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Things Which Are Difficult To Explain


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Until I was 10 when I moved here:



It's listed on Wikipedia under "Lost Settlements in the United Kingdom". You're truly fucked.


I have to say, despite the fact I'm from a town of 30,000 (Harpenden), I get similar issues to Moogleviper. The two nearest big places are St Albans (a city of 60,000) and Luton (100,000+, with an intercontinental airport. Telling, let's say, Canadians that I'm from 'near London' is fair enough, but I've encountered people from as near as Leicester who've never even heard of Luton.


I have to say, despite the fact I'm from a town of 30,000 (Harpenden), I get similar issues to Moogleviper. The two nearest big places are St Albans (a city of 60,000) and Luton (almost 200,000, with an intercontinental airport. Telling, let's say, Canadians that I'm from 'near London' is fair enough, but I've encountered people from as near as Leicester who've never even heard of Luton.

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I think you all know I love explaining things.

Is it true that it all boils down to learning "tourism" phrases? Or am I misinterpreting things?

Pretty much, with a few bells and whistles, for GCSE and below at least. Stupid.


And I seem to exhibit almost all of the symptoms of dyspraxia, but have never been diagnosed with it or anything. Strange. It's not all that bad a form if I do have it though...

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I'm a triplet, yet look NOTHING alike my two sisters So simple questions like:


why do we not look anything alike as though I should have the answers.


Do we have telekinetic connections like twins supposedly have- usually an odd one some people ask.


Is it hard sharing a birthday with two other people, not hard but weird.


Is there something wrong with me? I find it hard to understand people thinking that just because I'm a triplet, medically we are supposed to be more at risk from diseases etc at birth but we're all perfectly fine (except the ginger one, she's fucked).


Also I'm going into an accountancy based job even though I study law. People struggle to understand why I changed. I find it tedious to explain that, but do like saying I have a job :p


I also struggled to explain "Who is John Galt?" the other day to Ashley.

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I'm a triplet, yet look NOTHING alike my two sisters So simple questions like:


why do we not look anything alike as though I should have the answers.


Do we have telekinetic connections like twins supposedly have- usually an odd one some people ask.


Is it hard sharing a birthday with two other people, not hard but weird.


Is there something wrong with me? I find it hard to understand people thinking that just because I'm a triplet, medically we are supposed to be more at risk from diseases etc at birth but we're all perfectly fine (except the ginger one, she's fucked).


Ha, I was just about to post something like this. I'm a triplet too! *high five* The same old shit always comes up in conversation...


Wow you're a triplet?


Wow, but you look nothing alike!

We're not identical.

Gee, your poor old mum!


It must be so weird growing up as a triplet!

Not really, just like growing up with any other brothers and sisters really.


Can you speak to each other telepathically?

Yes, I'm talking to them right now. They said you're a cunt.


When people ask "is there something wrong with me?" is always quite baffling. Because being a triplet obviously makes me a third of a person.

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What are those things in your ears? evolved, with age, into You're deaf, huh?. How's the job situation? is a bore.


I usually don't bother explaining it, but that comes with its own set of problems. I recently found out that the office gossip at my last job was that I have autism. I mean...What?


Lol, social fail.

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I hate when people ask me why I don't drink alcohol, like there's something weird about it. I always feel like I need to defend myself, and saying "my mom has a drinking problem and so I grew up hating alcohol and what it does to people" never seems appropriate somehow. :blank:



*Looks at website*


I think I can...

Hey, women love Pokémon.


No, wait - I'm thinking of children. Never mind.

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I hate when people ask me why I don't drink alcohol, like there's something weird about it. I always feel like I need to defend myself, and saying "my mom has a drinking problem and so I grew up hating alcohol and what it does to people" never seems appropriate somehow. :blank:


Say you're a muslim/methodist/health freak.

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Ha, I was just about to post something like this. I'm a triplet too! *high five* The same old shit always comes up in conversation...


Wow you're a triplet?


Wow, but you look nothing alike!

We're not identical.

Gee, your poor old mum!


It must be so weird growing up as a triplet!

Not really, just like growing up with any other brothers and sisters really.


Can you speak to each other telepathically?

Yes, I'm talking to them right now. They said you're a cunt.


When people ask "is there something wrong with me?" is always quite baffling. Because being a triplet obviously makes me a third of a person.


*high fives*


It works great for job interviews saying you're a triplet though! When they ask for an ice breaker or a unique fact that separates you from people, just say you're a triplet and they will definitely remember you ;)

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It's not like I carry round a sign saying I own the site :p

Maybe you should! Can't make things worse. :heh:


At least you're attractive, so if women don't want to date you, it's not your looks that are the problem - it's your personality. Hope that helps. ;)



Say you're a muslim/methodist/health freak.

Haha, I'm totally going to say I'm a Muslim next time.

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Maybe you should! Can't make things worse. :heh:


At least you're attractive, so if women don't want to date you, it's not your looks that are the problem - it's your personality. Hope that helps. ;)




Haha, I'm totally going to say I'm a Muslim next time.

Kind of a backhanded compliment. "You're good looking but apparently your personality bites." Thanks :P

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Being the only Asian kid in pre, primary and secondary school, I was plagued with "where are you from?". My mum told me to say that I was born here, then when I started college I started saying that I'm Irish (I have both Irish and Chinese passports...). Except I blatantly don't look Irish and don't have Irish blood, so people end up not believing me. Especially drunks and strangers. It doesn't help that I don't have an Irish accent..apparently I sound Canadian yet look Japanese, which further fuels disbelief. I swear I'm not trying to trick everyone :(


Or recovering alcoholic, for the edgy effect?


