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Game of Thrones


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Well... I don't think the actor's aged ten years in the last three years :p I'm glad they haven't changed the actor. They've done it a few times, it was especially jarring with Daario Naharis.


That's a valid point, it is indeed the same actor. I just seemed to remember him being much younger, like 4 in the first season. That would only make him 10 now but he's obviously older (14 now actually). Oh well, it was just a surprise to me, nothing serious.


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That's a valid point, it is indeed the same actor. I just seemed to remember him being much younger, like 4 in the first season. That would only make him 10 now but he's obviously older (14 now actually). Oh well, it was just a surprise to me, nothing serious.

Unavoidable really, it's the same with Bran. Similar thing happened with Carl in TWD.


Speaking of Bran, poor lad, puberty has not been kind to him.


I'm curious at what point during his tree visitation they decided a haircut was important.


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I've always thought George R R Martin liked to be a prick tease, especially with all the nudity and his frequent use of cliff hangers, but bloody hell this season has been the worst! First it was the whole Jon Snow thing,

its the freaking Tower of Joy


god damn it!


Its actually not nice to see Rickon back, for a member of one of the main families, he has always been filler and annoyingly surviving filler - when he named his Direwolf something stupid 'ShaggyDog' i thought oh man he's dead asap

6 seasons later the Direwolf has died off screen, and Rickon has developed elephantiasis or something because that seven year old is huuuuuuuuuge!

How long before Ramsey is serving up chipolatas again?



All in all a good episode

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Am I the only one who really doesn't think Game of thrones is amazing? I find it quite dull in the main with a few exciting episodes towards the end of the season; I like it's brutalness, I like some of the dialogue (particularly Bronn and Hound) and the story is fantastic as a broad whole; but I just don't think the acting is good enough or the writing quite strong enough....


Last nights episode was so boring. The humor so cringe worthy... That fart gag... Childish, stupid show.


Afterwards I watched House of Cards, it is everything this can only dream to be!!


My main gripe is that so little time is spent on each character. There are also so many each time someone comes on screen who isn't one of the main characters I'm wondering who they are.

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Well that's a problem with making a TV show out of a book - books can focus on many more plot lines and characters. I think they've managed pretty well though, to be fair.


In fact, consider yourself lucky, the books have about 3 times the amount of characters in, of which 90% of them are pointless.

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Am I the only one who really doesn't think Game of thrones is amazing? I find it quite dull in the main with a few exciting episodes towards the end of the season; I like it's brutalness, I like some of the dialogue (particularly Bronn and Hound) and the story is fantastic as a broad whole; but I just don't think the acting is good enough or the writing quite strong enough....


Last nights episode was so boring. The humor so cringe worthy... That fart gag... Childish, stupid show.


Afterwards I watched House of Cards, it is everything this can only dream to be!!


Totally agree. It's alright and I can see why it has such a large fanbase but as a whole, it's just that - alright.


The Americans is by far the best thing on tv right now. Fantastic acting, great costumes, setting and dialogue. Just absolutely spot on. Thrones is a B show in comparison in my book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^ lol at House of Cards being the comparison of a great show. They're both hugely entertaining but they clearly aim for and achieve similar things - being hugely entertaining dramas, tier B, as doggy dog puts it.


Nonetheless, this season has been fantastic thus far. I feel like, freed from the shackles of the source material, the plot is moving twice as fast this season. The bran scenes last episode were truely awesome in payoff. And the acting is always top notch.


Good to see ma boy Jorah has some life left in him. His wisened old face always gets me them feels.


Finding the Arya stuff pretty tedious and wholely disconnected from the rest of the show though.


Glad to see Sansa springing into life after being a wet songe (/poor actor?) for so long.


Kind of found the forest children stuff to be a letdown though? All that time for like 2 flashbacks? Hope mira can run fast..





Would also like to recomend the Telltale game to you all if you're fans of the series. I thought it was a total blast!

