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Sonic Generations


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Finished it last night, yeah the last boss sucked. Thought it wasn't clear what exactly you were meant to do, plus it was hard to see the rings.


The last boss was a bit poo, but I was pleasantly surprised by


Also unlocking Super Sonic to play in 3D levels, awesome! Has that ever been done before?



Yeah, Sonic Colours did. Never did it myself so don't know how it played.


Speaking of the dialogue, did anyone else find it odd that near the start, the two previous adventures they mentioned were entering a book to save a genie and saving aliens from a space theme park, considering what console both games were on?


Actually, I didn't realise :laughing:

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So guys, now that we've all presumably played a lot of the game, best/worst level time?


Classic Sonic


Best level - Either Sky Sanctuary or City Escape. Sky Sanctuary was just a lot better than I expected and City Escape really lived up to incorporating some modern aspects of Sonic that just fit so well with classic controls.


Worst level - Rooftop Run. God damn, it's so visually impressive but some of the object and enemy placements are just so wrong. Enemies near edges where you're hoping to land to avoid to pit of death, objects like the annoyingly placed speed run box that some times bounce you over the spring and to your death..


Modern Sonic


Best level - Crisis City. My god, I definitely wasn't expecting to like it, but what an amazing mix of speed and platforming. Absolutely seamless fun, shame that can't be said for the original..


Worst level - Seaside Hill. Probably the level that most accurately emulates the original, but in the sense that the whole thing is pretty badly designed and with a lot of possible cheap deaths. After going through all the levels again, this is the only one that hasn't grown on me.


On the plus side, I found Planet Wisp pretty fun to play once I got my blind play through finished. The first time you play that level.. took me over ten bloody minutes with classic Sonic!

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Ha Debug you pretty much echoe my thoughts with your choices of best and worst!


Rooftop run for classic Sonic is absolutely horrible. Dreadful level design.

I also don't like City escape much either to be honest.


Modern Sonic - for me, this is how Sonic games should be now. I personally had much much more fun playing the modern levels than the classic.

The classic is lacking so much for me. It is crying out for a homing attack (Sonic 4 style), though I know I am virtually alone on that thought.


The start of the modern Planet Wisp level is great, but then there is too much of the rocket for my liking. Wasn't a great fan of that level overall.


Favourite levels?


Classic - Chemical Plant Zone and Seaside Hill.


Modern - Virtually all of them - except the Wisp one and the new Rooftop run - preferred the original.

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I loved both classic and modern.


There was a few times I tried to use the homing attack or boost but I didn't feel like classic missed out on not having it. It still had good momentum by timing the jumps to go on the heads of enemies one after another.


If I had to pick out the two I do prefer Modern, it does feel more 'exciting' out the too.




Loved almost all of them, although Rooftop Run is bit crappy and Planet Wisp.




Again loved almost all of them, seaside hill was a bit boring though and Planet Wisp did get worse as it went on.


Crisis City deseves a special mention for me on both, wasn't expecting it to be that good! The end of the classic one gets a bit frustrating though.


Even though I have shown hate for Planet Wisp, I thought the graphics on the outside sections looked ace! Made me think how much Sonic Colours would have looked if it was in HD.


And I obviously love all the music tracks in this, playing the different levels with the different songs takes me to places!!! :D

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I've not posted since before this came out and I was awaiting delivery for the collectors edition, so I have a lot to catch up on. Sadly I'm on a phone so typing, spelling and grammer may be off somewhat!


First of all - the collectors edition is fucking incredible. This may well be the perfect collectors edition for a fan like me and I'm so glad I've got one. The statue is awesome and I'm surprised at just how heavy that ring is! Incredible box, not had a chance to check out the DVD since I've been busy but plan on checking it out soon. Those of you on my friends list will have noticed me rocking out in my Super Sonic avatar costume :P


Second of all, the game is absolutely incredible. I just want to play it all the time and never stop. If they release any DLC for this I'll be all over it. I'm so in to the game that I'm even playing a preowned copy on my lunch breaks at work just to get my fix :P


It's such a nostalgia rush unlocking all the music - hearing the special stage music from Sonic 2 and the Toxic Caves from Spinball brought it all back. What a delight. And the new versions of the old tracks are sublime - City Escape Act 1 music always puts a weird smile on ny face :P


I'm on a train to Lobdon right now to see my girlfriend who also owns the game. I have no doubt we'll be playing this tonight!


Other than Sonic Adventure 2 Battle this is without a doubt the greatest Sonic game since the mega drive. Welcome back to my heart, Sonic.

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The classic is lacking so much for me. It is crying out for a homing attack (Sonic 4 style), though I know I am virtually alone on that thought.


I'm with you with this. I kept trying to do a homing attack while playing as Classic Sonic. :D


I finished the main story today, really enjoyed the whole game. I was well happy with the Robotnik comment near the end. :) I'm not sure I will go for the full 1000 as some of the levels seem like they will be a bit of a nightmare to get a S rank on. I suppose I will try and get what I can.

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I finished the main story today, really enjoyed the whole game. I was well happy with the Robotnik comment near the end. :) I'm not sure I will go for the full 1000 as some of the levels seem like they will be a bit of a nightmare to get a S rank on. I suppose I will try and get what I can.


You should get all S ranks no problem!


There was only a few levels levels which took more than one go. Main thing is not dieing, and just do it fast, only really seems to go off time and not dieing as rings don't add many extra points.


Getting 1000 was slightly tedious with all the challenges that you have to do, again most were very easy (grade doesn't matter on them) only one or two I had to have more than one go on.

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I managed to get the full 1000 yesterday, was surprisingly easy. I did struggle a little with the not getting hit off the final boss. After about an hour I managed to pull it off. It wasn't so bad as I changed the music to Endless Possibilities, love that song. :D


This is a game that definetly benefits from having achievements, as the main game is stupidly short.

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As promised, here's my video review of Sonic Generations:



There's an intro and mini-retrospective beforehand, so if you want to get to the actual review, just skip to around the 05:22 mark. There should be a link that appears a few seconds into the video anyway.


Good review, enjoyed the retrospective, although you missed out Sonic Colours! :p


Pretty much agreed with everything you said though! It is such a shame there wasn't more levels.

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Good review, enjoyed the retrospective, although you missed out Sonic Colours! :p


Pretty much agreed with everything you said though! It is such a shame there wasn't more levels.


Cheers, glad you liked the review! :) I didn't mention Sonic Colours because I haven't played it yet. I was going to mention that originally, but it had to be cut from the review to shorten the retrospective. I really need to get round to buying it tbh. Maybe I will sometime after Christmas.

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I only watched a few snippets of the review but, for some reason, the only thing I was able to focus on was that you were pretending to play Sonic and the Secret Rings with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk when you should have been holding the Wii Remote sideways and tilting :heh:


I did kinda enjoy the look through some of the previous Sonic games, though, and it highlights just how many things Sega have done to butcher the memory of a once beloved mascot :eek: From what I've played, Sonic Generations still doesn't quite manage to rectify things..

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