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There Is Something About Kevin.



When did it come out? Out of all the cinemas around me there (was) ONE showing it, and it had a total of ONE showing, yesterday. :/


It was out on the 21st Oct, but seems only good (idea not the big chains) are showing it. I had to go to Wimbledon to see it (not that bad a trip tbf, like 20 mins on the bus. But considering the Odeon in Kingston is meant to be the best evar and screens opera live to the screen (why?), you'd think they'd bother showing very big arthouse/not even arthouse, just vaguely more independent than some films.

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Snow White and the Huntsman Trailer



Obviously Chris Hemsworth FTW!


Actually looks kinda good... I mean I can't see myself going to watch it, but it wasn't what I was expecting from this... not that I've been following it or anything.


Loving the visual style and design of it.


When I first saw read the title and saw the still, I didn't expect much, but the trailer actually looked great!

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LOL. I can't take Kirsten Stewart seriously. She's such a joke.

There's something really, very great about that trailer though. The film really seems like it could be something. I dunno, it seems like it'd be much better without the whole idea of war etc. within. I'll definitely go see it.


N-E has become the place where I find films to watch and become profoundly moved (usually depressed) afterwards. So, this'll certainly be on my radar!



[Currently in the process of watching "The Piano Teacher". A nice French film. Very strange, I'm not sure what it is..]

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The trailer stunned/I liked Fish Tank/I'm was ready for the story (I've never read it but know it from various sources.).


It was a beautiful film, like breathtaking cinematography, but not in a "Oh look at that gorge landscape!" way, more like "Oh I'm stunned by like mist in the air/really original compositions and close-ups of things/selective focus etc.".


It's in 4:3, which was a joke.


I enjoyed the relative lack of dialogue, though ultimately it did lend the film a hollow feeling, which fitted for the bleakness and horror of it all, but not for the 'love story'. Which I kinda liked? I dunno.


My friend said he hated the acting, but I didn't notice it being bad as they had so little lines to say in the first place. I thought Kaya Scoliedarioriroiro was good in her one "dramatic acting/'YOUR VEINS ARE FULL OF ICE"" bit. The two child versions of the characters were more compelling though.


But yeah, NATURE was protrayed so gorgeously - a character in it's own right. And the whole thing was so sensual. I was sort of hot and bothered afterwards, despite it being really not a film you'd think would do that. Maybe it was just me however. The horse+smelling hair bit = yes.


LMFAO at the

necrophilia??? scene. I loved



I love how the second part/most famous aspect of the story is glossed over, but stunningly, then the film ends.


I really wanted to hear Kaya Scoliedrirorio saying "Heathcliff. It's me, Cathy. Let me in at your window, it's so cold.", in that monotonal yorkshire half-gasp.


"Yü bruhk mu'haaht...yü kill'd meh."


See it if you want to be stunned, but at the same think, "That was just a GOOD/fine film that looked great."

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Hot Rod






Stupid in everyway but I still found it funny. :grin:


Bridesmaids (Blu-ray)




The film surprised me in the summer and I wanted to relive those awkward Kristen Wiig scenes in glorious HD. Extended edition only adds 5 minutes but makes it more cohesive. Picture quality is really good and makes for a solid 11th Blu-ray purchase. :)

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Myeah, saw Twilight yesterday :rolleyes:. Well I was half watching / half napping / half making fun of it, making it harder for my brother to watch it seriously, but he didn’t mind :p. Not my kind of thing. That said, there are worse ways to spend your time. At least it has plenty of eyecandy. Or it had more potential for eye candy. It needed way more of Ashley Greene:heart: and Anna Kendrick:heart:. The other (evil) vampire was pretty hot too.


Anyway. Above movie was seen on TV, but I also finally went to the cinema again, saw 2 movies. First was Circumstance, a teen drama of 2 girls in Iran. A similar theme as in Persepolis, but not animated and featuring some nice lesbian action. I fully admit that was why I went to see it in the first place.. Still, nice movie which got a lot more sinister in the end.


Second was Restless. Bah. I’d leave it at that, but.. That wouldn’t really be informative. It’s the new Gus van Sant movie, starring the actress who played Alice in Alice in Wonderland. Didn’t like the dialogue / script, or the acting, which may be a direct consequence of the dumb script. Could have been a sweet story, but I wasn’t feeling it. And oh my God the soundtrack was annoying. Bad music at the wrong times. “Sappy and corny”, is a direct quote from the male lead, and it applies to the movie itself. I’m actually pretty sure that was intentional, but this movie could do with a little less sappyness.


After that I wasn’t in the mood to watch the last Woody Allen, and went home. I’ll catch up on the rest of the movies I’ve yet to see Sunday. By the way, I’m highly anticipating The artist. I think it opens next week here, I don’t know if that’s world-wide release. It looks incredible.


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I watched Brides Maids last night for the first time.


I've been told that it's meant to be hilarious, and that I'd love it.