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  • 2 weeks later...
^^ lol at House of Cards being the comparison of a great show. They're both hugely entertaining but they clearly aim for and achieve similar things - being hugely entertaining dramas, tier B, as doggy dog puts it.


Nonetheless, this season has been fantastic thus far. I feel like, freed from the shackles of the source material, the plot is moving twice as fast this season. The bran scenes last episode were truely awesome in payoff. And the acting is always top notch.


Good to see ma boy Jorah has some life left in him. His wisened old face always gets me them feels.


Finding the Arya stuff pretty tedious and wholely disconnected from the rest of the show though.


Glad to see Sansa springing into life after being a wet songe (/poor actor?) for so long.


Kind of found the forest children stuff to be a letdown though? All that time for like 2 flashbacks? Hope mira can run fast..





Would also like to recomend the Telltale game to you all if you're fans of the series. I thought it was a total blast!


I do really like Sansa Stark... its just a shame they had to make her being raped part of her becoming stronger. So, thats put me off of her a little bit - they always do that with 'strong' women in TV and cinema. So boring and stupid. It ruins everything.


I've never been an Arya fan either. I think shes an alright character, dont get me wrong. She's just a little bit cliched maybe?


My favourite all time character is probably Stannis because hes a cool fighter (leading from the front and getting stuck in) but such a pompous imperialist ass at the same time :p Gotta love that. Too bad he had to go and possibly die :( I mean, he almost definitely died right? I'm just holding out that little bit of hope :cry:

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I do really like Sansa Stark... its just a shame they had to make her being raped part of her becoming stronger. So, thats put me off of her a little bit - they always do that with 'strong' women in TV and cinema. So boring and stupid. It ruins everything.


I've never been an Arya fan either. I think shes an alright character, dont get me wrong. She's just a little bit cliched maybe?


My favourite all time character is probably Stannis because hes a cool fighter (leading from the front and getting stuck in) but such a pompous imperialist ass at the same time :p Gotta love that. Too bad he had to go and possibly die :( I mean, he almost definitely died right? I'm just holding out that little bit of hope :cry:

Didn't Brienne confirm she killed him? As revenge for Stannis' brother, whom she originally served. Episode 4 or 5 I think.


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Didn't Brienne confirm she killed him? As revenge for Stannis' brother, whom she originally served. Episode 4 or 5 I think.


Yes, she did :p But she could be lying! Please oh please let her be lying! :cry: :p :indeed:


Highlighting the horrors of rape is neither "boring" nor "stupid". And Sansa standing up to Littlefinger was a very empowering scene.


I actually think that her latest scene with Littlefinger is a turning point for her in the sense that it will lead to her eventual death. I just dont see how spurning Littlefinger in such a way and then keeping it a secret from her half-brother wont lead to some really bad consequences.


What I am saying about rape and sexual assault in film is that they are constantly used, by the writers, as a way to make the women characters strong. It is used to take away their supposed innocence so they can finally become stronger and more motivated than they otherwise could ever be. In that way it is stupid.

The fact that it is done over and over again in multiple films makes it boring.

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Anyone else catch this weeks episode. Few standout moments, mainly that


The theory of if you didn't see them die on-screen, they could be alive is in swing. Good ol Sandor Clegane (aka the Hound) is alive and well. And Margary could be playing mind-games with the Sparrow, same as the King.


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Anyone else catch this weeks episode. Few standout moments, mainly that


The theory of if you didn't see them die on-screen, they could be alive is in swing. Good ol Sandor Clegane (aka the Hound) is alive and well. And Margary could be playing mind-games with the Sparrow, same as the King.


I think you are right with Margary, the flower was symbolic certainly, her brother was the knight of flowers, but then it could have other meanings, rose with thorns? perhaps something not mentioned, eitherway i'm convinced she's playing along

As for off screen deaths, there aren't many others other than Stanis really, its more off screen rebirths i want now


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I think you are right with Margary, the flower was symbolic certainly, her brother was the knight of flowers, but then it could have other meanings, rose with thorns? perhaps something not mentioned, eitherway i'm convinced she's playing along

As for off screen deaths, there aren't many others other than Stanis really, its more off screen rebirths i want now


Well the Tyrell words are "Growing Strong" and that was pretty much a drawing of their house sigil. She's playing the Sparrow.


