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N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011


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You had me going for a minute, you git :heh:


I was hoping to meet you, and see if you left large pauses between all of your sentences.


Then again, McCoy doesn't talk in third person and neither ReZ, Daft or Bard spoke in their respective colours so the illusion was already shattered.

Mcoy's representative you mean? :D

I want credit for the tunnel pic!!


(See? Tradition. Never in the group pic...)


Thanks for taking the one of me smoking. I didn't realise you were even doing it. I think it sums up my feelings of the day up to that point :P


You suck. I was gutted when I heard you weren't returning! I barely got to properly speak to you. b00000000000!

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Oh dude, trust me I wish circumstances were different. When we moved from location to location I was kinda having to hold back because other people were on their way and had contact with me. I thoroughly enjoyed the brief chats we had, and that brevity is the keystone to all that I regret about the day! Next time, bro.

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My highlights:


People yelling "Falcon Text!" or "Falcon Handshake!" etc. every time Captain Falcon did something.

Flink being all macho by not holding the rail on the underground, only to fall on to a stranger. Even the guy he fell on laughed.


Mr Odwin video interviewing me and referring to me by my real name, I asked if he knew my name because of my signature, he replied that it was from Facebook, only for me to embarrass myself by saying "We're friends on Facebook?!". He ended the interview immediately.


All brilliant moments! :D

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Well yeah it looks like it got awesome ONCE WE ALL GOT TO A PLACE AND SAT DOWN.


Such as a pub. A plan someone should have come up with much sooner. Daft did save the day with the black box, but then it all fell apart again.


This is also why parks work, the point of the meet is to meet imo. A park is nice because we aren't intruding/intimidating and allows mobility of moving around mingling with all the various folk present.



I'm annoyed because it possibly was the crappest of all the meets so far AND doesn't do any favours for those who attended from afar, and also cos it only seems to have got good when i left and I'm all bitter :(


Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing everyone, but spending half the day asking/wondering/planning what to do next doesn't give us lots of room for other, possibly better, conversation.


Oh dude, trust me I wish circumstances were different. When we moved from location to location I was kinda having to hold back because other people were on their way and had contact with me. I thoroughly enjoyed the brief chats we had, and that brevity is the keystone to all that I regret about the day! Next time, bro.


Totally. It just all felt far too brief.

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I really hope someone there just stole Prov Donk.


Make a ransom video and put it on YouTube.


Or let us hear what PD really thinks about that cum-filled prick that is... ReZ.


(I actually felt mean about that comment.)

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Well yeah it looks like it got awesome ONCE WE ALL GOT TO A PLACE AND SAT DOWN.


Such as a pub. A plan someone should have come up with much sooner. Daft did save the day with the black box, but then it all fell apart again.


This is also why parks work, the point of the meet is to meet imo. A park is nice because we aren't intruding/intimidating and allows mobility of moving around mingling with all the various folk present.



I'm annoyed because it possibly was the crappest of all the meets so far AND doesn't do any favours for those who attended from afar, and also cos it only seems to have got good when i left and I'm all bitter :(


Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing everyone, but spending half the day asking/wondering/planning what to do next doesn't give us lots of room for other, possibly better, conversation.




Totally. It just all felt far too brief.


I was one of the from-afar attendees, and I had a blast ...


Anyway, the main problem really was the weather and lack of a good back-up plan.

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What the problem was that even when we had a back up plan (Rummy, myself and a few others mentioned pub quite a bit) it never materialised because people kept disappearing off to get booze/food or whatever and we couldn't do anything. We really needed to just make a decision and go with it but its hard to do when there are so many people. Anyway, for the couple hours I was therre I thought it was great fun.

