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Dolphin HD is out for iPad (free browser). Has tabs, speed dial and customisable gestures. I draw an 'N' for N-Europe for instance. You can also have multiple tabs open and play audio etc from one tab and still browse the web effortlessly. It's like teh futorz!


Brilliant...and free!

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Let's Talk iPhone starts in just under 10 minutes. A few leaks regarding an iPhone 4S have already happened online. Looking to get myself an iPhone later in the year, so keeping my eye on this press conference. Hopefully Apple take a competitive stand with their prices this year (yeah right!).

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I have both open as Engadget likes to crash a lot lol.


I really like the sound of iOS 5.

They have added lots of little things that should hopefully make quite a big impact.


Like the camera update especially, as well as iMessage and Cards! :yay:

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I don't get how the apps and music stuff works with iCloud.


Surely you could always re-download those from the iTunes store?


Is this instead somehow easier?


Maybe not having to go and search for it and then re-download, etc.

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Having a big problem and it's doing my head in!


I've synched my contacts through MobileMe over all my devices and work computers etc.


Anyway, I can't add in contacts any more. It adds them, transfers them, then deletes them... Does anyone know why? It's so annoying and I wonder if it's because they're changing all the MobileMe stuff with ios5 and maybe i should just wait for then; but any help in the mean time would be great!

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I had my iPad for around 4 weeks - and then sold it.


As much as I loved it (and I did), it just wasn't being used like I hoped.


I just did everything on my MacBook still, apart form things like watching videos etc. It was great for that.


Anyway, I sold it and got £360 for it on eBay (paid £399) so didn't lose too much.


What I did love about the iPad - was the size. I just missed the keyboard...


So, in the last week I have sold my MacBook Pro (to my sister for £600), and used all the money to buy a new 11' MacBook Air.


Had it since yesterday and I just love it. It is the best Apple product I have owned.

I decided that I wanted to replace my Pro with an Air as I wanted the thunderbolt port so I can (eventually) have a desktop setup.


As much as I love the iMac's - I just like to sit on my bed, or the sofa with my computer...

However the thunderbolt display will allow me to have a desktop setup, running from the Macbook Air.


It will give me so many options - I have a load of HD movies on my external storage and they are going to look great on the Thunderbolt display. Once I have done with the big screen I can then just unplug my Air, and away I go. Ultra portability! :D


So yeah, I don't regret buying the iPad, it's a fantastic item, but it's not for me.

The Air is everything and more. It is so small and portable and with the thunderbolt display it virtually turns into an iMac.


I love.

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I've had iOS5 on my iPad for a couple of days now. It's poop.


Actually, that's not really fair. iOS5 is nice, but the 1st gen iPad seems to have a bit of a RAM issue with it. I just lost a few-hundred word post on the Vodafone forums because I opened settings then switched back to the browser. The page reloaded. No other programs open. This has been happening a lot, the browser can't handle as many pages as it could in iOS4. Multitasking? Forget it. Pages reload as soon as you re-enter the browser. Not good.


EDIT: Actually, it seems to keep the pages as long as you don't switch out of the browser. I just had all 9 tabs running fine. The system slows right down though, takes a good few seconds to switch from one tab to another.

Edited by McPhee
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I've been running it for a few months now and not noticed those issues so much, but I'm an on iPad 2 so it's not really a fair comparison. After running beta for all this time, I'll be interested to see what differences, if any, there are in the final release. I also can't wait to see what Newsstand is like!

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I've had iOS5 on my iPad for a couple of days now. It's poop.


Actually, that's not really fair. iOS5 is nice, but the 1st gen iPad seems to have a bit of a RAM issue with it. I just lost a few-hundred word post on the Vodafone forums because I opened settings then switched back to the browser. The page reloaded. No other programs open. This has been happening a lot, the browser can't handle as many pages as it could in iOS4. Multitasking? Forget it. Pages reload as soon as you re-enter the browser. Not good.


EDIT: Actually, it seems to keep the pages as long as you don't switch out of the browser. I just had all 9 tabs running fine. The system slows right down though, takes a good few seconds to switch from one tab to another.


This is what I'm worried about with the iPad 1. I don't want to buy the iPad 2, but of th eipad 1 struggles with iOS 5 I may have to take the plunge :(


What's iOS 5 like now? I did the first beta but didn't bother after that!

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There's some OK stuff. The split keyboard, Reeder, Reminders, the new notification system. iCloud seems like it will be pretty good too if you have multiple Apple devices (I don't, so it's of little use). Oh, and they finally fixed market auto-correcting to Market.


Overall though it's the usual story with an Apple update. Performance sucks on older devices. There's so much keystroke lag on the iPad 1 now. Actually, just about everything lags, screen rotation, app switching, tab switching. I'm always quite amazed how a few small tweaks to iOS can wreak havvok on performance. It's beginning to make me quite cynical towards Apple devices. I've recently upgraded my Windows Phone to Mango. Performance improved. They added multitasking and a whole host of other features and managed to optimise the already smooth OS. When Apple did that, performance on my iPhone 3G went through the floor. Now the same thing has happened on the iPad despite the tweaks being relatively small. I'm beginning to wonder if they do this on purpose, or if they just don't see the point in optimising new versions of the OS for older hardware. Either way, I'll probably downgrade.


I'm going to be watching the ICS news with interest. It might be time to jump ship.

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My ipod nano had broken after 5 years :(


The top bit with the lock switch hasa fallen off so it will no longer work. Really don't know what to replace it with. Not too fond of the new nanos, they don't do a 16gb touch (32 gig is way too expensive) and I'm worried the classic is too bulky for running with.



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I've just been to the Apple shop to see what my options are. Had a play of the nano and they look great, but they just don't feel right to me.

It's pretty much fucked and unfixable, but if you trade it in you get 10% off your next iPod. so my options are:


Replacement of my 5 year old 8GB nano which doesn't have enough room for all my music - around £100

16GB new nano with discount - £117

8GB touch which wouldn't fit all my music on, with discount - £152

160GB classic that would be too heavy to run with, with discount - £180

32GB touch, with discount - £225


Argh decisions, decisions.

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If it was me I'd go for the 32 GB touch or 16 GB nano. I have an 8GB nano and it's actually excellent, especially for doing sports/running. The new interface makes it even easier to use on the go, too, and the Nike+ stuff is perfect for it. That said, if you don't like the actual unit itself then there's not much you can do about that! Good luck, anyway :)


The latest issue of Macworld went for an interesting cover hit...




That competition winner is going to be waiting quite a while....

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It's usually around 1pm in Cupertino, which is around 9pm here I think!



So I cracked and pre-ordered a 4s... It would be stupid not to because I'm making a profit on it. Sell my iPhone 4 for a minimum of £266 (envirofone) and possibly £300+ eBay. On the same contract as before pretty much, signing up to another 18 months and pay £99 for the phone. Done.

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