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I'm not done with reading the books but does it matter what age Bran and the others have?


Not particularly. Obviously the fact that they're children (considering some of the stuff that happens to them) matters.


All of the children were made a few years older in the TV series. For example, Jon Snow and Robb Stark were 15 in the books. The Stark children were generally made to be about 2 years older in the TV series.

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It doesn't matter, he just seems to have changed a lot in a short space of time.


Also, I haven't read the books, but I believe that a load of events in multiple books happen at the same time, and the show is doing a chronological order.


True, he will soon be a man grown.


Yes, that is right. It's just hard to keep track of when something is chronological and when something's simultaneous in the books.


All of the children were made a few years older in the TV series. For example, Jon Snow and Robb Stark were 15 in the books. The Stark children were generally made to be about 2 years older in the TV series.


Yeah, I was surprised at reading that. Also the fact that they think 30-year-olds are old people. It makes me sad. :)

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Yeah, Bran's growth spurt was... incovenient :heh:


I swear, Joffrey's death was hilarious in the book. It honestly looked like he choked on the pie, and died like a pathetic, helpless dog.


In here, it was pretty obvious there was poison going around. I couldn't even celebrate his death, it looked so creepy. Jack Gleeson is a fantastic actor.


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Anyone else notice a distinct change in Bronn's accent? Like he's trying to be very slightly less working class. Possibly deliberate given he's supposed to have been in the captail around all the Lord's and Ladies for a while now, but having just watched the previous seasons it was quite jarring. He's still one of my favourite characters though.


Also, it looks like they are going to use Bronn as the one retraining Jamie in using his left hand, rather than Ilyn Payne. I'm ok with that if it gets Bronn more TV time, but a bit of a departure from the silent guy who can't tell anyone about it, to the mouthiest character in the show (barring maybe the Hound)


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Anyone else notice a distinct change in Bronn's accent? Like he's trying to be very slightly less working class. Possibly deliberate given he's supposed to have been in the captail around all the Lord's and Ladies for a while now, but having just watched the previous seasons it was quite jarring. He's still one of my favourite characters though.


Also, it looks like they are going to use Bronn as the one retraining Jamie in using his left hand, rather than Ilyn Payne. I'm ok with that if it gets Bronn more TV time, but a bit of a departure from the silent guy who can't tell anyone about it, to the mouthiest character in the show (barring maybe the Hound)


I was thinking about that too but considering it'll give Bronn more screen time I decided I was fine with it :p especially as he doesn't seem that prominent in the later books.


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Anyone else notice a distinct change in Bronn's accent? Like he's trying to be very slightly less working class. Possibly deliberate given he's supposed to have been in the captail around all the Lord's and Ladies for a while now, but having just watched the previous seasons it was quite jarring. He's still one of my favourite characters though.


I did think he sounded different. I guess this was it, then.

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I'm not done with reading the books but does it matter what age Bran and the others have?


I'm more than half way through A Feast for Crows and haven't read about Bran for a long time - hence I haven't read about the scene with Bran and the tree in this episode. I'm curious how far they will progress with Bran now while having to skip major parts of the others' stories.


Also, Theon has got quite creepy!


A Feast For Crows and A Dance With Dragons are essentially one large book split in two. All the Bran POV chapters are in ADWD, but occur simultaneously with the events from AFFC.


They have started using some material from AFFC and ADWD in the show now.



They changed the story with Tyrion/Shae in that episode in a pretty drastic way. Not really happy with that to be honest.


I don't believe for one second that Shae got on that ship. Or maybe she got on the ship and came back. Whatever happened, I fully expect to see Shae at the trial and later on in Tywin's bed.


It is a bit strange how they changed Shae's character in the show. She was never whiny and irrational in the books. And Tyrion was always obsessed by her. Do you reckon the show writers are trying to spin it so that the reason Shae confesses is because she's pissed off at Tyrion? If so, that would be a change I would really disagree with.



Anyone else notice a distinct change in Bronn's accent? Like he's trying to be very slightly less working class. Possibly deliberate given he's supposed to have been in the captail around all the Lord's and Ladies for a while now, but having just watched the previous seasons it was quite jarring. He's still one of my favourite characters though.