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I turned up at the pub quite late in the day, walked straight through into the gents loo (mistakenly!) and into The Bard, who was very surprised to see me there! Then saw flinkly who was even more shocked... but completely awesome and introduced me to people. I had a lot of fun, drank cider and had some good chats. I also touched/grabbed/caressed several arms and pecs, which was brilliant! Was really lovely to have people asking me to come back. You're a good bunch, glad I came along :)

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We had a random surprise moment right at the end of the second day, too. Everyone was heading home (I was stuck in London for a bit) so we, as in Me, ReZ, Goafer and Dannyboy, headed to the tube from Leicester Square (from there, we were heading in separate directions) and to our surprise there was Flink and Eenuh, which is quite a coincidence considering how frequent the trains are.


Although I was utterly baffled as someone shouted out "PEEPS" when they saw them.

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N-Europe meet day Saturday 16th July 2011


Photos interspersed.


Arrived at around 9:30am at Bayswater. Met up with Rez and Goafer outside the station. Typical me, arriving late because the hotel I was in didn’t check me out until after 9am.


Headed to the park soon after, as you can see






Met up with Dannyboy












Prov Donk








And Cube




Started out well under the trees, then it began to rain. Not that I noticed, because by then I was hunting down the location of The Peeps. He was on the wrong side of the pond (which after what transpired, turned to be the right side). Should have left him there, oh well. Rez’s back-up plan for the café worked for 30 seconds, then we discovered we were in the way and there weren’t enough seats to go around (think only me and Falcon had seats, and they were ones we found). Had to find a 2nd alternative location, which was under the bridge.


More guests arrived, including one of the “mystery guests” who Rez revealed minutes earlier. Rez was punished, by the one and only EEVILMURRAY




Decided the tunnel we found as the alternative wasn’t good enough (plus, with the fact that Rez sign posted “Poo”) made things more iffy for some members. Also, Rummy, Marcamillan, Retro, Daft and Eddage arrived soon afterwards, which was nice. Great bunch of peeps, nice to see everyone again. Moved on again, to the Serphantine. Where we met with more members, including Dyson, Shorty, Mcoy (‘s slave)









It was from this location that disaster struck. Rez bought the Prov Donk along, and it went missing. Who knows where he went, he was upset for a while. Got a video of me interviewing everyone, no-one owned up to having the Prov Donk. Sad day indeed, and a shame for Rez. He will probably never see that Donkey again.


Moving on, we planned to go for food in various locations, Pizza Hut, KFC and McDonalds were named as locations. During the process of walking out of the park, we split into 3 groups unprepared for the next.


I went with EEVIL, Danny, Retro and Eddage (after Dyson, Daft, Mcoy(‘s slave) and Dyson split earlier, taking a short-cut). Rez kept fannying around saying he’d be 2 minutes etc. 10 minutes of waiting, no sign so we carried on. At the end of the park, I had to go, so waited for Rez and co (with the additions of Ine and Flink). Got to Marble Arch, found Dyson and co eating a Mccy D’s. Decided to go to KFC ourselves and awaited where EEVIL had gone.













Found that EEVIL and co had gone to Pizza hut, so I went and found then whilst everyone else went to the Trocodero. Upon purchasing tube tickets ourselves, Rez calls saying the Trocodero is shut. Nothing else for 5 minutes. Thus begins a wild-goose chase all over Leicester Square and into Trafalga







Finally re-united in the pub we went to last year, where various forms of gaming occurred. Mainly paper telephone, drawing houses (of various shapes and sizes) and some penis’s. Even had a surprise visit from Molly, which was nice. She still don’t like her picture being taken.


Special mention to Cube, if he didn’t lend me his spare charging battery I wouldn’t have had the following pictures below. Cheers again for the electricity.




























11pm, we decided to make tracks back to the hostel. Managed to busk 10p, just from cleaning my Fez out of paper. People were impressed, none more so than Danny (when I saw him) and Peeps.


Played Bolderdash, which Rez won (wonder how indeed). Then disaster again, I wasn’t too well and induced my stomach contents to the floor. I blame the booze and the McDonalds I had on the way back.


