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  Hero-of-Time said:
Trophies it is then. :D


Now I have a PS3 I still don't see the difference. You still get arbitrary numbers assigned to your profile for them.


Anyway, some kind of Achievement/Trophy system should be part of Nintendo's next console.

  Cube said:


Anyway, some kind of Achievement/Trophy system should be part of Nintendo's next console.


It would be cool if the points that you earn for playing games alowed you to download content from the virtual console service (if there will be one). That would save you a substantial amount of money. But then again the likely hood of that happening is pretty much none existent.

  Fused King said:
Thanks a bunch for the countdown! (even though I can't see it for I'm using Internet Explorer)
... :nono:


Seriously dude... SERIOUSLY, just get another browser! They're free you know? :heh::







Any of the above will do, all WAY better than Internet Explorer.

Hell... even the Wii Internet Channel is. :laughing:


Thought this was interesting, from IGN:


This year, expect to hear news outside of the press conference. Not only in the form of impressions, videos and a few interviews, but I would make sure you're checking the IGN Nintendo sites on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. I will have live blogs fired up.


Just saying.




Next week is going to be fascinating. It will likely be the biggest show for Nintendo that we've ever seen. Any Nintendo fan - past or present - should tune into IGN starting at 9am on Tuesday, June 7. And if I were you, I wouldn't leave my computer for the next few days. This is going to be big, folks.




And Fused King, Good-Feel are fine. I liked Wario Land: Shake Dimension's graphics, but not the gameplay.

  Grazza said:

And Fused King, Good-Feel are fine. I liked Wario Land: Shake Dimension's graphics, but not the gameplay.


I Meant speculation about their NEXT PROJECT.....: peace:

This year, expect to hear news outside of the press conference. Not only in the form of impressions, videos and a few interviews, but I would make sure you're checking the IGN Nintendo sites on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. I will have live blogs fired up.


Just saying.

Saw that and am a bit confused. Live blog on Wednesday? Sony's+MS' conferences are on Monday iirc. So there is something live blog worthy from Nintendo on Wednesday?


More likely than not, it's nothing to get fired up about, but could it be they're somehow splitting their conference and announcements?

  Cube said:
Now I have a PS3 I still don't see the difference. You still get arbitrary numbers assigned to your profile for them.


Anyway, some kind of Achievement/Trophy system should be part of Nintendo's next console.


I think trophies show off your skill a bit more because if you have lots of achievements, then you might just have a lot of games. However if you have a few platinum trophies, you know you're pretty good :heh: Of course if a game is really really easy it doesn't quite work but generally I think it's true.


I'd quite like to see a trophy system for Café.

  Fused King said:
You can all bet your sweet asses that I'll, once again, make everyone aware of the N-Europe Chatroom for E3 bukake:laughing::blush:


That's absolutely horrible, dude.. :eek:


I'm in..

  Fused King said:
I Meant speculation about their NEXT PROJECT.....: peace:


Oh, er... Wario and the Valuable Coffee Beans.


My prediction is that a whole game will be saved for Wednesday, one that they think only the hardcore will be interested in, like Smash Bros Brawl at E3 2006. It might even be Smash Bros: Caffeinated (OK, I've used that joke twice now).


Other than that, it could very well be F-Zero Café or Retro's new game (which might be the same thing).


Do you think Nintendo will give the Wii any love at E3? Sure we can expect Zelda, Xenoblade and possibly Last Story but will there be anything new shown?


I mentioned this in the other thread, with the rumour of Cafe arriving mid-late 2012 Nintendo have to announce some more stuff for the Wii to at least fill in the gap before Cafe comes out.


I honestly can't see it happening, Hero of Time. I don't think it'd make sense to spend money on developing a complex game for Wii at this stage. We might get a Mario baseball game or something like that, but I think we're at the same stage as in 2005 when Twilight Princess was the only big GameCube game left.


Square Enix could reveal Dragon Quest X, but it's not on their list.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Do you think Nintendo will give the Wii any love at E3? Sure we can expect Zelda, Xenoblade and possibly Last Story but will there be anything new shown?


I mentioned this in the other thread, with the rumour of Cafe arriving mid-late 2012 Nintendo have to announce some more stuff for the Wii to at least fill in the gap before Cafe comes out.


