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18 minutes ago, bob said:

The community notes for that tweet seem to suggest otherwise.

Yep, definitely appreciate Pemberton weighing in. 

Guess we'll just need to wait and see how it all shapes up. 

The film's production hasn't been the cleanest as it is and it's without a release date as things stand, I think before this the latest update we had last month (?) was that voice recording was due to begin in the next few months, so a late 2025 or someone in the first half of 2026 seems reasonable to hope for to me. 

Which feels forever away, but I'll gladly wait for this :D

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Wasn’t it written like Infinity War and Endgame, so essentially one story split into two? That’s the only reason there was originally only going to be a year between releases. 

Obviously it was delayed due to more time needed to actually animate the damn thing but to think that it could mostly be scrapped for “creative reasons” seems entirely unbelievable, when it must have been more or less set in stone. 

Then again this is Sony…

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After the ends-credit sequence from Deadpool, I found myself wanting to watch through all the X-men films again, so that's what i've been doing. I will preface these opinions with the info that I have never read an X-men comic, or watched the cartoons or anything.

X-Men (2000)

This one always used to be one of my favourite films. I think however, that there is a fair amount of nostalgia behind those feelings. Watching it back now, and it hasn't aged as well as other films in the franchise. It is far more camp than the other films, and there are a lot more vague unexplained things in it (like Magneto just happens to have a magic machine that converts humans to mutants, powered by his own magnetism? Where did that come from, did he invent it? It's never explained.) 

It suffers from a lot of the hangovers from the crap superhero films of the 80s and 90s too. Like the incredibly cliched evil villain lair that Magneto is chilling in - a big cave high up on some cliffs?

Still, I enjoyed it a lot, and would mark it quite high up in the rankings.


X-Men 2 (2003)

Was my one of my favourite films as a kid, and still is now. I think it has aged incredibly well, and is probably in the top 10 Marvel films even now. Love it!


X-Men 3 - The Last Stand (2006)

I think that critics were a bit unfair on this film when it came out. I really don't think it is that bad, and looking back, I think it might actually be slightly better than X-men 1. The San Francisco bridge scene is just awesome.


X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

To be honest, before I started watching, i had forgotten that there were three Wolverine solo films. I didn't even realise until halfway through this one that The Wolverine was a separate film. I kept wondering when they were going to start the plot about him moving to Japan and fighting samurai. 

I get why this one was poorly received though. Right up until they reveal Deadpool, it's not that bad, but yeah they really went in a weird direction with that character. 

I think i see why they never made any other Origin films with other characters though (other than repeatedly making Wolverine ones). The X-men work best as a cast of multiple characters. On their own, they're a bit boring.


X-men: First Class (2011)

This one is great! I love the 1960's setting, and obviously McAvoy and Fassbender have a really great chemistry onscreen. Magneto hunting nazis at the beginning is great as well. 

However, the main thing that really de-railed any repeat viewing of this, is trying not to focus on how weird Fassbender's accent is, and how it gets gradually worse throughout the film, until at the end he's just talking with a straight up Irish accent, and nobody notices or cares...how did nobody on set say anything?


X-men: Days of Future Past (2014)

This one is also really good. I think it has one of the better plots considering it manages to interweave all of the old and new cast in a pretty cool way. 

I feel like there must be something in the X-men license that says if you make a film with Magneto in it, he has to lift something huge at some point in the film, because without fail he always starts lifting! In this one, he just picks up a stadium and plonks it over the white house. It's not really that necessary, but I suppose it is quite impressive.



That's all i've seen for now. I'll make my way through the four remaining films, and post my thoughts when i'm done.

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