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Promises that fail to deliver


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You know when a song/book/film/whatever just starts out amazing and then it just doesn't live up to the initial promise? Yeah, that's it.


Which annoyed you the most?










(Apart from I Am Legend, these are all still awesome, but they could've easily been better!)


You get the idea, right?



Will be back with more.

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The X-Files, in general. As much as I love it, the series end is pathetically weak and the sequel movie, despite a terrific soundtrack, sucks as a whole given the hundreds of OTHER IDEAS they must have had. Such a tragically wasted opportunity.


HALO 3: ODST was pretty wretched too. I think the Fable series so far is another great example of more promise than delivery. Can I say Nintendo as a company? I really want to say Nintendo, but it doesn't feel right given that they haven't really ended yet. Nintendo so far?


Blade Runner was promised to be incredible by reputation too, but it left me feeling hurt and betrayed. A movie I put off for years knowing it would be awesome actually turned out to be utter garbage.


Red Dwarf is also somewhat guilty. Back to Earth was a X-Files: I Want to Believe bad.

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The X-Files, in general. As much as I love it, the series end is pathetically weak and the sequel movie, despite a terrific soundtrack, sucks as a whole given the hundreds of OTHER IDEAS they must have had. Such a tragically wasted opportunity.


HALO 3: ODST was pretty wretched too. I think the Fable series so far is another great example of more promise than delivery. Can I say Nintendo as a company? I really want to say Nintendo, but it doesn't feel right given that they haven't really ended yet. Nintendo so far?


Blade Runner was promised to be incredible by reputation too, but it left me feeling hurt and betrayed. A movie I put off for years knowing it would be awesome actually turned out to be utter garbage.


Red Dwarf is also somewhat guilty. Back to Earth was a X-Files: I Want to Believe bad.


Ok, I agree for the most part... but Blade Runner? :weep:

Come on, it's probably the best sci-fi movie ever made!!! (yep, I think it's better than Empire Strikes Back) How can you call it utter garbage? :sad:

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Ok, I agree for the most part... but Blade Runner? :weep:

Come on, it's probably the best sci-fi movie ever made!!! (yep, I think it's better than Empire Strikes Back) How can you call it utter garbage? :sad:


In fairness, I need to see it again. I think I was put off by the fact it was so boring. A movie with the words "Blade" and "Runner" in the title implies majority action and excitement, not the odd instance of shooty-shooty and what felt like thousands of hours of futuristic dialogue slotted between arbitrary special effects model shots of an orange city.


I guess I get what Ridley Scott was aiming for, and eventually attained after the nth directors cut, but it just wasn't for me. Once I see it again I hope I'll be able to look at it objectively as the movie it is, not what it isn't.

Edited by Guy
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I think the Fable series so far is another great example of more promise than delivery.

The Fable series is the definition of failed promises. It's always something like "your weapon will evolve depending on how you play the game", which then turns out to be more like "if you choose to unlock melee attack level 4, it will randomly select one of four colours for the hilt of your sword".

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The X-Files, in general. As much as I love it, the series end is pathetically weak and the sequel movie, despite a terrific soundtrack, sucks as a whole given the hundreds of OTHER IDEAS they must have had. Such a tragically wasted opportunity.


Blade Runner was promised to be incredible by reputation too, but it left me feeling hurt and betrayed. A movie I put off for years knowing it would be awesome actually turned out to be utter garbage.


I've not seen the second X-Files film yet. But, your words hurt me deep. In fact, it almost qualifies as insertion.


I'm just finished series/season 8 of the X-Files with Ine, and we're both loving it still. Adding Doggett gave the series a new approach, and I think they wrote his character really well. The one thing I'm not too keen on is that the story focuses so much around the running plot about the invasion, whereas I actually just prefer the singular episodes which don't relate to each other. I think that's the strong point of the series, in my opinion anyway.


