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Darksiders 2


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Stopped playing the first game after I couldn't get one fucking trophy...shooting down a set number of enemies when you fly on some horse or whatever. Can't remember it exactly.

I planned on getting the Platinum but this trophy made me incredibly mad. Might give it a whirl again...

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I lent the first game to my stepbrother like a year ago and haven't seen it since. I really should get it back off him so I can play it.


Oooh looks good. Playing as Death... interesting. I don't like the look of the character though, I think it's the hair...

Edited by The Peeps
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I just went to watch the video then and it has been taken off due to one of them 'copyright claims'.


I did enjoy the first one although but i don't think i loved it. Looks like i will have to wait until they offically release a trailer or something!

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Absolutely awesome. I loved the first game so much. It was pretty much everything I want Zelda to be.


I'm going to assume you meant "everything I want the action sequences in Zelda to be."


I loved Darksiders, but only as a fun platformy hack and slash that could be grabbed for a fair price. Without towns, side quests, mini-games, great music and a few more interactive NPCs, it can't really hold a candle to Zelda...

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Darksiders was great because the armegeddon level of difficulty was perfect (as daft originally said, way back when). The storyline was who-cares, the gameplay was nothing-new, but as has been said (by daft and shorty) it was a good mix of adventure and hack-and-slash. It was only ever tricky when one was momentarily lost, or struggled with the correct strategy for a boss. In this sense, the game was extremely old-school. It didn't bother greatly with reams of collectables or too much back-tracking - it was, essentially, a very well paced game.


Gameplay, it scores 10/10. Graphics, sound, mastery, story, whatever - irrelevent. Gameplay was perfect. I would welcome a 'more of the same' sequel, but it's clear that there being 4 horsemen this game is hoping to attain a franchise level of greatness, which means, to me, they'll attempt to modernise the game too much. It can be compared to zelda beause the gameplay is equal to the 13-year-old game. I worry that they'll try to pay too much homage to other successes...


But yeah. Essentially the game never struck above its weight. Didn't try to be complex with its battles or complex with the dungeon maps - it just threw the game down and said "deal with it". There's plenty that can go wrong.


But fingers crossed!

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New screenshots:







Game Informer:

We’re breaking open the floodgates with a ton of great Darksiders II content. We’ve already given you a first look at the game with the Darksiders II announce trailer. Now feast your eyes on this first set of screens from the game.


These screens highlight the new horseman Death and a couple of different weapons he’ll have access to throughout the game. You’ll also get a glimpse of Death’s horse, Despair. Finally, you can stare down two leviathan-sized serpents, which are used to transport a giant airship throughout the underworl

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Not that that's a bad thing.


Looks to be shaping up nicely. Now if they'd just release Dark Millennium as well.


Never. I love Soul Reaver. Give us another one!!


I'm going to assume you meant "everything I want the action sequences in Zelda to be."


I loved Darksiders, but only as a fun platformy hack and slash that could be grabbed for a fair price. Without towns, side quests, mini-games, great music and a few more interactive NPCs, it can't really hold a candle to Zelda...


The NPC interaction in Zelda is pretty basic so I hardly noticed it not being there. Darksiders had fetch quests.


Also, Darksiders has a story. Something Zelda can only bore me with.


To me, Zelda is as stale as Mario is.

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I've made it no secret that I'm not a fan of a lot that Nintendo does these days, but I can't believe anyone could think this after playing SMG2.


Obviously it hasn't developed. It's been 25 years and Mario still hasn't boinked Peach. :p


If it's not someone's taste, there is now way to change it, unless Nintendo decides to overhaul their IPs. I'd rather have them not turn something like Zelda into Darksiders. That's what Darksiders is for, isn't it?

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My view has always been that Nintendo are so good at refining gameplay, why can't they extend that innovation to other areas that desperately need it, like the story for example.


That's not to take anything away from people enjoying them as they are. I just think it's rather tiresome.


To me, Mario Galaxy is less a game and more a toy to be played with.

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My view has always been that Nintendo are so good at refining gameplay, why can't they extend that innovation to other areas that desperately need it, like the story for example.

That's what Nintendo do, in all areas. How else can you explain never releasing a HDD for the Wii -_- They aren't the most reasonable company. Although all that may change next week....

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That's what Nintendo do, in all areas. How else can you explain never releasing a HDD for the Wii -_- They aren't the most reasonable company. Although all that may change next week....


Just because that's what Nintendo do doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. It's frustrating.


Fair enough if you prefer games to have good stories, but I don't see how a lack of a story makes Super Mario Galaxy any less of a game. :hmm:


I know. It's just my opinion.

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Fair enough if you prefer games to have good stories, but I don't see how a lack of a story makes Super Mario Galaxy any less of a game. :hmm:


You only need a weird enough personal definition of a game vs. a toy.


The lines might be blurred, but I'd argue that a sufficient but not necessary condition to qualify anything as a game, is if it can be "won". Mario and Zelda can be won. Looking at another example: Minecraft in it's current, unmodded condition can't be won, hence it's more of a toy than a game.



And looking at the Darksiders 2 trailer, I'm very happy Nintendo doesn't chose to shoehorn some convoluted modern storytelling into Zelda and Mario. It's just not a necessary condition for these games to evolve imo.


I quiet like Darksider's style though. The "high-definition-comic" look is really refreshing in comparison to the general trend to make everything pseudo realistic. I'm absolutely no fan of hack & slash combat mechanics, but might keep a look out for this.


Btw. Darksiders might give a hint at how Nintendo games - specifically Zelda - might look with modern hardware. Color palette, character proportions and environments will of course be different, but I imagine Nintendo will most likely go for a similar stylized look instead of a "realistic" one.

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You only need a weird enough personal definition of a game vs. a toy.


The lines might be blurred, but I'd argue that a sufficient but not necessary condition to qualify anything as a game, is if it can be "won". Mario and Zelda can be won. Looking at another example: Minecraft in it's current, unmodded condition can't be won, hence it's more of a toy than a game.

But then Pac-Man isn't a game, and neither is World of Warcraft. And something like Call of Duty would be one quarter game, three quarters toy. And what would need to be the condition for not including Super Mario Galaxy as a game? A good story? By that definition, gaming in the 80s and 90s was a wasteland. So yeah, the lines may be blurred from time to time, but come on. :heh:


Super Mario Galaxy is objectively a game. You can't really hide between "oh, well, it's just my opinion", because it makes no sense. If I said "it's my opinion that the sky is green", you'd think I was an idiot.


If Daft (or anyone else) wants to argue that Super Mario Galaxy doesn't appeal to them because they prefer games to have better stories (or whatever), then that's fair enough. Not every game can appeal to every person. But it is a game.



Anyway, I almost forgot that this thread was supposed to be about Darksiders 2. I never got around to playing the first one. It seemed kind of okay, but when I watched my cousin play it for a couple of hours, it didn't really look that great. But that was really late in the game, so I don't know.

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So yeah, the lines may be blurred from time to time, but come on. :heh:


I said you'd need a weird enough and personal definition. If this was a SMG thread, I'd call such a one-liner statement blatant trolling, but it isn't a SMG thread.

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Never. I love Soul Reaver. Give us another one!!


Never gonna happen though sadly.


Amy Hennig went to Naughty Dog so the story would never be truly complete, and Tony Jay passed. Finally...SE tend to hate doing things correctly.

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