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Online Dating


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...Is something I've been looking in to lately. I'll go in to it later in more detail bjut I thought I'd kick off a quick thread because right this moment I'm about to go to The Pub ad meet (meat? lol ) a girl. OMG.


So yeah! In my absence, feel free to talk behind my back, discuss the topic and shit stir. Full report back soon.

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Personally I'm of the opinion that these days online/offline is a quickly diminishing distinction. Look at this place! Half of us know eachother IRL- lived together, fucked, argued with and all the rest just like any other community. The fact that it's primarily online is, for me, irrelevant.

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Personally I'm of the opinion that these days online/offline is a quickly diminishing distinction. Look at this place! Half of us know eachother IRL- lived together, fucked, argued with and all the rest just like any other community. The fact that it's primarily online is, for me, irrelevant.


I agree....and I think I realized this balance when I said one of my friends told me about it and I wasn't talking about games (I don't remember who or what the topic was)


I met my girlfriend online and to this day never quite worked out how or why she had to be online to meet someone but I don't think matters, dating online is no longer the hobby of the socially reclusive no hoper.

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As always when we have these topics come up I'll give my usual seal of approval for online dating. There's nothing weird about it anymore and I can honestly say I've never met anyone weird by doing it. I went on a date arranged online on Friday and it was probably one of the best dates I've ever been on, I'd wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone.


Hope the date goes well, make sure you report back to us!

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Online dating is amazing. Look at Flamey's situation.


Also one of my best friends met his fiance online, she's American and moved over here a few months ago. I went round there the other day, walked up the stairs and my mate said "We're just watching 28 Weeks Later". I walk into the room and she is pointing a large sub machine gun at me. (I was offered a drink seconds before) "Blood or apple juice?" "Ermm....apple juice" and she removed the guns stare from me. :p


(a pretty much unrelated anecdote, but it shows that chicks you meet online are awesome) which is a sweeping statement.

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Only one I've ever tried is Grindr on my I-pod.


Maybe it's just because of where I live -- but it sucks. I think I've had one actually nice/good looking guy who was...very into me. He was twice my age though, so...no. I got bored quickly.


Just today I've been approached by about 7/8 people who are all I'n their fourties/late thirties. aRGH!!!!


I don't actually plan on doing anything with anyone I meet on those sites. At the moment I'm not I'n the frame of mind for any relationship. It's just a bit like "meh...I'm too lazy to care about anyone now." If anything, grindr just proves how shallow I can be :p

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I knew a couple who met each other on a forum. Eventually she moved to Australia to be with him. Last I heard, they were still living happily ever after.


And it's funny you should post this thread now, as I was just talking about online dating with a friend the other day. Apparently he's met a girl on a dating site and now he thinks I should try it out too.


Just today I've been approached by about 7/8 people who are all I'n their fourties/late thirties. aRGH!!!!

The easiest way to meet someone online is to either a) be a reasonably attractive woman, or b) be into older men.

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Don't I already know :p


As for you though I'd recommend that you try it :) There are some generally awesome people too. People who you'd probably never meet under 'normal' circumstances.

I imagine that it's much easier to start chatting as it's less awkward plus you feel a little more open too and not afraid to talk about things you wouldn't normally talk about.


That's just my experience/2 cents.

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I think the best attitude to take would be to try it "just for fun". And if you end up meeting someone awesome, that's a bonus.


Why constrain yourself to the people in your vicinity in real life, when you can "meet" people from all over the world? It's not exactly an alien concept these days, what with the amount of people who meet their spouses or at least lasting friends online.

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I knew a couple who met each other on a forum. Eventually she moved to Australia to be with him. Last I heard, they were still living happily ever after.


And it's funny you should post this thread now, as I was just talking about online dating with a friend the other day. Apparently he's met a girl on a dating site and now he thinks I should try it out too.



The easiest way to meet someone online is to either a) be a reasonably attractive woman, or b) be into older men.


neither applies to me lol and it worked out pretty well :bouncy:

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My old guild leader in WoW tried to buy an item off someone in the marketplace, but accidently messaged the person beneath. They got talking after their coincidental communication and became good friends, and eventually started the guild together. The guild was running for quite some time, 5 or 6 months when the leader abruptly handed the guild over to someone else due to "family issues" and being too busy to run it. Having been good friends with the guy, I message him to make sure everything is alright. It is - he's just moving to Iceland to move in with the other player - who is now his girlfriend.


It's been a couple of months and they're getting on really well together which just goes to show that anything is possible! :D

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Had Grindr for 2 days. Already met up with a guy (I was really drunk -- left without doing anything, because his picture told me lies), and been chatting to another who -- shock horror -- I actually quite like/enjoy/he has a cool personality (and awesome pecs).


I feel so dissociated with Oxford at the moment, so it's really refreshing to just feel like "I can meet up with any of these people if I so choose". I like the forwardness aswell. It feels like you can say "Sorry, you're not what I'm looking for", as an acceptable thing and no one will Hold It Against You.


+1 pro-internet dating.

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It's good fun and you can have some info to talk about from the off. Pre-selection is a fun thing to experience too. Kind of takes the excitement out of cold approaches though. Call me old-fashioned.


I'd keep to the main sites though - where you pay, as (in my experience) a lot of the freebie sites are full of people who aren't really up for it and are maybe just there to stroke their ego's, or just browse.

You should use the sites extensively, don't get hung up on one person and date like a machine. Have fun and don't give a damn what others think. Let us know how it goes. :)


Daft: If I have to use 3 seashells...

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Coolness needs to get laid. :blank:


As for you though I'd recommend that you try it :) There are some generally awesome people too. People who you'd probably never meet under 'normal' circumstances.

I imagine that it's much easier to start chatting as it's less awkward plus you feel a little more open too and not afraid to talk about things you wouldn't normally talk about.


That's just my experience/2 cents.

"The only people who have ever shown interest in me on online dating sites are old men. You should totally try it, though!" :heh:


My old guild leader in WoW tried to buy an item off someone in the marketplace, but accidently messaged the person beneath. They got talking after their coincidental communication and became good friends, and eventually started the guild together. The guild was running for quite some time, 5 or 6 months when the leader abruptly handed the guild over to someone else due to "family issues" and being too busy to run it. Having been good friends with the guy, I message him to make sure everything is alright. It is - he's just moving to Iceland to move in with the other player - who is now his girlfriend.


It's been a couple of months and they're getting on really well together which just goes to show that anything is possible! :D

That's a nice story. :smile:


I know a Turkish girl who met her Swedish boyfriend through WoW. I knew there was a reason that game is so popular!

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Well, not all of them who've been interested are old men. There's been others, I swear!

Haha, sure there has. :p


I might brave the sea of old men at some point when I'm feeling more emotionally stable. Right now I don't think I could deal with being rejected/rejecting someone. I'd end up in a committed long-term relationship with the first person who messaged me!

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