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How is iTunes abysmal? I not saying its not, just wondered why you thought that. I think it's pretty good.


It's slow and my computer is built for rendering, so I don't think the issue is on my end. Crap like when I was backing up my iPhone yesterday it decided to randomly install five old apps on my phone. Even after deleting them again through iTunes they reappeared. I barely use it now but it feels sluggish whereas Spotify feels like a breeze to navigate, not to mention updating Spotify is done on their end so there's no need to install constant updates unlike iTunes where there are way too many updates.

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updating Spotify is done on their end so there's no need to install constant updates unlike iTunes where there are way too many updates.




(Although - I could be wrong - I think it just downloads and updates in the background rather than being at their end. Either way, it doesn't really matter).


All programmes should now update on-the-fly and not even tell you they are doing it. Chrome is brilliant for that too. In this day and age there is no need to be constantly installing updates.

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It's slow and my computer is built for rendering, so I don't think the issue is on my end. Crap like when I was backing up my iPhone yesterday it decided to randomly install five old apps on my phone. Even after deleting them again through iTunes they reappeared. I barely use it now but it feels sluggish whereas Spotify feels like a breeze to navigate, not to mention updating Spotify is done on their end so there's no need to install constant updates unlike iTunes where there are way too many updates.


or it randomly alters playlists, removes things you've downloaded directly to the iphone... iTunes is an abomination

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OMG, Maps is so bad. It makes me want to cancel my iPhone 5 order.


Don't do it Daft!!


I have my nano sim now - just syncing my phone and sorting my old apps out etc.


Gotta say - the differences are really noticeable. The screen is a joy - it looks even better than my 4s - brighter for one, and apparently they have changed the glass over the screen so it's not as thick - this could go some way to explain why it looks a little more vibrant.


Also - just holding this thing is arousing me. There's a noticeable jump in speed too - which is not something that I normally see. However, I definitely can tell in this one.


You'll love it! :grin:

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It's a fault with the 4 / 4s design the dock connector at the bottom isn't sealed and it allows dirt inside the phone which blocks the button hitting it sensor properly there is no perminant fix


Mine is exactly the same


The only non apple store fix is to take cotton buds and other small object to poke out the holes, using rubbing alcohol also helps

But I did that a month ago and it is now as bad as ever



I've ordered an S3, I had a play with the iPhone 5 Friday for an hour and it seemed identical to the iPhone 4 I have, the brightness was the same never noticed a difference there, and how they can advertise its thinner as a big thing is beyond me because its longer! It will have the same overall volume if not more. Holding them sidebyside was underwhelming it highlighted all the similarities

The only noticeable difference was the extra row of apps. I suppose it was slightly faster but I'm not paying £200 for an extra row of apps and a slight speed increase

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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The only non apple store fix is to take cotton buds and other small object to poke out the holes, using rubbing alcohol also helps


Cheers, will give this a try. Only needs to be fixed up to be sold again so not looking for a permanent solution :heh:

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Erm.....it can't be. The 4S was released mid-October last year. It is DEFINITELY under a year old. And in that case it's covered by Apple. Take it to them!


That is true....


I may take it off her then and swing it by the Apple store as I'm back home next weekend and then the following one too.


Cheers for pointing that out.

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That is true....


I may take it off her then and swing it by the Apple store as I'm back home next weekend and then the following one too.


Cheers for pointing that out.


That's okay :)


If you can't make it to the apple store I think they should collect if from you. I needed my iMac fixing a couple of weeks ago and they offered to pick it up. I was going to the shopping center anyway so I declined, but they might be able to do that for you to save you going.

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That's okay :)


If you can't make it to the apple store I think they should collect if from you. I needed my iMac fixing a couple of weeks ago and they offered to pick it up. I was going to the shopping center anyway so I declined, but they might be able to do that for you to save you going.


Going to/from my house to my mother's involves walking through the Bullring and even failing that I'll go to one in central.

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or it randomly alters playlists, removes things you've downloaded directly to the iphone... iTunes is an abomination


It's slow and my computer is built for rendering, so I don't think the issue is on my end. Crap like when I was backing up my iPhone yesterday it decided to randomly install five old apps on my phone. Even after deleting them again through iTunes they reappeared. I barely use it now but it feels sluggish whereas Spotify feels like a breeze to navigate, not to mention updating Spotify is done on their end so there's no need to install constant updates unlike iTunes where there are way too many updates.


I can't speak for how it works on Windows but i've never once had a problem with it randomly adding apps and editing playlists unless I changed things myself. I think i've needed to update iTunes twice or so in the past 6 months, not really outrageous. Again, this is on a Mac though, may differ on an inferior OS Windows :heh:

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Need a new iPod for the gym. Need to decide between the 6th and 7th generation nano.


6th gen:


+ Has a clip so I won't need a stupid armband

+ Nice and compact

+ I won't need an adapter for my home stereo

- Maybe a bit too small - may lose it!

- No Bluetooth for my car

- Has the older headphones and not the supposedly good Earpods

- Still expensive considering a new model is coming out, but I can get a refurbished 16GB one for £100


7th gen

+ Earpods

+ Bluetooth

+ Better value for money

- Has the different connector

- Don't really need/want video or photos

- No clip!


Argh! I really can't decide!

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I'm not paying a ridiculously inflated price on hardware for comparable results on OSs that function fractionally differently. If Apple can't sort their shitty programming out, then that's their prerogative.


I wasn't suggesting you purchase a new computer. Merely interested at such major differences between the two versions.

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I'm not paying a ridiculously inflated price on hardware for comparable results on OSs that function fractionally differently. If Apple can't sort their shitty programming out, then that's their prerogative.


Here's a comparable PC to an iMac. Obviously specs aren't identical.


Very similar price and you obviously don't get the fantastic Apple keyboard and mouse..


People are more than happy to pay for an 'all-in-one' because it makes their desk tidy.

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Here's a comparable PC to an iMac. Obviously specs aren't identical.


Very similar price and you obviously don't get the fantastic Apple keyboard and mouse..


People are more than happy to pay for an 'all-in-one' because it makes their desk tidy.


Yeah, my PC which was about the same price pretty much matches my friends £3000 Mac. I suspect this also carries over to upgrading the hardware being cheaper.

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