As for Blade Runner, I cried! It's not necessarily an action film. It's...film noir, a detective story crossed with Science fiction. I really love the film, although I don't think everyone will find it a comfortable experience. Its pretty bleak, and if you prefer action over dialogue, then it might not be for you. I really like the dialogue thought, especially the scenes towards the end of the film.


The whole rooftop scene with Rutger Hauer and Harrison Ford (Quite an experience to live in fear, etc) is one of my favourite movie scenes now :)


~ ~ ~


As for my addition, probably The Incredibles.


I enjoyed the introduction, and with the "newspaper headlines" part, along with the "hero relocation program" stuff, that amused me. But, somewhere along the line, it just got pretty lame and I didn't find it as good as I had hoped it to be. Don't understand why it's regarded so highly. My second viewing of it reinforced my opinion, but I hope maybe one day I'll grow to like it.


The other example is Walking on a Dream - Empire of the Sun. Country is a tune which I can play over and over again and never ever will get tired of it. However, the rest of the album just didn't stand out for me at all. Was disappointed with what I heard, especially as I had such high hopes for it. :(

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A little bit. I'm not sure if it disappointed...maybe it was more how hurried the run-up to the Season 5 climax of Angel was...it left me all very dry. Not necessarily a BAD ending, but it felt badly done. I still haven't decided what I think of it really.

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Anything this twat says:






To be fair it was fairly shit throughout.




This did so well but then fucked itself over with its (at the time) "modern" story thread.



You start off thinking that although things will change, things will get "normal" soon and regular plot may resume. Instead you got your fond memories pissed on.



Although not my (totally) personal opinion, but I know many weren't that happy with the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. It's just the whole awesome concept of the Dark Side which seems to be alienated. It makes you more powerful (due to anger and hate, not something you need to posess all the time I'm guessing. Mainly during the battle in question. Since you're not that happy with the chap you're fighting with) and the Dark Side seems to piss all over the "Light" Side*. With its ability to fuck over everyone. Even Yoda, the darkside fucks over the future, it's fucking up the senate. By Episode III Yoda notices the Chancellor is clouded by the Dark Side. Either:

A] Yoda suddenly noticed.

B] Palpatine decided enough was enough and let his "guard" down.



*Was it ever called that in the original canon? Or just a plain opposite. Normally it was just called The Force.

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Anything this twat says:



I don't understand why people have no empathy for politicians, and their tough decisions. What else was he supposed to do, sitting amongst a majority of conservative MPs? I'd prefer he make a compromise and keep the coalition working smoothly.


Show contempt for the conservatives for forcing the decision on him. I don't see how its remotely useful for us to witch-hunt him, when he's the goodguy of a bad bunch.

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I don't understand why people have no empathy for politicians, and their tough decisions. What else was he supposed to do, sitting amongst a majority of conservative MPs? I'd prefer he make a compromise and keep the coalition working smoothly.


Show contempt for the conservatives for forcing the decision on him. I don't see how its remotely useful for us to witch-hunt him, when he's the goodguy of a bad bunch.


That's David Cameron, the Tory leader.

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I don't understand why people have no empathy for politicians, and their tough decisions. What else was he supposed to do, sitting amongst a majority of conservative MPs? I'd prefer he make a compromise and keep the coalition working smoothly.


Show contempt for the conservatives for forcing the decision on him. I don't see how its remotely useful for us to witch-hunt him, when he's the goodguy of a bad bunch.

Did you form this opinion before or after going to the protests and encouraging people to destroy property?


If before, I do hope you told your fellow protesters where to direct their anger and leave Britney innocent Cameron alone.

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That's David Cameron, the Tory leader.


Oh, I've gone insane.


(I love though).


Did you form this opinion before or after going to the protests and encouraging people to destroy property?


After. Battlestar Galactica has made me reanalyse everything I know about life.

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Woooaah there sparky! Woah!

Say what!?


Come on, be honest. It starts out like it's going to be the best song ever... and then it just turns into "old beach boys sound" without any type of remorse. I really would love to hear Brian Wilson's complete (and original) version. It's too bad he got pretty much forced to stick with this version for the recently released (and true) version of smile.

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