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If pokemon were like totally real

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Yeah but why would anyone here have an Articuno? Legendary for a reason. No one/barely anyone has one...


Unfortunately I have no idea! I had one for yonks and no one bothered, I loved it..until y'know my sister deleted my save and I lost that and my level 99s..

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An umbreon would be useless and ugly. Miltank and sawsbuck are weird choices, miltank is just a cow and sawsbuck is just a stag, except dressed up. Something more fantastical/useful like an articuno would be better.


Well if you put it that way, Articuno is just a big, blue bird :P

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An umbreon would be useless and ugly. Miltank and sawsbuck are weird choices, miltank is just a cow and sawsbuck is just a stag, except dressed up. Something more fantastical/useful like an articuno would be better.

Umbreon is one of the most beautiful pokemon. You must be confusing Umbreon with your face, that's why you were so mean to it.


Umbreaon can learn Psychic, so you have some psychic powers on your side. And he looks awesome.


If you tried flying with Articuno you would die. And you would have nowhere to keep him, and it would be generally impractical. As well as the fact that an Articuno or Mewtwo wouldn't want to be hanging around with you ever.

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I've got to agree with heroicjanitor, his theory makes perfect sense. I mean, otherwise wouldn't a pokemon just run away or attack you if you used it just after catching it.


I mean, you can catch a pokemon in the wild and in the next battle 5 steps away throw that pokemon into a life or death battle and scream at it to use scratch. If it wasn't brainwashed wouldn't it just ignore you or try to attack you like it had mere seconds ago?


I also highly doubt that all pokemon just innately know what different badges mean and how much they should respect a trainer for any given badge. Pokemon Balls must have some sort of re-education center built with-in them.

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I've always considered it more a case of the Pokémon becoming more tame when caught by a Poké Ball. You have to remember that Poké Balls have appropriate environments for the Pokémon they contain. Whenever Ash first let out a newly caught Pokémon, it acted just like a pet inspecting a new home. And regarding the badges, I'm pretty sure the mechanic is simply meant to reflect the Pokémon gaining respect for you as your experience grows.


You're looking at some of this stuff pretty simplistically, methinks. Where's your suspension of disbelief regarding game mechanics? Do you believe there are countless signs around Hyrule that mention an A button as well? :heh:

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Pokemon have to be very weak for you to catch them, so you keep hitting them until they get in your pokeball. It's all done in the name of love too somehow, even though battling is a blood-sport. Team plasma are almost correct but are purposely made to seem/act stupid.


All pokemon naturally want a trainer but he must prove himself by beating it. That's my only non-cynical answer but then no pokemon is ever truly wild. Every pokemon knowing what humans are and wanting to do their bidding doesn't seem right.

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heroicjanitor and Diageo, you realise you're passionately arguing about Pokémon? Kthx.


That's exactly how it should be, Pokèmon is brilliant, I mean come on, we're at black and white now, which is what? The 5th generation? (correct me if I'm wrong here, I took a quick guess.) and people are still eagerly wanting to play it!


I kept trying to think of a pokèmon I'd want to have as a pet, but I keep changing my mind, I'd quite like to have a dragonite as I always wanted one way back when. Maybe a pigeot, I'm pretty sure I'd like to be able to fly!

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