it just yet though. The Hunt is calling me :D But looking forward to sinking some time into this down the road :)

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Does it need to be totally pitch black for it to glow?


Mine doesn't seem to glow :( maybe we didn't get any of those here in Ireland :(?


I think it does yeah - it also took a while for my eyes to adjust to the dark before I noticed it. Also, try what Ronnie said - that does the trick too!


Following on from my 'glitch' before...


Turns out you can go back down the plants roots... which I never noticed despite running round like a maniac for about a hour earlier

:laughing: I am such an idiot. :heh:



So yeah, my bad haha.

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What does the dog bone do? I usually find one in every level but I don't what to do with it.


If you die, a dog comes and eats your bone and licks you back to life. :laughing:


If you die again - you have to restart the mission from the bloody beginning - as what happened to me before :cry:

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This game is beaaaaaaautiful.


Nintendo has always said that giving Link or Mario a proper personality would ruin the experience. But Luigi's personality makes the whole game so much richer and makes me really feel for him... Nintendo need to give their other characters some... character!

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I play this game with the 3D slider wacked all the way up. Stunning. Those who finished the 1st Mansion how many of the jewels did you find? Were you able to get all of them? I'm missing two but will go back and look for them tomorrow.

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I play this game with the 3D slider wacked all the way up. Stunning. Those who finished the 1st Mansion how many of the jewels did you find? Were you able to get all of them? I'm missing two but will go back and look for them tomorrow.


Me too Dem0 - it's one of those games that has to be played in 3d. Doesn't look right otherwise!


I was missing about 5 from the first mansion. I love how shiny the jewels are - I get quite excited when I find them! :grin:


Also for those who are a bit into mansion 2:


How cute is Toad?! I just love how Luigi takes care of him and how he doesn't like going into water haha. So damn sweet.

:love: I think Luigi is showing Mario up here haha.


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AAh just got my mits on this game, it is AMAZING!

I only buyed it yesterday, but my cover is also glow in the dark + I received the stress ball :D. I'm only in the first mansion as we speak, but wow! Luigi's character is soooo well done, the animations and his reactions to the overworld add so much life!

I also really love the professor haha, the sounds he make are so adorable :p.


Really I'm really surprised how they managed to keep the controls very simple (without adding the need for the second stick), yet they are very effective. Very well done!

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Spent an hour with this last night, just doing the first 2 missions. SO good.


One annoying thing, the sound effects decided to turn themselves off halfway through the first mission, so I had to reset the game after completion. Hopefully this glitch won't happen again!

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Finding it hard to tear myself from both Lego City and Luigi's Mansion to play the other. They're both so expertly made


lol. That's a tough place to be in, but it's a great problem to have.


Sometimes I think that I'm hearing some japanese words every now and then when the Professor starts speaking jibberish. Fused, am I just hearing things?

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lol. That's a tough place to be in, but it's a great problem to have.


Sometimes I think that I'm hearing some japanese words every now and then when the Professor starts speaking jibberish. Fused, am I just hearing things?


Well, I guess he sort of uses Japanese sounds so it kind of sounds like it. One definite Japanese word I picked up was nanika (albeit super fast) and that means 'something':laughing:

Also, The Doc just HAS TO come to either Smash or Mario Kart or both now, he just HAS TO!


One annoying thing, the sound effects decided to turn themselves off halfway through the first mission, so I had to reset the game after completion. Hopefully this glitch won't happen again!


I had the exact same problem, but I thought it was due to looking through a window and pulling away to quickly.

Also had to reset, but it hasn't happened since.



I went online yesterday and, at first, I had no idea what was going on. We had to do 5 floors but we were defeated on the 3rd.

I think I might hold off going online again untill I'm a bit further in the main game, because online spoils a lot of ghosts.


Still, I am very much looking forward to taking on 25 floors on expert mode with you guys :D

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Finding it hard to tear myself from both Lego City and Luigi's Mansion to play the other. They're both so expertly made


I'm the same. A great predicament to finally have! :love:


Played this via download play with a mate yesterday (he doesn't own the game). It was great. We were also able to go online together too which I thought was cool (though it relied on the same hosts appearing when searching worldwide). It was hilarious fun though - in a similar vein to Nintendoland's Luigi's Mansion game.

Online is brilliant in my opinion. Totally addictive and it does get heated. Pet hate is when you fall for a trap and a fellow player doesn't help you though!

I also like how they've done the whole Perfect Dark thing where you get a title at the end which explains how you played the game. Like 'leech' for taking the most stuff etc.


As multiplayer has been so good (and LEGO City Undercover is great too), I'm still only on the final mission in the first mansion hah. Brilliant game though, and, similar to SML3D, completely justifies 3D. ;)


Also: does anyone playing this suddenly appreciate the GC version more? I always felt like it didn't get the acclaim it deserved.

Edited by tapedeck
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Really I'm really surprised how they managed to keep the controls very simple (without adding the need for the second stick), yet they are very effective. Very well done!
It controls pretty well, but I really don't like how you can't turn Luigi while vacuuming, especially as the Y and A buttons do nothing at that point. :blank:

We can use X and B to look up/down, so why not Y and A for left/right? :hmm:

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