And I think the Hounds return, and the return of the Brotherhood means that...

Lady Stoneheart, aka, Caitlin Stark may be returning in two episodes, exactly three seasons since she "left".



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I think you are right with Margary, the flower was symbolic certainly, her brother was the knight of flowers, but then it could have other meanings, rose with thorns? perhaps something not mentioned, eitherway i'm convinced she's playing along

As for off screen deaths, there aren't many others other than Stanis really, its more off screen rebirths i want now


Her mum is the Queen of Thorns, and a rose with thorns is their house sigil (just not drawn like that).


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Yes, she did :p But she could be lying! Please oh please let her be lying! :cry: :p :indeed:




I actually think that her latest scene with Littlefinger is a turning point for her in the sense that it will lead to her eventual death. I just dont see how spurning Littlefinger in such a way and then keeping it a secret from her half-brother wont lead to some really bad consequences.


What I am saying about rape and sexual assault in film is that they are constantly used, by the writers, as a way to make the women characters strong. It is used to take away their supposed innocence so they can finally become stronger and more motivated than they otherwise could ever be. In that way it is stupid.

The fact that it is done over and over again in multiple films makes it boring.


For me the annoying thing about rape in fiction is that it never happens to men. ASoIaF often uses the argument of realism for it's dealings with distressing and graphic topics. Yet if that's the case why is there little mention of rape against men?


The Night's Watch is essential a prison full of a few dozen men, many of whom are rapists. There would be plenty of rape in there.


The only time I can think of when rape was used against a man was when Theon first tried to escape from the Winterfell, and the man that caught him said "I'm gonna fuck you into the ground" whilst he was undoing his breeches. But he took an arrow in the back before anything could happen.


I think it leads to an issue of lack of support for male victims of rape, and not being able to seek help. If there's no awareness then it's not a problem in society's eyes.

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Well the Tyrell words are "Growing Strong" and that was pretty much a drawing of their house sigil. She's playing the Sparrow.


And I think the Hounds return, and the return of the Brotherhood means that...

Lady Stoneheart, aka, Caitlin Stark may be returning in two episodes, exactly three seasons since she "left".



Agreed, I couldn't stop thinking those exact same thoughts. It all fits so well, somehow.

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Agreed, I couldn't stop thinking those exact same thoughts. It all fits so well, somehow.


Also, they mentioned Caitlin twice, without using her name and then said, "It's never too late to come back."


That was a right clanger to me, and wouldn't have been said without something coming from it. Clever foreshadowing.


They also did the same thing in the episode before Bran fucked up Hodor. Three different characters said something along the lines of, "the past is the past and you cannot change that."


I'm paraphrasing but still.


If Lady Stoneheart doesn't appear soon I'll be disappointed and also annoyed I wasn't right. lol


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Also, they mentioned Caitlin twice, without using her name and then said, "It's never too late to come back."


That was a right clanger to me, and wouldn't have been said without something coming from it. Clever foreshadowing.


They also did the same thing in the episode before Bran fucked up Hodor. Three different characters said something along the lines of, "the past is the past and you cannot change that."


I'm paraphrasing but still.


If Lady Stoneheart doesn't appear soon I'll be disappointed and also annoyed I wasn't right. lol

The Faceless priest also alluded to it when he said "Not only the bad people get to die".

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For me the annoying thing about rape in fiction is that it never happens to men.

Because they become pussies a la Reek.



It's been awhile since I read the books so can't remember what is actually from the books and what is now coming from the 'winging it' style. The "BIG REVEAL" at the beginning of episode 7 was "meh" to me. I was even shown a video from Yankyland where they were showing an episode in a bar and people roared with cheer when he was shown... The fuck?!

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