Sunday 17th July


Next day, little worse for wear now. Rez singing in the shower woke me up, boy he sounded like a drowned rat in a swimming pool full of the “Evian Waters of the World” collection.





Visited the Comic book store, purchases were made by Rez and co. Then, we did a spot of gaming, where we got shouted at for attempting to take pictures. I managed to squeeze one out.




Moved onto the Frozen Yoghurt shop (or ice-cream as myself and EEVIL proved to Rez), had Choc-chip myself. Rez was the Coconut man, Cube and Danny mint-choc. Only EEVIL and Goafer went full hog and had waffles with it.












Then, we went to the M&M store. My best description, over the top. Each floor had the same items, and was all over the top to be honest















And that sums it all up really.


Left after the M&M store with EEVIL, as we had trains to catch respectively.


Overall, it was a good meet. Like many have said already, the lack of a proper 2nd location let us down due to the rain. We need to sort this next year, in the case the weather occurs again next time.


Met many more people this time around, was very pleased with the turn out. Nice to see many familiar faces again, and I hope to see many of you again in the near future. Be it a Winter meet, event or the Summer meet. Who knows, all I can say is that I will be there because I’ve had so much fun over the past few days.




Oh, and I’ve got 2 videos being prepped. Coming tomorrow, promise.

Edited by Jimbob
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Well yeah it looks like it got awesome ONCE WE ALL GOT TO A PLACE AND SAT DOWN.


Such as a pub. A plan someone should have come up with much sooner. Daft did save the day with the black box, but then it all fell apart again.

We kept saying under the bridge we were all going to a cafe/pub, then it kinda dwindled out :( We ended up in that paper maché construct where we were told to stop swearing.


Then our locations just got crazy.


Even if we don't have a "plan" of sorts for next year, we at least need a map with all the pubs clearly mapped out.

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I didn't end up in many photographs, but I promise I was there!


I have you not on Facebook thus have been unable to tag you.


Here are few from my collection of the weekend! Apologies for blurriness, using a phone camera doesn't produce the best results.


Small group shot:



Daft and his new best friend:






Drinking, looking lost on the church steps:



Co-operative drawing commences:



Bard gets aggressive and Shorty drinks:



My own private show:



Shame about the blurriness, these two are the most adorable couple and this photo helps show just how photogenic they are:



Shorty, Nami and Mcoy's Slave. I want Shorty's hoodie:



Seven evil exes.. with Shorty and Nami adding their own characters afterwards:



Bonus picture! HELLO KITTY:


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I never knew there were women on the Internet!


I have permission from my wife to join the next meet :) Maybe a few of us should organise one in Sheffield, the dogs is a great night when you book a room for 15 people + and have all food laid on etc followed by a club then the strip club :D

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I just remembered our reaction to the first rain shower. "Quick, build a shelter! If Minecraft has taught me anything, it's that we can punch down this tree to get wood!" *someone starts punching tree*.


Can't remember who it was though. I'm assuming it wasn't Captain Falcon though, as we would have had to retrieve the wood from the next county.

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I have that hat Daft is wearing.


Anyway had a mini meet of sorts with people today. Chat and coffee with Nami and Shorty and a brief meeting with Flink and Eenuh while he resisted the urge to buy everything in Forbidden Planet.


It was nice to see people, however briefly.

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Although I was utterly baffled as someone shouted out "PEEPS" when they saw them.


Yeah, that was me. :heh: I was trying to get people's attention, but my brain shortened "people" to "peeps" before I realised the confusion it would cause.


Shame about the blurriness, these two are the most adorable couple and this photo helps show just how photogenic they are:



Yeah, I know, me and Flink look great together. :p


I just remembered our reaction to the first rain shower. "Quick, build a shelter! If Minecraft has taught me anything, it's that we can punch down this tree to get wood!" *someone starts punching tree*.


Can't remember who it was though. I'm assuming it wasn't Captain Falcon though, as we would have had to retrieve the wood from the next county.


Me again. :heh:

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