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Tales of Graces F


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Pretty sure my order said it shipped last night, but I didn't get an e-mail until this morning. Didn't arrive anyway, so maybe I was seeing things :P


Same here only got the email early this morning - 7:04am to be exact, but it showed as shipped yesterday


looking forward to this now, haven't had a decent jrpg for so very long

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The Playstation Store has some DLC available, the only free pack is the Tales of Destiny costume set which I'm not sure but may be timed since it's marked as Pre-order bonus set. Other DLC includes some small costume sets for all characters except Cheria. Also some packs such as added CC and double item drops to make the game easier.

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My copy arrived yesterday, sealed and unblemished... I could play it later but I'm really bad with Tales of... games as Tales of Symphonia is the only one that I've properly finished. :hmm:


Perhaps it's because every other game in the franchise pales in comparison... :heh: - except for Phantasia of course - but I digress.


Tales of Vesperia is very good for what it is, I recently started playing it again and am just under seventy hours in, still really enjoying it so my question is this...


Should I complete Vesperia first or just jump straight into Tales of Graces?


Take into consideration the fact that I need a reason to play on my PS3 more anyway. :indeed:

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Should I complete Vesperia first or just jump straight into Tales of Graces?


Take into consideration the fact that I need a reason to play on my PS3 more anyway. :indeed:


I would finish Vesperia first and then move on.


I started Vesperia last year but never got around to finish it. Like you have have trouble getting into the Tales games but I always keep trying them. :D


Mine arrived yesterday as well. It's quite a nice package. I was wanting to watch the dvd that it came with but I didn't bother in case of spoilers.

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Who else is playing on hard mode? Done moderate on the US version so now to move on up.


Will be when I get round to it. That's the difficulty I picked on my US copy. Not looking forward to doing the starting section again really.

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I decided to give this a rent, despite my past experience with the Tales games being less than positive. Whilst I suspect the games just aren't for me, I'm prepared to at least stick things out until I'm through the prologue as things are supposed to pick up after that.


First impression: I want to set fire to everyone.

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First impression: I want to set fire to everyone.

That's the downside with the start of this: making you play with them as young kids. Most RPG's have the main character as they are from the get-go and that's who they are. Tales of Graces f makes you get used to Asbel, Hubert, Cheria and Richard (and maybe more) before fucking up their characters completely. Then spend the next portion of the game reminiscing.

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Having watched lots of anime, the terrible Tales of... plots no longer underwhelm me. I just come for the combat and generic but likeable characters. However, so far no characters in this are likeable. Hope it changes after they grow up.

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Having watched lots of anime, the terrible Tales of... plots no longer underwhelm me. I just come for the combat and generic but likeable characters. However, so far no characters in this are likeable. Hope it changes after they grow up.

The Tales characters are hardly generic. Well, some of them aren't.

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