Or that you're allergic to alcohol?

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Kind of a backhanded compliment. "You're good looking but apparently your personality bites." Thanks :P

You're welcome. :)


I'm sure your personality is fine, though. Just do what Chair does and blame your singleness on everyone in your town/city being awful.


That's what I do.

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Being the only Asian kid in pre, primary and secondary school, I was plagued with "where are you from?". My mum told me to say that I was born here, then when I started college I started saying that I'm Irish (I have both Irish and Chinese passports...). Except I blatantly don't look Irish and don't have Irish blood, so people end up not believing me. Especially drunks and strangers. It doesn't help that I don't have an Irish accent..apparently I sound Canadian yet look Japanese, which further fuels disbelief. I swear I'm not trying to trick everyone :(




Or that you're allergic to alcohol?


You didn't look Asian in the picture you posted O.o or am I thinking about someone else????

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I'm the only single one

Fine, be that way. That's the last time I'll give you excellent advice like that. :blank:


In my mind I'm picturing how your friends used to drag you out every weekend because they wanted to drink and/or hook up with someone, even though you would rather stay home and play Pokémon. And now that they're all coupled up, they refuse to return the favor.


New advice: get new friends.


Or you could just give up and die alone and bitter, but that won't make people stop asking you why you're single. But on the plus side, once you reach old age, people will just assume that you used to be married but that your wife has passed away!

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Fine, be that way. That's the last time I'll give you excellent advice like that. :blank:


In my mind I'm picturing how your friends used to drag you out every weekend because they wanted to drink and/or hook up with someone, even though you would rather stay home and play Pokémon. And now that they're all coupled up, they refuse to return the favor.


New advice: get new friends.


Or you could just give up and die alone and bitter, but that won't make people stop asking you why you're single. But on the plus side, once you reach old age, people will just assume that you used to be married but that your wife has passed away!

Give up, and die alone and bitter. Sounds like a plan. Thanks :)

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Is there something wrong with me?



I also struggled to explain "Who is John Galt?" the other day to Ashley.


Lies. You struggled to answer it.


I have the non-localised accent thing but it seldom gets enquired about. Usually I say it first anyway. "I'm from Birmingham but I don't have the accent thankfully" kind of thing.


And I struggle to explain my relationship with my elder sibling so I now just say I have one brother.

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*Looks at website*


I think I can...


Literally lol'd. Mainly cos i was gonna say the same thing until I scrolled down.


The single thing is a good one actually. 'Why did you choose chemistry for a degree, and that at Nottingham' is another, mainly because I have to explain I applied for medicine but didn't get an offer.


Oh! And Why do you spent so much money of clothes.

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Interesting. My problem regarding cheese seems to apply to alcohol for many people here, yet I also dislike alcohol, but most people I've met seem to understand it just fine (unlike with cheese)


Again, I must go back to 'bitch, please'. That would be an improvement!


As it stands, they write something like 15 English words/phrases on the board, and the corresponding words/phrases next to them. Then they go down the list telling people to say them.


It's so bad, I learnt less French in 4 years than Malay in 4 hours. What French I know is mainly from being in Francophone countries.


I think you all know I love explaining things.


Pretty much, with a few bells and whistles, for GCSE and below at least. Stupid.


Damn, that really is bad :hmm:


For comparison, in Portugal, English and French were obligatory in my time (though I think nowadays Spanish or German can be taken instead of French). We'd usually learn some basic aspects of the language in the first weeks, and then start discussing a different subject a week (with increasing levels of complexity). I even remember one time where we discussed the lyrics in Madonna's "Material Girl" :heh:

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Oh, God. Where do I begin with this thread.


This happened before when I went to get a haircut.


*person looks puzzled at me* "Where are you from?"

"I'm from South Wales."

"...k...you don't...sound like you're from Wales."

"Well, my Mother and her family are from the Greater Manchester area, so I guess I sound like a mixture of them and stuff."

"ok...cool. So, are you Spanish?"


"Italian? You don't look Welsh."

"Oh yeah, my Dad is from Pakistan."

"So, you're Pakistani?"

"Uhh...I guess? I dunno!"


Another one as well is explaining my family history. Basically, I was brought up by my grandparents (my Grandad is Pakistani and my Mother is a whiteymcwhitewhite), and so my real Dad was half-cast, and he then married a Pakistani (which didn't work out.) So, my grandparents took care of me.


Ok, thats simple so far. Except, that I call my grandparents Mum and Dad and I refer to my real dad by his name, although whenever people ask me who he is, I call him my Dad. So, it sounds like I have 2 Dads, when I actually have one.


Still simple, but then you throw into the equation that my Sister is actually my Aunty. She's my Dad's sister but she grew up with me and my brothers in my grandparents/Mum and Dad's house, so throughout my life I've seen her and refered to her as my sister.


So, my Grandparents are my Mum and Dad, my real Dad is Shakeel and my sister is my Aunty. :D


Throw into the mix that Ine is Belgium and we have all the colours of the rainbow.


Another one is that I actually did have a sister years ago who died. So, if somebody asks me if I have a sister, the response could be 0, 1 or 2! 0 because technically I don't have a sister anymore. 1 because I guess I did have one, or that I have my current aunty who I see as a sister. Or 2 because well...I count them both.


I say 1, usually. Hit the one in the middle!

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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