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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Oh wow, now I've gotta have one of those.


I was getting paranoid about it getting scratches on the back touchpad every time I put it down! :heh: I got it off eBay as there's quite a few in the £10-£15 price range on there.


RE: Treasures of Montezuma - it appears to be free to download, but it's taking a leaf out of iOS's book by supporting in-game purchases.

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I've just realised that the aesthetics of Wipeout 2048 kinda bother me. The previous games were all about sleek, futuristic functionality, neon lights and simple coloration, whereas this game is a lot more earthy grounded in the present. I was saying that I like this in a sort of narrative sense, but really, it's a racer, who the fuck am I kidding in saying that I give a shit about any sense of temporal progression rooted in its aesthetics?


Hopefully they'll provide some of the Wipeout HD tracks as DLC, would love to revisit those.


I've been banging on about this game for far too long, it really should have its own thread.

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That's true actually, the tracks in 2048 are a lot more like rollercoasters that totally fuck with your sense of vertical/horizontal, especially in the higher speed classes where you thrust off elevations in the tracks and it becomes as much about calculating trajectory as it is about finding a good racing line. Fantastic game, but not as visually iconic as it's antecedents.


It also feels more visceral and less understated; the way the boost pads thrust you forward and the sounds of the weapons. Unleashing quake on a group of online players has never been so brutally satisfying.


They're bringing the whole of Wipeout HD as DLC. Free if you already own the PS3 version.


I've heard rumours of this, but I was told it was only for cross play/ the tracks, for some bizarre reason wouldn't be available for single player races.


Also, the load times on this thing are a bit shit.

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That's excellent man. Looking forward to it :D.


Edit: Daft, nice you beat my times on a couple of tracks. Are you playing with pussy pilot assist on though? :heh:


Edit 2: Now just gone and trounced you by 11 seconds. Come at me bro.

Edited by The Bard
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If I beat your times it was only by luck. Got to say I'm feeling this much more than HD. It just seems tighter, less floaty. I love it.


Also, I love the sound. The engine noises and the crowd noises, awesome. I've always got the Tron legacy soundtrack going with the custom soundtrack and it's bloody heaven.


Only negative is there not being an option to set up a custom race. I think I read that they'll patch that and they were great with updates on HD, so fingers crossed.


I was kind of unenthused after the reviews but blimy it's a scorcher. The Vita has had the best bunch of launch titles by a country mile and then some. Unbelievable, tbh.

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I'm on the verge of buying one next week. Amazon has an offer right now...PSVita Wi-Fi for 250€ + free 8GB card and a game (probably Lumines for me) for an extra 15€. :blank:


Actually, I have no idea why I want to get one. I have loads of games to play (e.g. MGS HD Collection, FFXIII-2, Tales of The Abyss, AC Revelations, Rage...).


But there's something about this device...Whenever I read new posts in this thread, I want a PSVita.


I do have some questions, though:

Are downloadable PSP and PS One games playable on the PSVita?

Can I use a PSN account I already use with my PS3 and will my PS One games be available on the handheld?

Is there still the limitation of only one account per device?

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The Amazon offer isn't a free memory card I don't think. The latest offer I thought was 8GB card for £20 and select game for £15 (unless territory difference?)


PS1 games will be supported in a firmware update. However ALL PS1 games can be streamed from your PS3 to your Vita via remote play which results in a pretty decent playing experience.


You can log in with your PSN account on both your PS3 and Vita, even at the same time.


You can't have content (games etc) from multiple PSN accounts at the same time on your Vita unlike the PS3.


And most PSP titles you have already bought on the store can be downloaded onto your Vita by accessing your download history.

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The Amazon offer isn't a free memory card I don't think. The latest offer I thought was 8GB card for £20 and select game for £15 (unless territory difference?)


In Germany the memory card is free ;)


PS1 games will be supported in a firmware update. However ALL PS1 games can be streamed from your PS3 to your Vita via remote play which results in a pretty decent playing experience.


That's great.


You can't have content (games etc) from multiple PSN accounts at the same time on your Vita unlike the PS3.


So let's say I import a game from the UK and want a patch or DLC via the UK store, I can't do it if I have a German account? That's not so great as it kind of limits the whole 'no region lock idea'...is there a workaround or an update incoming?


And most PSP titles you have already bought on the store can be downloaded onto your Vita by accessing your download history.


Cool. Even though I don't have any PSP titles because I never owned a PSP, this is good news.

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I was under the impression that, apart from a few very small differences, the PlayStation Store is the same across the main European countries.


In Germany a lot of the 'more violent' games are cut and I've come across several issues with uncut imports and DLC from the German PSN store.


Some PSN games aren't even released in Germany due to regulations bla. That's why I'd like to have a UK account and a German one. But if you only can have one that's kind of, well...bad.

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Never played the sequels, but I remember getting really bummed out with it because I kept having to go back to earlier levels again and again because, like, what I had was insufficient for a boss level that I just couldn't get past. It's been years since I played it so I don't remember specifics, but I was really into it for like 2/3 of the way through.

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I caved. Ordered one. Just because Amazon reduced the price of the PSVita to 219€ and their special offer still was available.

So I got the handheld + 8GB memory card + Lumines for a total of 241€.


Hope it's worth it. :D


By the way, add me if you haven't. PSN ID: drahcon

Edited by drahkon
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