Have to be a stubborn git now and say that couldn't be further from the truth, There were a few funny moments

Her impression of a penis with her arms being the balls, but not round, and her winking to give the impression her eye was the..... you get the idea



but beside from that I barely laughed, And I found it so cringe-worthy alot of the time, I guess that's where the humour is, But I didn't really enjoy it.


I guess I was expecting it to be the female version of 'The Hangover' and that's probably why I was disappointed, I actually enjoyed Hangover 2 much more than this.

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Haven't read the books, but I keep seeing adverts and video clips on programmes for Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 (obviously just copying what Harry Potter did)... it looks like one of the worst films ever!!


Does anything actually happen in it?... they just seem to be stuck in this house the whole time, where they get it on, and she gets pregnant.


Looks like a film that really shouldn't have been divided into two.

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Haven't read the books, but I keep seeing adverts and video clips on programmes for Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 (obviously just copying what Harry Potter did)... it looks like one of the worst films ever!!


Does anything actually happen in it?... they just seem to be stuck in this house the whole time, where they get it on, and she gets pregnant.


Looks like a film that really shouldn't have been divided into two.


Isn't there a part where


The emo dude rips dull girl's stomach open to save the baby, and then bites her neck to turn her emo. Meanwhile warewolf dude instantly falls in love with the newborn baby. Which can walk and talk properly.



That I'd love to see.

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Isn't there a part where


The emo dude rips dull girl's stomach open to save the baby, and then bites her neck to turn her emo. Meanwhile warewolf dude instantly falls in love with the newborn baby. Which can walk and talk properly.



That I'd love to see.


I haven't seen it but I've read the book and yeah, that would basically be all of Part 1. Part 1 won't be too bad but Part 2 will be a waste of time if they follow the book...

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I think Brave looks awesome but I agree with Dannyboy, the characters and the environment look odd together, like it's a cartoon in a real-life background or something.




the "war" in which both sides stand and stare at each other...iirc.


And that's basically Part 2, haha.

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It's 3.00 am. Nevertheless, I am going to, proudly, watch "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I have never seen anything w/ Audrey Hepburn apart from her image used on merchandise like posters, cups &c. I watched the beginning 20 mins and I'm loving her. Much more sexy than I thought, esp. the smile :) Quand elle souris, je souris. Je comprends, maintenant, les comparisons avec Marilyn.


Some wine & coffee'll suffice. #DrunkeyFranky

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Finally saw The station agent on BBC last Sunday. The film was hilarious. Extremely dry humour, exactly my style. Like that guy in the beginning, that “train chaser”, commenting on his movie. “this is one of the darker tunnels in Canada..” You have to see it I guess. Glad I stayed up.


I'm loving just about everything about that movie except the character models. They feel way too cartoony compared to the very realistic environment.

I feel almost the same. I’d prefer it if they went realistic this once.. I’m sure they can do it, and the setting, and the atmosphere certainly would allow for it. I’d really like to see a “serious” 3D animation again, haven’t seen one (personally) since, damn, The spirits within. But instead they use an artstyle more geared towards their younger audience it seems. Anyway, ultimately no problem, I’m going to enjoy it anyway, and Kelly McDonald’s voice melts my heart :love:. But I hope one day Pixar will make that “serious” animation, not aimed at kids for once. Or perhaps another studio, but I find that even less plausible.. Maybe Dreamworks?

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It's 3.00 am. Nevertheless, I am going to, proudly, watch "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I have never seen anything w/ Audrey Hepburn apart from her image used on merchandise like posters, cups &c. I watched the beginning 20 mins and I'm loving her. Much more sexy than I thought, esp. the smile :) Quand elle souris, je souris. Je comprends, maintenant, les comparisons avec Marilyn.


Some wine & coffee'll suffice. #DrunkeyFranky


Audrey > Marilyn. FOREVER.


I avoided this movie for a long time, mainly because I had a classmate in school who was always whoring out Breakfast at Tiffany's posters and merch, so I was like "this is clearly a vapid movie for drama queens". I was very wrong.

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Wen to see The artist today. My personal film of the year. Everything was perfect. Humour, drama, romance, it had everything. It being a silent film, the cast was clearly cast for their faces & facial expressions. With no recorded sound, you focus much more on anything else, and the facial expressions were just lovely and fantastic. The music was great too.. And the clothes. And the sets. Oh and the dog! It’s a sweet movie, reminding of simpler times. If it wasn’t for some familiar faces, and the fact it’s lovingly poking fun at the fact it’s a silent film (one of the film’s theme is the transition from silent films to spoken films in that period), you’d think you’re watching an old film. Oh well technically the framerate isn’t correct as well, which is also addressed in the film :D. I’m actually in the mood for old films now. I want to watch Metropolis.. Wish I had gone when they were showing it with live music! :cry:


Anyway, again, it’s my personal film of the year, and I’m pretty sure nothing’s going to to that next month.





While looking for the poster above I came across [this review] which, well, is better written than mine :rolleyes:, yet echoes exactly how I feel about it.

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