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Your 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2011


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Not going to lie, this was an idea blagged from Gamesradar.



What are your most anticipated games of E3 2011?


Mine -


10 - Hitman: Absolution

9 - Dead Island

8 - Modern Warefare 3

7 - Battlefield 3

6 - Rage

5 - GOW 3

4 - Skyward Sword

3 - Arkham City

2 - SSX

1 - Skyrim


And obviously to see what Nintendo has in store for the 3DS (still not bought one yet, want to see what I can expect) and Project Cafe of course.



It's not a prediction or hope thread, just games that should be there you're looking forward to hearing / seeing more of.

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From the top of my head:


10. Skyrim

9. Hitman: Absolution

8. Dead Island

7. Super Mario 3DS

6. Ninja Gaiden 3

5. Gears of War 3

4. Zelda: Skyward Sword

3. BioShock: Infinite

2. Uncharted 3

1. Mass Effect 3

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10. F1 2011

9. Modern Warfare 3

8. New Hideo Kojima Title

7. Battlefield 3

6. Saints Row 3

5. Ace Combat - Assault Horizon

4. WH40K: Space Marine

3. Guild Wars 2

2. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

1. Mass Effect 3


Also looking forward to everything and anything we don't know about, particularly at Nintendo.

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I can't really think of ten to be honest.


Also most of these games are coming out during my final year, so I won't be playing them. :(




I suppose I'm exciting about one's that we don't know about or are told aren't being shown.


So... I usually get excited about the possibility of Rockstar games, Valve, new IP, etc.




Skyrim gameplay...

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- Paper Mario 3DS

- Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute

- Rhythm Paradise Wii

- Rayman Origins

- Kirby of the Stars

- Mario Kart 3DS

- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword



and even though I do not own any other non-NINTENDO consoles


- The Last Guardian

- Arkham City

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The only exciting thing about E3 are announcements of new games. I already know which of the big hitters I'll get when they're released, so I'm not going to spoil anything by reading new information/looking at trailers and screenshots. So you'll excuse me if I don't make a list - I'm looking forward to a lot of games, but not seeing more of them at E3. :smile:


Probably the only already-announces game I'm looking forward to seeing at E3 is the new Hitman, as I want to see which direction they're taking the game in. I'm hoping they're just going to build on what made Blood Money so good.

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Not my top 10 but a few of my most wanted this year!


Bioshock Infinite

Gears of War 3

Zelda: Skyward Sword


Guild Wars 2

Crytek's Kingdom for 360

Hopefully a first party game for 360.

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Well, i'm only looking forward to these titles


  • Batman Arkham City
  • Assassins Creed Revelations
  • Gear of War 3
  • Bioshock Infinite
  • Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  • Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


So, any information/details on these titles would be fine for me at E3

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1. Street Fighter x Tekken

2. Modern Warfare 3

3. Uncharted 3


I'm still holding on to a glimmer of hope that Valve gives us something. A Left 4 Dead on PS3 with Steam intergration would be something special, although unlikely.

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Not looking forward to anything in particular Cooky?


Iiiii....am just looking forward to seeing what Nintendo's hook is for the new console(this is what people are calling Cafe right?), and besides that a new decent kirby game with abilities and as of about 40 minutes ago Skyward Sword.

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Or that they'll finally announce that Episode 3 has turned into Half-Life 3, then release a 3-second trailer and say nothing for another year.


I still think that Episode 3 will be regular Episode 3 using the Source engine.


Closely followed by a new engine with whatever game.


(Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike)

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Yeah E3's wierd because I'm really looking forward to announcements, but I don't want to see too much of games.


So mainly it's Nintendo's conference with the new console and any game teasers that may come along.


I'd also like to hear The Last Guardian is progressing well.

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