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I guess my accent can be described as a 'shitman's london accent', not really quite a London accent but holds similarities. I guess that's due to being not so far from Greater London and the fact local towns are generally cast offs from London back in the day.

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I think rather than saying "I don't really have an accent" or "I have a rather plain accent" we should post audio/visual proof!


But not me as I don't have anything at present.


And not ReZ either because the sound of his voice is burned into our collective memory.

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Times like this I'm feckin' proud to be Iur-ish.

Any thread I see about accents the Irish accent is usually quite popular in sexiness.


Ooh yeah.


Then again you should listen to the women in Limerick. LOL :P it's brilliant

As for mee, I'm from "de wesht". So a culchie accent I have.

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I have the generic Midwestern American accent. With slight southern twangs in some words as my mother grew up in Florida. Famous people from Michigan (e.g. possible similar accents) being Bruce Campbell, Eminem, and Madonna.


I cba to do a recording right now so deal with it.

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I've used your idea Grunchie/Grunchy/SugerGrunch and I've uploaded a sound file of me performing your little poem.


I don't think its my natural voice, mainly because I had to speak a bit loudly to make myself heard on this laptop's crappy microphone. I hope you guys can hear it.




I don't really have an obvious accent I don't think. I sound like a cross between my Mum (I think so anyway), my Brighton friends, a few friends from Wales and I've noticed that I'm picking up words off Ine.


If anyone can figure out what the hell I am or sound like, I'll be most grateful. :heh:

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I'm putting that down to the same reason that you (probably) sound to me like everyone in Taggart.



That would be Glaswegian, I probably sound more like Annie Lennox*.






*Not the woman part obviously, there's just a distinct lack of famous people from Aberdeen :heh:

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