They need to do what they are doing with the DS, I think this time Nintendo have had a change of plans when a new system is out, rather then just bringing out a new system and within 3 months there is nothing left of the older system, I think they want to keep the system on the shelf with games for another year, so yeah, I do think we will see some more Wii titles at E3.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Do you think Nintendo will give the Wii any love at E3? Sure we can expect Zelda, Xenoblade and possibly Last Story but will there be anything new shown?


I mentioned this in the other thread, with the rumour of Cafe arriving mid-late 2012 Nintendo have to announce some more stuff for the Wii to at least fill in the gap before Cafe comes out.

I think so, I'd imagine we'd have some sort of bridge game released between October and Christmas - think, like New Super Mario Bros. Wii or Kirby's Epic Yarn in terms of demographics. Incidentally, both of these were shown within months of their releases.


I just hope that there's no leaks before the conference. I remember when Wii games were first shown (e3 2006) that CNN.com leaked images of Wii Sports etc hours before the conference.


I want the first time I see this thing to be while I'm watching the conference. I want to be bored for 10 minutes as Iwata talks about markets, demographics and trends, I want to be completely uninterested in what he's saying, like I am every year, then I want him to wow me.


And bring back Cammie Dunnaway.


"I hear they've done-away with her"

  or else you will DIE said:
Miyamoto's round table live blog? though isn't that usually held on the same day, later on in the evening?


Ah, forgot that this was held in last two years. Assuming it's another round table with Myamoto, then there's probably not much actual news on Wednesday, but at least some nice background information about games and the new console.

  Grazza said:
I honestly can't see it happening, Hero of Time. I don't think it'd make sense to spend money on developing a complex game for Wii at this stage. We might get a Mario baseball game or something like that, but I think we're at the same stage as in 2005 when Twilight Princess was the only big GameCube game left.


Square Enix could reveal Dragon Quest X, but it's not on their list.


  killer kirby said:
They need to do what they are doing with the DS, I think this time Nintendo have had a change of plans when a new system is out, rather then just bringing out a new system and within 3 months there is nothing left of the older system, I think they want to keep the system on the shelf with games for another year, so yeah, I do think we will see some more Wii titles at E3.


  LostOverThere said:
I think so, I'd imagine we'd have some sort of bridge game released between October and Christmas - think, like New Super Mario Bros. Wii or Kirby's Epic Yarn in terms of demographics. Incidentally, both of these were shown within months of their releases.


Thanks for the reply guys. I'm hoping they do still support the Wii until Cafe hits as i've had some great memories off the machine and I hope to get some more out of it. :D

  Hero-of-Time said:
Thanks for the reply guys. I'm hoping they do still support the Wii until Cafe hits as i've had some great memories off the machine and I hope to get some more out of it. :D


Next to talk/showing of:


- Rhythm Paradise Wii

- Kirby of the Stars

- Xenoblade

- The Last Story

- Pandora's Tower

- Rayman Origins

- perhaps the uDraw games

- Wii Play Motion


I can see 1 or 2 more Wii games being announced.

We can only hope that it won't be Starfox or F-Zero....them belong to Cafe now.

  Grazza said:
Square Enix could reveal Dragon Quest X, but it's not on their list.


They would never show it at E3, never ever ever ever, to Square-Enix outside of Japan, Dragon Quest is dead to them, Nintendo could show it, or Horii will most likely hold an event dedicated to Dragon Quest at the end of the year when he will announce like 5-6 Dragon Quest games in the making.

  killer kirby said:
They would never show it at E3, never ever ever ever, to Square-Enix outside of Japan, Dragon Quest is dead to them, Nintendo could show it, or Horii will most likely hold an event dedicated to Dragon Quest at the end of the year when he will announce like 5-6 Dragon Quest games in the making.


Yeah, I can't see it either.


There were rumours going around that Nintendo plans to have a presence at TGS this year and DQX would certainly steal the show in the land of the rising sun.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Thanks for the reply guys. I'm hoping they do still support the Wii until Cafe hits as i've had some great memories off the machine and I hope to get some more out of it. :D


Hmm, I just get the impression (and I'm sorry I forgot to mention this) that they're trying to get rid of stock with the latest Wii price cuts. In this climate, I can't imagine more games.

  killer kirby said:
The biggest thing I hope, the BIGGEST THING I hope that Nintendo do...NO FUCKING GAMERSCORES. Worst thing made this gen


You're part of the minority there I'm afraid. Gamerscore sells content to a heck of a lot of people.

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