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So, Baelish killed the old hand of the king and suggested the Lannisters did it to get Ned there so he can discover that Joffrey isn't the kings son, framed Tyrion for trying to kill Bran so they'd capture him and pretty much set everything up to start the war.


I suppose the main thing he didn't expect was the Red Wedding, as he likely wanted Catelyn alive.



I found it very odd that Jon Snow and the knights watch mentioned that it was a new moon, and that they shouldn't go near that hut because there were supposedly hounds that would smell them and alert the others.


And what do they do? Well,they charge in single file while screaming. Does Jon Snow know nothing about tactics or stealth?

The one that was plotting to take Bran away was the one that talked about the hut. He told them there were hounds there so that Jon wouldn't see Bran and the guy could take Bran back as he planned.


Also, since I don't read the books I don't care at all if the show does things that doesn't happen in the books. Then there's less dangers of spoilers if the book readers are behind.

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The one that was plotting to take Bran away was the one that talked about the hut. He told them there were hounds there so that Jon wouldn't see Bran and the guy could take Bran back as he planned.readers are behind.


I know why he said there were hounds there, I just found it odd that the fake reasoning was that they would alert the others, and that they'll attack when it gets extremely dark, which both suggested a stealth approach.


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I know why he said there were hounds there, I just found it odd that the fake reasoning was that they would alert the others, and that they'll attack when it gets extremely dark, which both suggested a stealth approach.


I thought it was more along the lines of "Let's not fight near their hounds, where they can be released".


As for the Littlefinger thing, yeah, that sounds about right. Goes perfectly with what he said about "Chaos being a ladder". He got this far above in social hierarchy and standing precisely because there were wars going on, creating opportunities for him to rise. And no doubt Joffrey's death keeps the chaos going.


For the record, all of that is just personal interpretation. When it comes to Littlefinger's plans, I know as much as any show watcher.


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Certainly an interesting episode


Not as such a stealth attack. Why say it's a New Moon (which is perfect for a proper stealth attack) then go for the whole "charge". Nice to see Jon re-united with his Direwolf as well. And was anyone else expecting Hodor to say something after taking out Bran's kidnapper.


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Now that episode shows how well of an actor Peter Dinklage is. That speech he gave in the throne room on his trial certainly was a heck of a lot better than reading it in the books.


His acting was phenomenal. Fantastic scene. I can't wait for the next episode now.


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His acting was phenomenal. Fantastic scene. I can't wait for the next episode now.


Reading it in the books was one thing, it gave me an understanding on how great Tyrion is as a character. But Dinklage portrayed that out better than i expected, it showed me a completly different side to Tyrion.


Honestly, can't wait until Episode 7 and to see how it progresses further.


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The Wall (and associated storylines, crows, Bran etc) is still so bloody boring. Since the Red Wedding nothing about the North/Northerners has been interesting. The Wildling girl/Jon/their relationship last season was engaging but now it's so dull.


All the other plotlines are cool though. Interesting to see where this season is heading.


Margaery is ma reine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Phenomenal episode.


With the slight exception of the Grey Worm "romantic" scene, there was nothing I didn't enjoy about this episode. From Dany finding out about Jorah's betrayal, to the Tyrion/Jaime conversation about beetles and of course, the climatic fight scene (if you don't read the books, who saw that coming?) this was probably the best episode of Game of Thrones so far.



As was mentioned earlier, it also took me until about s3 to really start enjoying this show - always felt it was good but not great. Now it's started to hit its stride, I can't wait to see what happens next.

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I haven't watched this ep yet (stuck at work) but

I rememeber I had to read about the end of the fight so many times to fully understand what had just happened. When I understood, I put down the book and was just shocked with no-one to talk to about it. It was terrible!


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I haven't watched this ep yet (stuck at work) but

I rememeber I had to read about the end of the fight so many times to fully understand what had just happened. When I understood, I put down the book and was just shocked with no-one to talk to about it. It was terrible!


I know your pain, didn't expect that in the books, on screen its gonna be just as bad even with the knowledge of it happening

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Should I read the books first or watch the show? What do you think?


I'll say watch the show first. I prefer the books, but sometimes you come up with your own impressions of characters that get sullied by their representation in the show.

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Good God!

That was painful to watch! So twisted and horrible! The way the eyes just splatted out and the screams (though not painful enough?). I'm not made for splatter films.


I liked how Littlefinger mentioned people dying on the privy, though.


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I need to stop thinking "Well, that's definitely going to happen because character X's arc isn't finished and it's needed for character Y."


From now on I need to start thinking of things like: "Brienne and Pod are going to bump into Arya and The Hound. They're going to realise who she is and help her. Then a boulder will fall on them, killing them all."


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Aww, and just when I liked him. Didn't fully see that scene. Had my hand covering the worst of it.


And yeah, Arya's laugher was the highlight. They spent, what, three seasons worth of time getting there?


The next episode is the second to last right? Oh god.




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