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Your 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2011


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Having been made aware of it's existence, I'm now pretty hyped for Hitman Absolution. Absolutely loved Silent Assassin/Blood Money despite some of their noticeable flaws, so I'm excited to see what more they can do with the series.


Also pretty excited for Skyward Sword, should be buying a Wii later this year (possibly within the next month) to get ready for that and to catch up on all the Wii games I missed this generation.


The next Elder Scrolls game is looking pretty sweet as well. Oblivion drained many hours from my life so here's hoping they can fix the shit things that were wrong with that game.


Also very interested in the next Bioshock as well. Not sure on any gameplay details but the art style alone has caught my interest. Plus....it's Bioshock. The first two were fucking awesome, the first probably still being my favourite game of this generation.


Also pretty excited for the new hardware - NGP/Project Cafayyyy.

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1. Dark Souls

2. Skyrim

3. Uncharted 3

4. Assassin's Creed Revelations

5. Mass Effect 3

6. Mario Kart 3DS

7. Starhawk


Maybe the new Zelda and Bioshock belong there somewhere at the bottom. Dark Souls will reign, I've no doubt. It's the freshest franchise at least.

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Mainly just the new SSX really. Though to be honest I want to see some new IPs and the hardware announcements. Will take a look at the new Mario/Zelda, but I'm not hyped at all for them. You can only play so much Mario Kart before you feel you've reached a limit.

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If by "..........." you mean "Why is Uncharted 3 so low", I believe it's because they already know it's going to be completely awesome and we don't need to be told anything about it at E3.

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The best part of E3 isn't the predictable hype machine that tells everyone what they're buying for the next year - it's the little unknowns that surprise us! The promise of novelty instead of sequals.


I want my new Braid/portal :) Been really into XBLA's accesability recently so I'd like to see more stuff things stuff!

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If by "..........." you mean "Why is Uncharted 3 so low", I believe it's because they already know it's going to be completely awesome and we don't need to be told anything about it at E3.


That was indeed what I was implying by the first fifteen or so dots. The next ten or however many was that the next game was Tomb Raider aka Wannabuncharted : The Vagina Chronicles. I almost turned off in disgust there and then.

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I'm really looking forward to the games for Nintendo's next console, they've said it will be playable so hopefully something more than tech demos will be there.


If they really want to show off how it's focusing on the hardcore then games like F-Zero, Smash Bros and Mario Kart with decent online systems will be a must for me.

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1. Mario Kart 3DS

2. Super Mario 3DS

3. Pikmin 3 (3DS or Cafe)

4. Battlefield 3

5. Modern Warfare 3

6. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

7. Gears of War 3

8. Batman: Arkham City

9. Resident Evil: Revelations


I can't think of a 10th confirmed title that I'm wanting to hear more about.

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Why The Last Guardian didn't make it on there I don't know.


It may be held back till TGS. Seems that's where they like to talk about the game and as it and the HD remakes of Ico and SotC were delayed, perhaps they'll all just skip E3 for then. Shame if that's the case but it wouldn't surprise me.

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I'm mostly just looking forward to new announcements (Half Life 2: Episode 3 has to be there. Regardless of the fact that Valve sent out a press release that they're not gonna be showing any games), but as far as games I already know are gonna be there;


1. Bioshock Infinite

2. Batman: Arkham City

3. Battlefield 3

4. Skyrim (I've always actively disliked the Elder Scrolls games, but this, just from the trailer, looks like it will be rectifying everything that I considered to be faulty with the series).

5. Gears of War 3 - almost entirely for the multiplayer, which I know that I'm going to be getting massively into, hopefully with whatever community of N-E players that springs up around it.

6. The Darkness 2 - Through the original was a very well told story, even though it was mechanically pretty awful. Starbreeze aren't on it any longer though, so I have some reservations.

7. New Tomb Raider. Looks HOT.


9. Street Fighter X Tekken

10. Whatever ancient dregs the fucknuts at Nintendo come up with and repackage at a premium, for that useless blue brick I've got sitting in my bottom drawer 200 miles away.

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