Also, it looks like they are going to use Bronn as the one retraining Jamie in using his left hand, rather than Ilyn Payne. I'm ok with that if it gets Bronn more TV time, but a bit of a departure from the silent guy who can't tell anyone about it, to the mouthiest character in the show (barring maybe the Hound)


The actor who played Ilyn Payne, Wilko Johnson, has terminal cancer. :( The change was forced upon the writers.


I actually strongly approve of using Bronn as a replacement. Bronn is fantastic in the show and we need more scenes with him. Book Bronn doesn't appear very much from this point on, so keeping him with Jaime is a novel way of getting more mileage out of the character.


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I don't believe for one second that Shae got on that ship. Or maybe she got on the ship and came back. Whatever happened, I fully expect to see Shae at the trial and later on in Tywin's bed.


It is a bit strange how they changed Shae's character in the show. She was never whiny and irrational in the books. And Tyrion was always obsessed by her. Do you reckon the show writers are trying to spin it so that the reason Shae confesses is because she's pissed off at Tyrion? If so, that would be a change I would really disagree with.



No, I don't think she got on the ship either. But they've basically changed Tyrion into a bit of a dick and giving a more credible reason for Shae betraying him (in more ways than one). Having Tyrion say she was a whore and that he wanted Sansa was a real sticking point since that never happened and just felt really odd.


Seeing as Tyrion is now setting up his own downfall here it won't make as much sense when he goes raging bull regarding Shae at the end of the series.


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No, I don't think she got on the ship either. But they've basically changed Tyrion into a bit of a dick and giving a more credible reason for Shae betraying him (in more ways than one). Having Tyrion say she was a whore and that he wanted Sansa was a real sticking point since that never happened and just felt really odd.


Seeing as Tyrion is now setting up his own downfall here it won't make as much sense when he goes raging bull regarding Shae at the end of the series.


I agree, the whole "you're a whore" dialogue seemed completely out of character.


The tragedy with Shae in the books is, from Tyrion's point of view, Shae is completely devoted to Tyrion. They never had arguments and Shae never got bitter about him marrying Sansa. Tyrion worries about her safety and getting found out but that's about it really. It makes Shae's betrayal that much more tragic in Tyrion's eyes.


That said, they need to remind the audience that Tyrion isn't a bonafide 100% good guy. There has always been a bit of a mean streak in him.


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I agree, the whole "you're a whore" dialogue seemed completely out of character.


The tragedy with Shae in the books is, from Tyrion's point of view, Shae is completely devoted to Tyrion. They never had arguments and Shae never got bitter about him marrying Sansa. Tyrion worries about her safety and getting found out but that's about it really. It makes Shae's betrayal that much more tragic in Tyrion's eyes.


That said, they need to remind the audience that Tyrion isn't a bonafide 100% good guy. There has always been a bit of a mean streak in him.


Book Shae was a shallow whore from the start, though, just one who pleased Tyrion a lot. TV Shae is a much more sympathetic character, and the love is more genuine, so splitting them up like this makes sense to set up the later events.


However, there's a lot of suspension of disbelief to be had. A whore is jealous? Really? A woman who's used to sleeping with happily married men? I watched Season 3 before reading the books and I thought it implausible. They should've just had Tyrion telling her to get out of the city more and more aggressively until he snapped into saying that. No jealousy involved.


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I watch GoT when it comes out on Bluray so I don't have to put up with adverts and week long waits between episodes. My "friend" on Facebook just revealed what happened in episode 2. Not even subtly or accidentally. Full on posted it as his status.


Due to being a weapons grade omni-cunt, he is no longer on my friends list.

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Well, well.


The whole Joffery death scene, it was a well done scene and played out well. It's a shame we probably won't see Jack Gleeson anymore. He's a fine actor. The thing that puzzles me though, it was more obvious in the episode there was poison going around (and whom delivered it to the chalice) as it's been said. I originally thought in the book the pie caused his death, but alas as we know in later parts there was no pie in his throat as per Tyrions plea.


I too also firmly believe Shae was not on the boat and will appear in Tywin's bedroom just as the book en-tales it to be later on. And also, i too feel that Theon has gone too creepy for my liking. He's gone down the Rocky Horror route.



Still, bring on episode 3 next week.

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