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Underappreciated/Overlooked Movies


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Hi, we are so incredibly lost.


Recently I've seen the movie Revolver again and a thought crossed my mind: "Why on earth is this rated as one of the worst movies of all time? I fucking love it."

It didn't even make it into Germany's cinemas.


Another movie which I think is overlooked is Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.



I laughed so hard when Harry shot the guy I had to pause the film.

Actually, I had to pause the film a lot.


Do you know/like any movies that are underappreciated? Tell me, now.

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"When Saturday Comes" is by far the greatest film :grin:


Hahahaha. Yaaaay. I quite like that film. :heh:


Spiderman 3.


Most people think that's crap, right?


I like you, but I hate that film. The jazz club scene is the worst thing I've ever seen. (kinda)


It's pretty bad, man.


Most under-appreciated film is Sunshine. Oh god, I love it.







I bawl like a baby at both.


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Aren't MOST films underappreciated? It's more like there's a minority that are appreciated/overappreciated.


Also depends on your definition of underappreciated.


I guess I'll throw in



But that's more like...more people should watch it. Everyone I know who's seen it was astounded/loved it, of course.

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Hahahaha. Yaaaay. I quite like that film. :heh:




I like you, but I hate that film. The jazz club scene is the worst thing I've ever seen. (kinda)


It's pretty bad, man.


Oh it is amazing. Peter Parker's whole lame-emo "thinks he's 10 times cooler than he is" segment is one of the highlights of Sam Raimi's career. Just bliss. :D




This is GENUINELY my favourite movie of all time. It is... MADE for me. It's basically F-Zero - THE MOVIE. It's so nuts and so beautiful. It's got a really important message and the plot, though not child-friendly is very solid. It's basically pop art. I think so anyway.


Also Return to Oz is amazing and much better than the musical one everyone loves. And another vote for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

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Adaptation is genuinely amazing. Probably one of my favourite films. Meryl Streep -- Yes. Nicolas Cage -- you're actually good in this movie. Charlie Kauffman is probably my fave film-y person, since all 3 of the ones of his I've seen [John Malk, Adaptation, Synedoche] are all absolutely superb.


Love 2002 Solaris too.



Loved Orlando, and The Bitter Tears Of Petra Von Kant. The former seems to be well loved by those who are great, but no one seems to have enjoyed the latter, which I thought was fantastic.

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Galaxy Quest is fantastic, but most people haven't heard of it.


Fantastic movie, a classic in my eyes.

Iron Giant. A wonderful, wonderfully animated piece of Americana that should be discussed in hushed tones alongside the best of Disney and Ghibli but, inexplicably, isn't.


Things To Come, one of my favourite old-timey movies. Written by HG Wells and based loosely on his novel The Shape Of Things To Come. It's a curious, messy film that skitters from subject to subject but is packed with beautiful moments before ending with the whole scientific struggle in a glorious microcosm.


Condorman - an unrecognised camp children's action-comedy classic, starring Michael Crawford (he of Some Mothers Do Have 'Em) as a comic book artist who takes on his signature creation. Oliver Reed plays the villain for no reason. It's cheesy awesomeness from top to bottom. Just look at it's car chase scene for fuck's sake. Don't worry about the German dub, you can probably fill in most of the blanks.

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I loved this film. Probably Shyamalan's best work.


One of my favourite films of all time.


You mean people either didn't appeciate it or overlooked this?! I loved this movie! How did people not like it?


Both really. I think its underrated. Its just amazing...like....I think I called it "This generations Road Trip" which is pretty fair.

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